blob: 1c089b506738ee73e2f1e29cf1729a1abc1e0c0b [file] [log] [blame]
import pickle
import platform
import os
import pytest
import localpaths
from . import serve
from .serve import ConfigBuilder
@pytest.mark.skipif(platform.uname()[0] == "Windows",
reason="Expected contents are platform-dependent")
def test_make_hosts_file_nix():
with ConfigBuilder(ports={"http": [8000]},
alternate_hosts={"alt": ""},
subdomains={"a", "b"},
not_subdomains={"x, y"}) as c:
hosts = serve.make_hosts_file(c, "")
lines = hosts.split("\n")
assert set(lines) == {"",
assert lines[-1] == ""
@pytest.mark.skipif(platform.uname()[0] != "Windows",
reason="Expected contents are platform-dependent")
def test_make_hosts_file_windows():
with ConfigBuilder(ports={"http": [8000]},
alternate_hosts={"alt": ""},
subdomains={"a", "b"},
not_subdomains={"x", "y"}) as c:
hosts = serve.make_hosts_file(c, "")
lines = hosts.split("\n")
assert set(lines) == {"",
assert lines[-1] == ""
def test_ws_doc_root_default():
with ConfigBuilder() as c:
assert c.ws_doc_root == os.path.join(localpaths.repo_root, "websockets", "handlers")
def test_init_ws_doc_root():
with ConfigBuilder(ws_doc_root="/") as c:
assert c.doc_root == localpaths.repo_root # check this hasn't changed
assert c.ws_doc_root == "/"
def test_set_ws_doc_root():
cb = ConfigBuilder()
cb.ws_doc_root = "/"
with cb as c:
assert c.doc_root == localpaths.repo_root # check this hasn't changed
assert c.ws_doc_root == "/"
def test_pickle():
# Ensure that the config object can be pickled
with ConfigBuilder() as c: