blob: f2499dc0465377376fa886b2cbb3bd0a9d86e421 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
<div id="element" name="element_name"></div>
description('This test checks that all but a handful of dom constructors throw exceptions, and the rest return reasonable objects. It also tests that those constructors have higher precedence than a document element with the same ID or name.');
var element = document.getElementById("element");
// These objects should throw an exception when their constructor is called
// with no arguments. (Some of them may have working constructors that require
// arguments to be valid.)
var objects_exception = [
// These objects should have a working constructor.
var objects_constructor = [
// These objects should have no constructor.
var objects_no_constructor = [
'EventTargetNode', 'UndetectableHTMLCollection',
'XPathNSResolver', 'EventListener', 'NPObject'
// These objects should have a working constructor, but their constructed
// object names differ. This is therefore a map from constructor name to
// constructed object.
var objects_different_constructor = {
'Audio': 'HTMLAudioElement',
'Option': 'HTMLOptionElement',
'Image': 'HTMLImageElement'
function TryAllocate(node) {
var Cons = this[node];
if (!Cons) return 'no constructor';
try { return Cons()); }
catch (e) { return 'exception'; }
function check(name, expected) {
actual = TryAllocate(node);
if (actual == expected) {
document.write("PASS: " + name + " '" + expected + "'<br>");
} else {
document.write("FAIL: " + name + " wanted '" + expected + "', got '" +
actual + "'<br>");
for (var i = 0; i < objects_exception.length; i++) {
var obj = objects_exception[i];
shouldBe("TryAllocate('" + obj + "')", "'exception'");
for (var i = 0; i < objects_no_constructor.length; i++) {
var obj = objects_no_constructor[i];
shouldBe("TryAllocate('" + obj + "')", "'no constructor'");
for (var i = 0; i < objects_constructor.length; i++) {
var obj = objects_constructor[i];
shouldBe("TryAllocate('" + obj + "')", "'[object " + obj + "]'"); = obj;
shouldBe("TryAllocate('" + obj + "')", "'[object " + obj + "]'"); = "element"; = obj;
shouldBe("TryAllocate('" + obj + "')", "'[object " + obj + "]'"); = "element_name";
for (var obj in objects_different_constructor) {
shouldBe("TryAllocate('" + obj + "')",
"'[object " + objects_different_constructor[obj] + "]'"); = obj;
shouldBe("TryAllocate('" + obj + "')",
"'[object " + objects_different_constructor[obj] + "]'"); = "element"; = obj;
shouldBe("TryAllocate('" + obj + "')",
"'[object " + objects_different_constructor[obj] + "]'"); = "element_name";
<script src="../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script>