| Tests how debugger presents special properties of closures, bound functions and object wrappers. |
| |
| Debugger was enabled. |
| Script source was shown. |
| Set timer for test function. |
| Watch expressions updated. |
| Nodes are expanded. |
| 'Object(true)' => 'Boolean' |
| '__proto__' => 'Boolean' |
| '(function(a,b) { return a + b; })' => 'function (a, b) { return a + b; }' |
| 'arguments' => 'null' |
| 'caller' => 'null' |
| 'length' => '2' |
| 'name' => '""' |
| 'prototype' => 'Object' |
| '__proto__' => 'function () {' |
| <function scope> |
| '(function(a,b) { return a + b; }).bind({}, 2)' => 'function () {' |
| 'get arguments' => 'function () {' |
| 'get caller' => 'function () {' |
| 'length' => '1' |
| 'name' => '""' |
| 'set arguments' => 'function () {' |
| 'set caller' => 'function () {' |
| '__proto__' => 'function () {' |
| <function scope> |
| Debugger was disabled. |
| |