blob: 26a768ce65b5dd7f0e5c557ad014d24a825dd84f [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Construct static range with Element container
PASS Construct static range with Text container
PASS Construct static range with Element startContainer and Text endContainer
PASS Construct static range with Text startContainer and Element endContainer
PASS Construct static range with ProcessingInstruction container
PASS Construct static range with Comment container
PASS Construct static range with CDATASection container
PASS Construct static range with Document container
PASS Construct static range with DocumentFragment container
PASS Construct collapsed static range
PASS Construct inverted static range
PASS Construct static range with offset greater than length
PASS Construct static range with standalone Node container
PASS Construct static range with endpoints in disconnected trees
PASS Construct static range with endpoints in disconnected documents
PASS Throw on DocumentType or Attr container
PASS Throw on missing or invalid arguments