blob: d9b4759a9a1afe22fdcf2aa7a82b3a004bf90e23 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
if (window.testRunner) {
window.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
if (window.testRunner)
}, false);"");
<p>This test causes a new window to open performing a secure navigation to a
document with the 'upgrade-insecure-requests' header. The secure document has
an insecure script reference, which will get upgraded. The secure document does
an insecure navigation to a new window. This new navigation should not be upgraded.</p>
<p>The new document does an insecure navigation to a host we have visited before.
This navigation should be upgraded, even though the site does not have the
'update-insecure-requests' header. The new document also does an insecure navigation
to a second domain, which has not been upgraded before. This navigation should not
be upgraded, and will fail (in this test) because we only provide the resource to
load under the HTTPS server.</p>
<p>If upgrades are working as expected, there should be two PASS entries in the
test output. If there are five entires, the insecure load to a new host
is being improperly upgraded.</p>