blob: 1bf0719d878df3275ccfa7ff83cd22f9ac6b1217 [file] [log] [blame]
main frame - didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame
main frame - didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame
main frame - didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame
main frame - didFinishLoadForFrame
main frame - didCommitLoadForFrame
main frame - didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame
CONSOLE MESSAGE: The page at was allowed to display insecure content from
CONSOLE MESSAGE: secureCookie=yes
main frame - didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame
main frame - didFinishLoadForFrame
This test opens a window that loads an insecure image (via a tricky redirect) and then tries to read a secure cookie. This should block the secure cookie from being read because insecure content was loaded while loading a main frame.