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<title>AudioParam IDL Test</title>
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<pre id="audio-param-idl">interface AudioParam {
attribute float value;
readonly attribute float defaultValue;
readonly attribute float minValue;
readonly attribute float maxValue;
// Parameter automation.
void setValueAtTime(float value, double startTime);
void linearRampToValueAtTime(float value, double endTime);
void exponentialRampToValueAtTime(float value, double endTime);
// Exponentially approach the target value with a rate having the given time constant.
void setTargetAtTime(float target, double startTime, double timeConstant);
// Sets an array of arbitrary parameter values starting at time for the given duration.
// The number of values will be scaled to fit into the desired duration.
void setValueCurveAtTime(Float32Array values, double startTime, double duration);
// Cancels all scheduled parameter changes with times greater than or equal to startTime.
void cancelScheduledValues(double startTime);
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(function() {
var idl_array = new IdlArray();
delay_time = (new AudioContext).createDelay().delayTime;
idl_array.add_objects({AudioParam: ["delay_time"]});