blob: 297a93ae33871d48383dbcabe9043c30aba30805 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../../fast/forms/resources/picker-common.js"></script>
select {
display: block;
margin: 5px;
// We need to 'click' the select element by sending an actual event
// through internals, since the regular javascript click() method
// won't trigger the right events for this test.
function clickSelect(callback) {
if (!window.eventSender)
var select = document.getElementById('select');
// FIXME: it would be really nice to use getBoundingClientRect() and not
// hard-code pixel coordinates here, but since it's in an iframe, the
// coordinates are translated anyway.
clickToOpenPicker(50, 120, callback, function () {
setTimeout(callback, 0);
// We'll get a message from the outer frame when it's done scrolling,
// so we know it's time to click on a select element.
window.onmessage = function() {
clickSelect(function () {
if (window.testRunner)
// This function just saves us from hard-coding 30 select elements
// (each with a few option elements) in the body. One of the
// select elements near the bottom is given an id so we can click
// on it later.
function populateDom() {
for (var x = 0; x < 30; x++) {
var select = document.createElement('select');
for (var y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.innerText = y;
if (x == 24) { = 'select';
// Javascript execution starts here. This will populate the iframe
// with a bunch of select elements, then post a message to the
// outer iframe to tell it to scroll.
window.onload = function() {
parent.postMessage('', '*');