blob: 0347dd944c480f934e4a7ab71cfe3f40a9c2f567 [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../resources/webgl_test_files/conformance/extensions/oes-vertex-array-object.html
[ 1: PASS ] WebGL context exists
[ 2: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_ENUM : VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES should not be queryable if extension is disabled
[ 3: PASS ] Successfully enabled OES_vertex_array_object extension
[ 4: PASS ] OES_vertex_array_object listed as supported and getExtension succeeded
[ 6: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES query should succeed if extension is enabled
[ 7: PASS ] Default value of VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES is null
[ 8: PASS ] gl.getParameter(ext.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES) is null
[ 9: PASS ] gl.getParameter(ext.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES) is expected VAO
[ 10: PASS ] gl.getParameter(ext.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES) is expected VAO
[ 11: PASS ] gl.getParameter(ext.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES) is null
[ 12: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : binding a deleted vertex array object
[ 13: PASS ] gl.getParameter(ext.VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING_OES) is null
[ 14: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : createVertexArrayOES should not set an error
[ 15: PASS ] vao is non-null.
[ 16: PASS ] ext.isVertexArrayOES(vao) is false
[ 17: PASS ] ext.isVertexArrayOES(vao) is true
[ 18: PASS ] ext.isVertexArrayOES(vao) is true
[ 19: PASS ] ext.isVertexArrayOES(null) is false
[ 20: PASS ] All attributes preserved across bindings
[ 21: PASS ] Vertex attribute values are not attached to bindings
[ 22: FAIL ] Drawing with the default VAO should pass at (25, 25) expected: 0,0,0,255 was 128,128,128,255
[ 23: FAIL ] Drawing with the default VAO should pass at (20, 20) expected: 0,0,0,255 was 128,128,128,255
[ 24: FAIL ] Drawing with the default VAO should pass at (15, 15) expected: 0,0,0,255 was 128,128,128,255
[ 25: FAIL ] Drawing with the default VAO should pass at (10, 10) expected: 0,0,0,255 was 128,128,128,255
[ 26: FAIL ] Drawing with the default VAO should pass at (5, 5) expected: 0,0,0,255 was 255,255,255,255
[ 27: FAIL ] Drawing with the default VAO should pass at (0, 0) expected: 0,0,0,255 was 255,255,255,255
[ 28: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #0 should pass
[ 29: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #0 should pass
[ 30: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #0 should pass
[ 31: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #0 should pass
[ 32: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #0 should pass
[ 33: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #0 should pass
[ 34: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #1 should pass
[ 35: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #1 should pass
[ 36: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #1 should pass
[ 37: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #1 should pass
[ 38: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #1 should pass
[ 39: PASS ] Drawing with VAO #1 should pass
[ 40: PASS ] Drawing with VAO that has the color array disabled should pass
[ 41: PASS ] Drawing with VAO that has the color array disabled should pass
[ 42: PASS ] Drawing with VAO that has the color array disabled should pass
[ 43: PASS ] Drawing with VAO that has the color array disabled should pass
[ 44: PASS ] Drawing with VAO that has the color array disabled should pass
[ 45: PASS ] Drawing with VAO that has the color array disabled should pass
[ 46: PASS ] Drawing after deleting another VAO should pass
[ 47: PASS ] Drawing after deleting another VAO should pass
[ 48: PASS ] Drawing after deleting another VAO should pass
[ 49: PASS ] Drawing after deleting another VAO should pass
[ 50: PASS ] Drawing after deleting another VAO should pass
[ 51: PASS ] Drawing after deleting another VAO should pass
[ 52: PASS ] Drawing after deleting the VAO that was bound should pass
[ 53: PASS ] Drawing after deleting the VAO that was bound should pass
[ 54: PASS ] Drawing after deleting the VAO that was bound should pass
[ 55: PASS ] Drawing after deleting the VAO that was bound should pass
[ 56: PASS ] Drawing after deleting the VAO that was bound should pass
[ 57: PASS ] Drawing after deleting the VAO that was bound should pass
[ 58: PASS ] should be green
[ 59: PASS ] should be green
[ 60: PASS ] should be 255,0,0,255
[ 61: PASS ] should be 0,255,0,255
[ 62: PASS ] should be 0,0,255,255
[ 63: PASS ] should be 0,255,255,255
[ 64: PASS ] getError was expected value: INVALID_OPERATION : Draw call should fail.
[ 65: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : Draw call should not fail.
[ 66: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : Draw call should not fail.
[ 67: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : Draw call should not fail.
[ 68: PASS ] should be red
[ 69: PASS ] should be green
[ 70: PASS ] getError was expected value: NO_ERROR : there should be no errors
[ 71: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 6 failures reported