| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="resources/cross-frame-access.js"></script> |
| <script> |
| var windowConstructorPropertiesNotAllowed = [ |
| "Attr", |
| "Audio", |
| "CDATASection", |
| "CSSPrimitiveValue", |
| "CSSRule", |
| "CSSStyleDeclaration", |
| "CSSValue", |
| "CharacterData", |
| "Comment", |
| "DOMException", |
| "DOMImplementation", |
| "DOMParser", |
| "Document", |
| "DocumentFragment", |
| "DocumentType", |
| "Element", |
| "EntityReference", |
| "EvalError", |
| "Event", |
| "HTMLAnchorElement", |
| "HTMLAudioElement", |
| "HTMLAppletElement", |
| "HTMLAreaElement", |
| "HTMLBRElement", |
| "HTMLBaseElement", |
| "HTMLBaseFontElement", |
| "HTMLBodyElement", |
| "HTMLButtonElement", |
| "HTMLCanvasElement", |
| "HTMLDListElement", |
| "HTMLDirectoryElement", |
| "HTMLDivElement", |
| "HTMLDocument", |
| "HTMLElement", |
| "HTMLFieldSetElement", |
| "HTMLFontElement", |
| "HTMLFormElement", |
| "HTMLFrameElement", |
| "HTMLFrameSetElement", |
| "HTMLHRElement", |
| "HTMLHeadElement", |
| "HTMLHeadingElement", |
| "HTMLHtmlElement", |
| "HTMLIFrameElement", |
| "HTMLImageElement", |
| "HTMLInputElement", |
| "HTMLIsIndexElement", |
| "HTMLLIElement", |
| "HTMLLabelElement", |
| "HTMLLegendElement", |
| "HTMLLinkElement", |
| "HTMLMapElement", |
| "HTMLMarqueeElement", |
| "HTMLMediaElement", |
| "HTMLMenuElement", |
| "HTMLMetaElement", |
| "HTMLModElement", |
| "HTMLOListElement", |
| "HTMLOptGroupElement", |
| "HTMLOptionElement", |
| "HTMLParagraphElement", |
| "HTMLParamElement", |
| "HTMLPreElement", |
| "HTMLQuoteElement", |
| "HTMLScriptElement", |
| "HTMLSelectElement", |
| "HTMLSourceElement", |
| "HTMLStyleElement", |
| "HTMLTableCaptionElement", |
| "HTMLTableCellElement", |
| "HTMLTableColElement", |
| "HTMLTableElement", |
| "HTMLTableRowElement", |
| "HTMLTableSectionElement", |
| "HTMLTextAreaElement", |
| "HTMLTitleElement", |
| "HTMLUListElement", |
| "HTMLVideoElement", |
| "Image", |
| "MutationEvent", |
| "Node", |
| "NodeFilter", |
| "Option", |
| "ProcessingInstruction", |
| "Range", |
| "RangeError", |
| "ReferenceError", |
| "SyntaxError", |
| "Text", |
| "TypeError", |
| "URIError", |
| "XMLDocument", |
| "XMLHttpRequest", |
| "XMLSerializer", |
| "XPathEvaluator", |
| "XPathResult", |
| "XSLTProcessor" |
| ]; |
| |
| var windowFunctionPropertiesNotAllowed = [ |
| "addEventListener", |
| "alert", |
| "atob", |
| "btoa", |
| "captureEvents", |
| "clearInterval", |
| "clearTimeout", |
| "confirm", |
| "find", |
| "getComputedStyle", |
| "getMatchedCSSRules", |
| "getSelection", |
| "moveBy", |
| "moveTo", |
| "open", |
| "print", |
| "prompt", |
| "releaseEvents", |
| "removeEventListener", |
| "resizeBy", |
| "resizeTo", |
| "scroll", |
| "scrollBy", |
| "scrollTo", |
| "setInterval", |
| "setTimeout", |
| "showModalDialog", |
| "stop", |
| "blur", |
| "close", |
| "focus" |
| ]; |
| |
| var windowAttributesPropertiesNotAllowed = [ |
| "clientInformation", |
| "console", |
| "crypto", |
| "defaultStatus", |
| "defaultstatus", |
| "devicePixelRatio", |
| "document", |
| "embeds", |
| "eval", |
| "event", |
| "frameElement", |
| "images", |
| "innerHeight", |
| "innerWidth", |
| "locationbar", |
| "menubar", |
| "name", |
| "navigator", |
| "offscreenBuffering", |
| "onabort", |
| "onbeforeunload", |
| "onblur", |
| "onchange", |
| "onclick", |
| "ondblclick", |
| "onerror", |
| "onfocus", |
| "onkeydown", |
| "onkeypress", |
| "onkeyup", |
| "onload", |
| "onmousedown", |
| "onmousemove", |
| "onmouseout", |
| "onmouseover", |
| "onmouseup", |
| "onmousewheel", |
| "onreset", |
| "onresize", |
| "onscroll", |
| "onsearch", |
| "onselect", |
| "onsubmit", |
| "onunload", |
| "outerHeight", |
| "outerWidth", |
| "pageXOffset", |
| "pageYOffset", |
| "personalbar", |
| "plugins", |
| "prototype", |
| "screen", |
| "screenLeft", |
| "screenTop", |
| "screenX", |
| "screenY", |
| "scrollX", |
| "scrollY", |
| "scrollbars", |
| "status", |
| "statusbar", |
| "toolbar", |
| "closed", |
| "frames", |
| "history", |
| "length", |
| "opener", |
| "parent", |
| "self", |
| "top", |
| "window" |
| ]; |
| |
| window.onload = function() |
| { |
| if (window.testRunner) { |
| testRunner.dumpAsText(); |
| testRunner.waitUntilDone(); |
| } |
| |
| if (window.testRunner) { |
| setTimeout(pollForTest, 1); |
| } else { |
| log("To run the test, click the button below when the opened window finishes loading."); |
| var button = document.createElement("button"); |
| button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Run Test")); |
| button.onclick = runTest; |
| document.body.appendChild(button); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pollForTest = function() |
| { |
| if (!testRunner.globalFlag) { |
| setTimeout(pollForTest, 1); |
| return; |
| } |
| runTest(); |
| testRunner.notifyDone(); |
| } |
| |
| runTest = function() |
| { |
| window.targetWindow = frames[0]; |
| |
| log("\n----- tests for getting of not allowed properties -----\n"); |
| |
| log("\n----- tests for getting of not allowed Constructors -----\n"); |
| for (var i = 0; i < windowConstructorPropertiesNotAllowed.length; i++) { |
| var property = windowConstructorPropertiesNotAllowed[i]; |
| shouldBeFalse("canGetDescriptor(targetWindow, '" + property + "')"); |
| } |
| |
| log("\n----- tests for getting of not allowed Functions -----\n"); |
| for (var i = 0; i < windowFunctionPropertiesNotAllowed.length; i++) { |
| var property = windowFunctionPropertiesNotAllowed[i]; |
| shouldBeFalse("canGetDescriptor(targetWindow, '" + property + "')"); |
| } |
| |
| log("\n----- tests for getting of not allowed Attributes -----\n"); |
| for (var i = 0; i < windowAttributesPropertiesNotAllowed.length; i++) { |
| var property = windowAttributesPropertiesNotAllowed[i]; |
| if (property == "document") |
| log("Firefox allows access to 'document' but throws an exception when you access its properties."); |
| shouldBeFalse("canGetDescriptor(targetWindow, '" + property + "')"); |
| } |
| log("----- tests access to cross domain location object -----"); |
| window.targetLocation = targetWindow.location; |
| var locationPropertiesNotAllowed = [ |
| "protocol", "host", "hostname", "port", "pathname", "search", "hash", "toString", "valueOf", "customProperty" |
| ]; |
| var locationPropertiesAllowed = [ |
| "assign", "replace", "reload" |
| ]; |
| for (var i = 0; i < locationPropertiesNotAllowed.length; i++) |
| shouldBeFalse("canGetDescriptor(targetLocation, '" + locationPropertiesNotAllowed[i] + "')"); |
| for (var i = 0; i < locationPropertiesAllowed.length; i++) |
| shouldBeTrue("canGetDescriptor(targetLocation, '" + locationPropertiesAllowed[i] + "')"); |
| |
| log("----- tests access to cross domain history object -----"); |
| window.targetHistory = targetWindow.history; |
| var historyPropertiesNotAllowed = [ |
| "length", "pushState", "replaceState", "customProperty" |
| ]; |
| var historyPropertiesAllowed = [ |
| "back", "forward", "go" |
| ]; |
| for (var i = 0; i < historyPropertiesNotAllowed.length; i++) |
| shouldBeFalse("canGetDescriptor(targetHistory, '" + historyPropertiesNotAllowed[i] + "')"); |
| for (var i = 0; i < historyPropertiesAllowed.length; i++) |
| shouldBeTrue("canGetDescriptor(targetHistory, '" + historyPropertiesAllowed[i] + "')"); |
| } |
| </script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <p>This test checks cross-frame access security of getOwnPropertyDescriptor (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32119).</p> |
| <iframe src="http://localhost:8000/security/resources/cross-frame-iframe-for-get-test.html" style=""></iframe> |
| <pre id="console"></pre> |
| </body> |
| </html> |