blob: ecf28ad88921c16b09e37d52a6f371ee76f56db5 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const fs = require('fs');
const Config = require('../tools/js/config.js');
const Database = require('../tools/js/database.js');
describe('config.json', () => {
it('should be a valid file', () => {
assert.doesNotThrow(() => {
it('should be a valid JSON', () => {
assert.doesNotThrow(() => {
it('should define `siteTitle`', () => {
assert.equal(typeof Config.value('siteTitle'), 'string');
it('should define `dataDirectory`', () => {
assert.ok(fs.existsSync(Config.path('dataDirectory')), 'dataDirectory should exist');
assert.ok(fs.statSync(Config.path('dataDirectory')).isDirectory(), 'dataDirectory should be a dictionary');
it('should define `jsonCacheMaxAge`', () => {
assert.equal(typeof Config.value('jsonCacheMaxAge'), 'number');
it('should define `jsonCacheMaxAge`', () => {
assert.equal(typeof Config.value('jsonCacheMaxAge'), 'number');
it('should define `clusterStart`', () => {
const clusterStart = Config.value('clusterStart');
assert.ok(clusterStart instanceof Array);
assert.equal(clusterStart.length, [2000, 1, 1, 0, 0].length,
'Must specify year, month, date, hour, and minute');
const maxYear = (new Date).getFullYear() + 1;
assert.ok(clusterStart[0] >= 1970 && clusterStart[0] <= maxYear, `year must be between 1970 and ${maxYear}`);
assert.ok(clusterStart[1] >= 1 && clusterStart[1] <= 12, 'month must be between 1 and 12');
assert.ok(clusterStart[2] >= 1 && clusterStart[2] <= 31, 'date must be between 1 and 31');
assert.ok(clusterStart[3] >= 0 && clusterStart[3] <= 60, 'minute must be between 0 and 60');
assert.ok(clusterStart[4] >= 0 && clusterStart[4] <= 60, 'minute must be between 0 and 60');
it('should define `clusterSize`', () => {
const clusterSize = Config.value('clusterSize');
assert.ok(clusterSize instanceof Array);
assert.equal(clusterSize.length, [0, 2, 0].length,
'Must specify the number of years, months, and days');
assert.equal(typeof clusterSize[0], 'number', 'the number of year must be a number');
assert.equal(typeof clusterSize[1], 'number', 'the number of month must be a number');
assert.equal(typeof clusterSize[2], 'number', 'the number of days must be a number');
describe('`dashboards`', () => {
const dashboards = Config.value('dashboards');
it('should exist for v2 and v3 UI', () => {
assert.equal(typeof dashboards, 'object');
it('dashboard names that do not contain /', () => {
for (let name in dashboards)
assert.ok(name.indexOf('/') < 0, 'Dashboard name "${name}" should not contain "/"');
it('each dashboard must be an array', () => {
for (let name in dashboards)
assert.ok(dashboards[name] instanceof Array);
it('each row in a dashboard must be an array', () => {
for (let name in dashboards) {
for (let row of dashboards[name])
console.assert(row instanceof Array);
it('each cell in a dashboard must be an array or a string', () => {
for (let name in dashboards) {
for (let row of dashboards[name]) {
for (let cell of row) {
if (cell instanceof Array)
assert.ok(cell.length == 0 || cell.length == 2,
'Each cell must be empty or specify [platform, metric] pair');
assert.equal(typeof cell, 'string');
describe('`database`', () => {
it('should exist', () => {
it('should define ``', () => {
assert.equal(typeof Config.value(''), 'string');
it('should define `database.port`', () => {
assert.equal(typeof Config.value('database.port'), 'string');
it('should define `database.username`', () => {
assert.equal(typeof Config.value('database.username'), 'string');
it('should define `database.password`', () => {
assert.equal(typeof Config.value('database.password'), 'string');
it('should define ``', () => {
assert.equal(typeof Config.value(''), 'string');
it('should be able to connect to the database', () => {
let database = new Database;
database.connect().then(() => {
}, (error) => {
throw error;
describe('optional configurations', () => {
function assertNullOrType(value, type) {
if (value !== null)
assert.equal(typeof value, type);
it('`debug` should be `null` or a boolean', () => {
assertNullOrType(Config.value('debug'), 'boolean');
it('`maintenanceMode` should be `null` or a boolean', () => {
assertNullOrType(Config.value('maintenanceMode'), 'boolean');
it('`maintenanceDirectory` should be `null` or a string', () => {
assertNullOrType(Config.value('maintenanceDirectory'), 'string');
it('`maintenanceDirectory` should be a string if `maintenanceMode` is true', () => {
if (Config.value('maintenanceMode'))
assert.equal(Config.value('maintenanceDirectory'), 'string');
it('`universalSlavePassword` should be `null` or a string', () => {
assertNullOrType(Config.value('universalSlavePassword'), 'string');
it('`database.ssl` should be `null` or a dictionary', () => {
assertNullOrType(Config.value('database.ssl'), 'object');
it('`database.ssl.rootcert` should be `null` or a string', () => {
assertNullOrType(Config.value('database.ssl.rootcert'), 'string');
it('`database.ssl.cert` should be `null` or a string', () => {
assertNullOrType(Config.value('database.ssl.cert'), 'string');
it('`database.ssl.key` should be `null` or a string', () => {
assertNullOrType(Config.value('database.ssl.key'), 'string');
it('`database.ssl.mode` should be `null` or a string in 1 of 6 options', () => {
assertNullOrType(Config.value('database.ssl.mode'), 'string');
assert.ok([null, 'disable', 'allow', 'prefer', 'require', 'verify-ca', 'verify-full'].includes(Config.value('database.ssl.mode')))