blob: b1c7626a3c4e94c9cdd08d8ffa2da1c34f35fb73 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "HTMLPlugInElement.h"
namespace WebCore {
class HTMLImageLoader;
class MouseEvent;
enum class CreatePlugins { No, Yes };
// Base class for HTMLAppletElement, HTMLEmbedElement, and HTMLObjectElement.
// FIXME: Perhaps HTMLAppletElement should inherit from HTMLPlugInElement directly instead.
class HTMLPlugInImageElement : public HTMLPlugInElement {
virtual ~HTMLPlugInImageElement();
RenderEmbeddedObject* renderEmbeddedObject() const;
virtual void updateWidget(CreatePlugins) = 0;
const String& serviceType() const { return m_serviceType; }
const String& url() const { return m_url; }
const URL& loadedUrl() const { return m_loadedUrl; }
String loadedMimeType() const
String mimeType = serviceType();
if (mimeType.isEmpty())
mimeType = mimeTypeFromURL(m_loadedUrl);
return mimeType;
// Public for FrameView::addWidgetToUpdate()
bool needsWidgetUpdate() const { return m_needsWidgetUpdate; }
void setNeedsWidgetUpdate(bool needsWidgetUpdate) { m_needsWidgetUpdate = needsWidgetUpdate; }
void userDidClickSnapshot(MouseEvent&, bool forwardEvent);
void checkSnapshotStatus();
Image* snapshotImage() const { return m_snapshotImage.get(); }
WEBCORE_EXPORT void restartSnapshottedPlugIn();
// Plug-in URL might not be the same as url() with overriding parameters.
void subframeLoaderWillCreatePlugIn(const URL& plugInURL);
void subframeLoaderDidCreatePlugIn(const Widget&);
WEBCORE_EXPORT void setIsPrimarySnapshottedPlugIn(bool);
bool partOfSnapshotOverlay(const Node*) const;
bool needsCheckForSizeChange() const { return m_needsCheckForSizeChange; }
void setNeedsCheckForSizeChange() { m_needsCheckForSizeChange = true; }
void checkSizeChangeForSnapshotting();
enum SnapshotDecision {
SnapshotDecision snapshotDecision() const { return m_snapshotDecision; }
HTMLPlugInImageElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document&, bool createdByParser);
void didMoveToNewDocument(Document& oldDocument) override;
bool requestObject(const String& url, const String& mimeType, const Vector<String>& paramNames, const Vector<String>& paramValues) final;
bool isImageType();
HTMLImageLoader* imageLoader() { return m_imageLoader.get(); }
bool allowedToLoadFrameURL(const String& url);
bool wouldLoadAsPlugIn(const String& url, const String& serviceType);
String m_serviceType;
String m_url;
std::unique_ptr<HTMLImageLoader> m_imageLoader;
bool isPlugInImageElement() const final { return true; }
bool isRestartedPlugin() const final { return m_isRestartedPlugin; }
bool allowedToLoadPluginContent(const String& url, const String& mimeType) const;
void finishParsingChildren() final;
void didAddUserAgentShadowRoot(ShadowRoot*) final;
RenderPtr<RenderElement> createElementRenderer(RenderStyle&&, const RenderTreePosition&) override;
bool childShouldCreateRenderer(const Node&) const override;
void willRecalcStyle(Style::Change) final;
void didAttachRenderers() final;
void willDetachRenderers() final;
void prepareForDocumentSuspension() final;
void resumeFromDocumentSuspension() final;
void defaultEventHandler(Event&) final;
void dispatchPendingMouseClick() final;
void updateSnapshot(Image*) final;
void startLoadingImage();
void updateWidgetIfNecessary();
void simulatedMouseClickTimerFired();
void restartSimilarPlugIns();
void removeSnapshotTimerFired();
bool isTopLevelFullPagePlugin(const RenderEmbeddedObject&) const;
void setDisplayState(DisplayState) final;
URL m_loadedUrl;
bool m_needsWidgetUpdate { false };
bool m_needsDocumentActivationCallbacks { false };
RefPtr<MouseEvent> m_pendingClickEventFromSnapshot;
DeferrableOneShotTimer m_simulatedMouseClickTimer;
Timer m_removeSnapshotTimer;
RefPtr<Image> m_snapshotImage;
bool m_createdDuringUserGesture { false };
bool m_isRestartedPlugin { false };
bool m_needsCheckForSizeChange { false };
bool m_plugInWasCreated { false };
bool m_deferredPromotionToPrimaryPlugIn { false };
IntSize m_sizeWhenSnapshotted;
SnapshotDecision m_snapshotDecision { SnapshotNotYetDecided };
bool m_plugInDimensionsSpecified { false };
} // namespace WebCore
static bool isType(const WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement& element) { return element.isPlugInImageElement(); }
static bool isType(const WebCore::Node& node) { return is<WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement>(node) && isType(downcast<WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement>(node)); }