| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <script src="../../js/resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| <script> |
| description('Non-relevant properties on mutation records should be null, except for NodeLists, which should be empty'); |
| var observer = new MutationObserver(function() {}); |
| |
| var text = document.createTextNode('something'); |
| observer.observe(text, {characterData: true}); |
| text.data = 'something else'; |
| var record = observer.takeRecords()[0]; |
| debug('characterData record:'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.attributeName'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.attributeNamespace'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.oldValue'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.previousSibling'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.nextSibling'); |
| shouldBe('record.addedNodes.length', '0'); |
| shouldBe('record.removedNodes.length', '0'); |
| |
| var div = document.createElement('div'); |
| observer.observe(div, {childList: true}); |
| div.appendChild(document.createElement('span')); |
| record = observer.takeRecords()[0]; |
| debug('\nchildList record:'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.attributeName'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.attributeNamespace'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.oldValue'); |
| |
| observer.observe(div, {attributes: true}); |
| div.setAttribute('data-foo', 'bar'); |
| record = observer.takeRecords()[0]; |
| debug('\nattributes record:'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.attributeNamespace'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.oldValue'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.previousSibling'); |
| shouldBeNull('record.nextSibling'); |
| shouldBe('record.addedNodes.length', '0'); |
| shouldBe('record.removedNodes.length', '0'); |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../js/resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |