blob: f943f539a84814535b18c3160d37e298d6a08ef5 [file] [log] [blame]
This test ensures keyboard-focusable leaf nodes with AXLabels are considered accessibility elements on iOS.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS !accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('div-empty') is true
Testing ID div-empty-with-aria-label
PASS element.isIgnored is false
Testing ID div-content
PASS element.isIgnored is true
Testing ID div-content-with-aria-label
PASS element.isIgnored is true
Testing ID group-empty
PASS element.isIgnored is true
Testing ID group-empty-with-aria-label
PASS element.isIgnored is false
Testing ID group-content
PASS element.isIgnored is true
PASS !accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('blockquote-empty') is true
Testing ID blockquote-empty-with-aria-label
PASS element.isIgnored is false
Testing ID blockquote-content
PASS element.isIgnored is true
Testing ID footer-empty
PASS element.isIgnored is true
Testing ID footer-empty-with-aria-label
PASS element.isIgnored is false
Testing ID radiogroup-empty
PASS element.isIgnored is true
Testing ID radiogroup-empty-with-aria-label
PASS element.isIgnored is false
PASS !accessibilityController.accessibleElementById('paragraph-empty') is true
Testing ID paragraph-empty-with-aria-label
PASS element.isIgnored is false
Testing ID paragraph-content
PASS element.isIgnored is true
Testing ID paragraph-content-with-aria-label
PASS element.isIgnored is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true