| // This file was procedurally generated from the following sources: |
| // - src/spread/obj-spread-order.case |
| // - src/spread/default/super-call.template |
| /*--- |
| description: Spread operation follows [[OwnPropertyKeys]] order (SuperCall) |
| esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation |
| features: [Symbol, object-spread] |
| flags: [generated] |
| includes: [compareArray.js] |
| info: | |
| SuperCall : super Arguments |
| |
| 1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget(). |
| 2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception. |
| 3. Let func be GetSuperConstructor(). |
| 4. ReturnIfAbrupt(func). |
| 5. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments. |
| [...] |
| |
| Pending Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation |
| |
| PropertyDefinition:...AssignmentExpression |
| |
| 1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression. |
| 2. Let fromValue be GetValue(exprValue). |
| 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(fromValue). |
| 4. Let excludedNames be a new empty List. |
| 5. Return CopyDataProperties(object, fromValue, excludedNames). |
| |
| ---*/ |
| var calls = []; |
| var o = { get z() { calls.push('z') }, get a() { calls.push('a') } }; |
| Object.defineProperty(o, 1, { get: () => { calls.push(1) }, enumerable: true }); |
| Object.defineProperty(o, Symbol('foo'), { get: () => { calls.push("Symbol(foo)") }, enumerable: true }); |
| |
| |
| var callCount = 0; |
| |
| class Test262ParentClass { |
| constructor(obj) { |
| assert.compareArray(calls, [1, 'z', 'a', "Symbol(foo)"]); |
| assert.sameValue(Object.keys(obj).length, 3); |
| callCount += 1; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class Test262ChildClass extends Test262ParentClass { |
| constructor() { |
| super({...o}); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| new Test262ChildClass(); |
| assert.sameValue(callCount, 1); |