| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> |
| |
| <script src=../media-file.js></script> |
| <script src=../video-test.js></script> |
| <script src=../media-controls.js></script> |
| |
| <script> |
| |
| var testTrack; |
| var testCueDisplayBox; |
| var seekedCount = 0; |
| var direction; |
| |
| var info = ["تجربة", |
| "\t1234", |
| "تجربة\nLTR new line, but cue should be RTL", |
| "LTR cue تجربة", |
| ";1234تجربة", |
| "\t०१२३४५६७८९ \t"]; |
| |
| function seeked() |
| { |
| testCueDisplayBox = textTrackDisplayElement(video, 'display'); |
| |
| consoleWrite(""); |
| consoleWrite("** Jump to next cue **"); |
| testExpected("video.currentTime", (seekedCount / 2) + .25); |
| testExpected("testTrack.track.activeCues.length", 1); |
| testExpected("testTrack.track.activeCues[0].text", info[seekedCount]); |
| testExpected("testCueDisplayBox.innerText", info[seekedCount]); |
| |
| direction = seekedCount % 2 ? "ltr" : "rtl"; |
| |
| consoleWrite(""); |
| consoleWrite("** The position should be default and CSS direction set to " + direction + " **"); |
| testExpected("2 * testCueDisplayBox.offsetLeft == video.videoWidth - testCueDisplayBox.offsetWidth", true); |
| |
| testExpected("getComputedStyle(testCueDisplayBox).direction", direction); |
| |
| if (++seekedCount == info.length) |
| endTest(); |
| else { |
| consoleWrite(""); |
| run("video.currentTime = " + (video.currentTime + .5)); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function loaded() |
| { |
| consoleWrite("Test that directionality is set correctly on cues."); |
| testTrack = document.querySelector('track'); |
| |
| findMediaElement(); |
| video.src = findMediaFile('video', '../content/test'); |
| |
| consoleWrite(""); |
| consoleWrite("** RTL cues alternate with LTR cues **"); |
| waitForEvent('seeked', seeked); |
| waitForEvent('canplaythrough', function() { video.currentTime = .25; }); |
| } |
| |
| setCaptionDisplayMode('Automatic'); |
| </script> |
| </head> |
| <body onload="loaded()"> |
| <video controls > |
| <track src="captions-webvtt/captions-rtl.vtt" kind="captions" default> |
| </video> |
| </body> |
| </html> |