| Tests that setting -webkit-perspective-origin property is corrected parsed / computed. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS getComputedStyle(parentDiv)['-webkit-perspective'] is "150px" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(parentDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin'] is "10px 10px" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(parentDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin-x'] is "" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(parentDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin-y'] is "" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(testDiv)['-webkit-perspective'] is "100px" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(testDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin'] is "5px 5px" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(testDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin-x'] is "" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(testDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin-y'] is "" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(noShortHandDiv)['-webkit-perspective'] is "200px" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(noShortHandDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin'] is "15px 15px" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(noShortHandDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin-x'] is "" |
| PASS getComputedStyle(noShortHandDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin-y'] is "" |
| testDiv.style['-webkit-perspective-origin'] = 'inherit' |
| PASS getComputedStyle(testDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin'] is "10px 10px" |
| testDiv.style['-webkit-perspective-origin'] = 'initial' |
| PASS getComputedStyle(testDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin'] is "100px 100px" |
| testDiv.style['-webkit-perspective-origin'] = '20px 20px' |
| PASS getComputedStyle(testDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin'] is "20px 20px" |
| noShortHandDiv.style['-webkit-perspective-origin'] = 'inherit' |
| PASS getComputedStyle(noShortHandDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin'] is "10px 10px" |
| noShortHandDiv.style['-webkit-perspective-origin'] = 'initial' |
| PASS getComputedStyle(noShortHandDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin'] is "150px 150px" |
| noShortHandDiv.style['-webkit-perspective-origin'] = '20px 20px' |
| PASS getComputedStyle(noShortHandDiv)['-webkit-perspective-origin'] is "20px 20px" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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