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<title>synthetic clipboard events should not be composed</title>
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const EVENTS = [ 'copy', 'cut', 'paste' ];
EVENTS.forEach(name => {
function testEvent(name, init, composed_flag_expectation, name) {
async_test(function(test) {
document.addEventListener(name, test.step_func_done((e) => {
assert_false(e.isTrusted, `synthetic ${name} event is untrusted`);
assert_equals(e.composed, composed_flag_expectation,
`composed flag should be ${composed_flag_expectation}`);
let event = new ClipboardEvent(name, init);
}, name);
testEvent(name, { bubbles: true, cancellable: true}, false,
`Unspecified synthetic ${name} event should not be composed.`);
testEvent(name, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, composed: true }, true,
`Synthetic ${name} event can be explicitly composed.`);
testEvent(name, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, composed: false }, false,
`Synthetic ${name} event can be explicitly uncomposed.`);