blob: 4819f3119678290277d12dda368f9fd47541084e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
host = os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '')
'Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n'
' <head>\n'
' <base href="http://{}/uri/resources/\'">\n'
' <style>\n'
' @import \'css-href.css\';\n'
' </style>\n'
' </head>\n'
' <body>\n'
' <p>Test for <a href="">bug 11141</a>: \n'
' CSS \'@import\' doesn\'t respect HTML Base element.</p>\n'
' <p class="c1">This text should be green.</p>\n'
' <p>If it is red, the css has been loaded relative to the document.\n'
' If it is black, no stylesheet has been rendered, if it is rendered green,\n'
' the stylesheet has been rendered correctly from the HREF attribute of the\n'
' Base element in the HEAD section of this document.</p>\n'
' <p class="c2">This text should also be green.</p>\n'
' </body>\n'