blob: 2573b81a6d91c443a9a83056d880984517b106ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Mozilla Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
es5id: 6.4_c
description: >
Tests that additional time zone names, if accepted, are handled
author: Norbert Lindenberg
// canonicalization specified in conformance clause
var additionalTimeZoneNames = {
"Etc/GMT": "UTC",
"Greenwich": "UTC",
"PRC": "Asia/Shanghai",
"AmErIcA/LoS_aNgElEs": "America/Los_Angeles",
"etc/gmt+7": "Etc/GMT+7"
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(additionalTimeZoneNames).forEach(function (name) {
var format, error;
try {
format = new Intl.DateTimeFormat([], {timeZone: name});
} catch (e) {
error = e;
if (error === undefined) {
var actual = format.resolvedOptions().timeZone;
var expected = additionalTimeZoneNames[name];
assert.sameValue(actual, expected, "Time zone name " + name + " was accepted, but incorrectly canonicalized.");
} else {
assert(error instanceof RangeError, "Time zone name " + name + " was rejected with wrong error " + + ".");