| Verifies the implicit values for aria-value* are correct for the spinbutton role. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS spinbutton1.minValue <= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is true |
| PASS spinbutton1.intValue is 0 |
| PASS spinbutton1.maxValue >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is true |
| PASS spinbutton2.minValue is 1 |
| PASS spinbutton2.intValue is 0 |
| PASS spinbutton2.maxValue >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is true |
| PASS spinbutton3.minValue <= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is true |
| PASS spinbutton3.intValue is 1 |
| PASS spinbutton3.maxValue >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is true |
| PASS spinbutton4.minValue <= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is true |
| PASS spinbutton4.intValue is 0 |
| PASS spinbutton4.maxValue is 1 |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |