blob: 6eb796a9b182056e5c3f6b4449ffe2a781d4d929 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 3082: Error: assert_equals: expected no popup during pagehide expected null but got object "[object Window]"
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 3082: Error: assert_equals: expected no popup during unload expected null but got object "[object Window]"
PASS no popups with frame removal
FAIL no popups with frame navigation assert_equals: expected no popup during beforeunload expected null but got object "[object Window]"
FAIL no popups from synchronously reachable window assert_equals: expected no popup during beforeunload expected null but got object "[object Window]"
FAIL no popups from another synchronously reachable window assert_equals: expected no popup during beforeunload expected null but got object "[object Window]"