blob: 95c22542bdd64c75485fc4e4b36d5b03d85f6418 [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL Redirect 20 times, last redirection to cross-origin assert_equals: Response's status is 200 expected 200 but got 404
FAIL Redirect 21 times, last redirection to cross-origin assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
FAIL Redirect 20 times, going to cross-origin after 10 assert_equals: Response's status is 200 expected 200 but got 404
FAIL Redirect 21 times, going to cross-origin after 10 assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
FAIL Redirect 20 times, last redirection to cross-origin with preflight assert_equals: Response's status is 200 expected 200 but got 404
FAIL Redirect 21 times, last redirection to cross-origin with preflight assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code
FAIL Redirect 20 times, going to cross-origin after 10 with preflight assert_equals: Response's status is 200 expected 200 but got 404
FAIL Redirect 21 times, going to cross-origin after 10 with preflight assert_unreached: Should have rejected: undefined Reached unreachable code