| <script src="../../resources/dump-as-markup.js"></script> |
| <div id="test" contenteditable="true"> |
| <div contenteditable="false">1</div>tryToInsertLineBreakInThisLine</div> |
| Markup.description('Testcase for bug https://webkit.org/b/113007: Unable to insert a paragraph in between some text whose previous sibling is a non-editable block.\n'+ |
| 'The test has passed if three lines are displayed instead of two, with the last line consisting of the letter "e".'); |
| var test = document.getElementById('test'); |
| var selection = window.getSelection(); |
| selection.collapse(test, test.childNodes.length); |
| selection.modify("move", "backward", "character"); |
| document.execCommand("InsertParagraph"); |