blob: c010ef57bc85377cce08fcb69c36ed498b82fa47 [file] [log] [blame]
frame "<!--frame1-->" - didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame
main frame - didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame
frame "<!--frame1-->" - didCommitLoadForFrame
frame "<!--frame2-->" - didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Blocked mixed content because 'block-all-mixed-content' appears in the Content Security Policy.
frame "<!--frame2-->" - didFailProvisionalLoadWithError
frame "<!--frame1-->" - didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame
frame "<!--frame1-->" - didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame
main frame - didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame
frame "<!--frame1-->" - didFinishLoadForFrame
main frame - didFinishLoadForFrame
This test loads a secure iframe that loads an insecure iframe. We should trigger a mixed content block because the child frame has CSP directive block-all-mixed-content.
Frame: '<!--frame1-->'
Frame: '<!--frame2-->'