| Test for beginning of line (BOL or ^) matching |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS s.match(/^notHere/) is null |
| PASS s.match(/^abc/) is ["abc"] |
| PASS s.match(/(^|X)abc/) is ["abc",""] |
| PASS s.match(/^longer|123/) is ["123"] |
| PASS s.match(/(^abc|c)123/) is ["abc123","abc"] |
| PASS s.match(/(c|^abc)123/) is ["abc123","abc"] |
| PASS s.match(/(^ab|abc)123/) is ["abc123","abc"] |
| PASS s.match(/(bc|^abc)([0-9]*)a/) is ["bc789a","bc","789"] |
| PASS /(?:(Y)X)|(X)/.exec("abc") is null |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("abc") is null |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("abcd") is null |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("Xabcd") is ["X",undefined] |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("aXbcd") is ["X","X"] |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("abXcd") is ["X","X"] |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("abcXd") is ["X","X"] |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("abcdX") is ["X","X"] |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("YXabcd") is ["YX",undefined] |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("aYXbcd") is ["YX",undefined] |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("abYXcd") is ["YX",undefined] |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("abcYXd") is ["YX",undefined] |
| PASS /(?:(?:^|Y)X)|(X)/.exec("abcdYX") is ["YX",undefined] |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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