| This tests that retrieving a cell for a table multiple times doesn't crash. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS axTable.role is 'AXRole: AXTable' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS axCell.role is 'AXRole: AXCell' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |