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| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="28.328904" y="13">Baseline</tspan> |
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| <tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="8">jmp Lslow</tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="18.667969">nop</tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="29.335938">nop</tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="40.003906">nop</tspan> |
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| <text transform="translate(339.75 117.5)" fill="black"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="28.328904" y="13">Baseline</tspan> |
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| <tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="8">cmp S1, (%rax)</tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="18.667969">jnz Lslow</tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="29.335938">mov 10(%rax), %rax</tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="40.003906">nop</tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Monaco" font-size="8" font-weight="400" fill="black" x="0" y="50.671875">nop</tspan> |
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| <text transform="translate(663.25 117.5)" fill="black"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="41.211904" y="13">FTL</tspan> |
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| <text transform="translate(183 165)" fill="black"> |
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| </text> |
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| <text transform="translate(344.09946 165)" fill="black"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="11" font-style="italic" font-weight="200" fill="black" x="0" y="10">inline cache</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
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| <text transform="translate(501.5 190.38502)" fill="black"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="10" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="10">CheckStructure(@o, S1)</tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="10" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="22.29007">GetByOffset(@o, …)</tspan> |
| </text> |
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| <g id="Graphic_54"> |
| <text transform="translate(165.1138 315)" fill="black"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="4.2301" y="13">Step 1: </tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="black" y="13">Baseline code </tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="12.5761" y="29.37709">with uninitialized IC.</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_55"> |
| <text transform="translate(326.8638 315)" fill="black"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="4.2301" y="13">Step 2: </tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="black" y="13">Baseline code </tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="11.4646" y="29.37709">after IC repartching.</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| <g id="Graphic_56"> |
| <text transform="translate(488.2558 315)" fill="black"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="1.7081" y="13">Step 3: </tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="black" y="13">DFG code with </tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="38.3096" y="29.37709">inlined IC.</tspan> |
| </text> |
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| <g id="Graphic_57"> |
| <text transform="translate(650.0058 315)" fill="black"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="4.3536" y="13">Step 4: </tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="black" y="13">FTL code with </tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="13" font-style="italic" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="38.3096" y="29.37709">inlined IC.</tspan> |
| </text> |
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| <text transform="translate(663.8138 190.38502)" fill="black"> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="10" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="10">CheckStructure(@o, S1)</tspan> |
| <tspan font-family="Helvetica Neue" font-size="10" font-weight="300" fill="black" x="0" y="22.29007">GetByOffset(@o, …)</tspan> |
| </text> |
| </g> |
| </g> |
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