blob: d98249232e67f94d201b78b16ff5e4ddfdbb7377 [file] [log] [blame]
if (window.testRunner)
li {
margin: 5px;
width: 130px;
height: 130px;
background: linear-gradient(to right, white 0%, gray 100%), url('resources/ducky.png') no-repeat 0 0 /100% 100%;
display: block;
float: left;
<!-- This file should contain a gradient on top of a background image for every type of blending. -->
<li style="background-blend-mode: normal, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: multiply, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: screen, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: overlay, normal; opacity:.9"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: darken, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: lighten, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: color-dodge, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: color-burn, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: hard-light, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: soft-light, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: difference, normal"></li>
<li style="background-blend-mode: exclusion, normal"></li>