| This is a test case for bug 64677. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| PASS String.prototype.toString.call(undefined) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.valueOf.call(undefined) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.charAt.call(undefined, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.charCodeAt.call(undefined, 0) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.concat.call(undefined, 'five') threw exception TypeError: String.prototype.concat requires that |this| not be null or undefined. |
| PASS String.prototype.indexOf.call(undefined, '2') threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(undefined, '2') threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.match.call(undefined, /2+/) threw exception TypeError: String.prototype.match requires that |this| not be null or undefined. |
| PASS String.prototype.replace.call(undefined, /2+/, '-') threw exception TypeError: String.prototype.replace requires that |this| not be null or undefined. |
| PASS String.prototype.search.call(undefined, '4') threw exception TypeError: String.prototype.search requires that |this| not be null or undefined. |
| PASS String.prototype.slice.call(undefined, 1, 3) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.split.call(undefined, '2') threw exception TypeError: String.prototype.split requires that |this| not be null or undefined. |
| PASS String.prototype.slice.call(undefined, 1, 3) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.substr.call(undefined, 1, 3) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.substring.call(undefined, 1, 3) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.toLowerCase.call(undefined) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.toUpperCase.call(undefined) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.localeCompare.call(undefined, '1224') threw exception TypeError: String.prototype.localeCompare requires that |this| not be null or undefined. |
| PASS String.prototype.toLocaleLowerCase.call(undefined) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase.call(undefined) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.trim.call(undefined) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.toString.call(1224) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.valueOf.call(1224) threw exception TypeError: Type error. |
| PASS String.prototype.charAt.call(1224, 0) is "1" |
| PASS String.prototype.charCodeAt.call(1224, 0) is 0x31 |
| PASS String.prototype.concat.call(1224, 'five') is "1224five" |
| PASS String.prototype.indexOf.call(1224, '2') is 1 |
| PASS String.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(1224, '2') is 2 |
| PASS String.prototype.match.call(1224, /2+/) is ["22"] |
| PASS String.prototype.replace.call(1224, /2+/, '-') is "1-4" |
| PASS String.prototype.search.call(1224, '4') is 3 |
| PASS String.prototype.slice.call(1224, 1, 3) is "22" |
| PASS String.prototype.split.call(1224, '2') is ["1","","4"] |
| PASS String.prototype.slice.call(1224, 1, 3) is "22" |
| PASS String.prototype.substr.call(1224, 1, 3) is "224" |
| PASS String.prototype.substring.call(1224, 1, 3) is "22" |
| PASS String.prototype.toLowerCase.call(1224) is "1224" |
| PASS String.prototype.toUpperCase.call(1224) is "1224" |
| PASS String.prototype.localeCompare.call(1224, '1224') is 0 |
| PASS String.prototype.toLocaleLowerCase.call(1224) is "1224" |
| PASS String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase.call(1224) is "1224" |
| PASS String.prototype.trim.call(1224) is "1224" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
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