| Test CSS SourceMap. |
| |
| |
| == Running test suite: SourceMaps.CSS |
| -- Running test case: SourceMaps.CSS.1 |
| Original Content Length |
| Formatted Content Length |
| ---- Original to Formatted ---- |
| Original: 0 (0, 1) |
| 0| @#media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 0 (0, 1) |
| 0| @#media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 1 (0, 2) |
| 0| @m#edia(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 1 (0, 2) |
| 0| @m#edia (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 2 (0, 3) |
| 0| @me#dia(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 2 (0, 3) |
| 0| @me#dia (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 3 (0, 4) |
| 0| @med#ia(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 3 (0, 4) |
| 0| @med#ia (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 4 (0, 5) |
| 0| @medi#a(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 4 (0, 5) |
| 0| @medi#a (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 5 (0, 6) |
| 0| @media#(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 5 (0, 7) |
| 0| @media #(max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 6 (0, 7) |
| 0| @media(#max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 7 (0, 8) |
| 0| @media (#max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 7 (0, 8) |
| 0| @media(m#ax-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 8 (0, 9) |
| 0| @media (m#ax-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 8 (0, 9) |
| 0| @media(ma#x-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 9 (0, 10) |
| 0| @media (ma#x-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 9 (0, 10) |
| 0| @media(max#-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 10 (0, 11) |
| 0| @media (max#-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 10 (0, 11) |
| 0| @media(max-#device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 11 (0, 12) |
| 0| @media (max-#device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 11 (0, 12) |
| 0| @media(max-d#evice-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 12 (0, 13) |
| 0| @media (max-d#evice-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 12 (0, 13) |
| 0| @media(max-de#vice-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 13 (0, 14) |
| 0| @media (max-de#vice-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 13 (0, 14) |
| 0| @media(max-dev#ice-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 14 (0, 15) |
| 0| @media (max-dev#ice-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 14 (0, 15) |
| 0| @media(max-devi#ce-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 15 (0, 16) |
| 0| @media (max-devi#ce-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 15 (0, 16) |
| 0| @media(max-devic#e-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 16 (0, 17) |
| 0| @media (max-devic#e-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 16 (0, 17) |
| 0| @media(max-device#-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 17 (0, 18) |
| 0| @media (max-device#-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 17 (0, 18) |
| 0| @media(max-device-#width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 18 (0, 19) |
| 0| @media (max-device-#width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 18 (0, 19) |
| 0| @media(max-device-w#idth:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 19 (0, 20) |
| 0| @media (max-device-w#idth: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 19 (0, 20) |
| 0| @media(max-device-wi#dth:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 20 (0, 21) |
| 0| @media (max-device-wi#dth: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 20 (0, 21) |
| 0| @media(max-device-wid#th:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 21 (0, 22) |
| 0| @media (max-device-wid#th: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 21 (0, 22) |
| 0| @media(max-device-widt#h:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 22 (0, 23) |
| 0| @media (max-device-widt#h: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 22 (0, 23) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width#:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 23 (0, 24) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width#: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 23 (0, 24) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:#480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 24 (0, 26) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: #480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 24 (0, 25) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:4#80px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 26 (0, 27) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 4#80px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 25 (0, 26) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:48#0px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 27 (0, 28) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 48#0px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 26 (0, 27) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480#px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 28 (0, 29) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480#px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 27 (0, 28) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480p#x){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 29 (0, 30) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480p#x) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 28 (0, 29) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px#){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 30 (0, 31) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px#) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 29 (0, 30) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px)#{body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 31 (0, 33) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) #{ |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| |
| Original: 30 (0, 31) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){#body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 33 (1, 4) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| #body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| |
| Original: 31 (0, 32) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){b#ody{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 39 (1, 5) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| b#ody { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| |
| Original: 32 (0, 33) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){bo#dy{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 40 (1, 6) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| bo#dy { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| |
| Original: 33 (0, 34) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){bod#y{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 41 (1, 7) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| bod#y { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| |
| Original: 34 (0, 35) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body#{color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 42 (1, 9) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body #{ |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| |
| Original: 35 (0, 36) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{#color:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 44 (2, 8) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| #color: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 36 (0, 37) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{c#olor:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 54 (2, 9) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| c#olor: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 37 (0, 38) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{co#lor:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 55 (2, 10) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| co#lor: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 38 (0, 39) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{col#or:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 56 (2, 11) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| col#or: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 39 (0, 40) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{colo#r:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 57 (2, 12) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| colo#r: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 40 (0, 41) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color#:red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 58 (2, 13) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color#: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 41 (0, 42) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:#red;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 59 (2, 15) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: #red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 42 (0, 43) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:r#ed;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 61 (2, 16) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: r#ed; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 43 (0, 44) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:re#d;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 62 (2, 17) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: re#d; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 44 (0, 45) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red#;background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 63 (2, 18) |
| 0| @media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red#; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| |
| Original: 45 (0, 46) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;#background:blue}} |
| Formatted: 64 (3, 8) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| #background: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 46 (0, 47) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;b#ackground:blue}} |
| Formatted: 74 (3, 9) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| b#ackground: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 47 (0, 48) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;ba#ckground:blue}} |
| Formatted: 75 (3, 10) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| ba#ckground: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 48 (0, 49) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;bac#kground:blue}} |
| Formatted: 76 (3, 11) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| bac#kground: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 49 (0, 50) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;back#ground:blue}} |
| Formatted: 77 (3, 12) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| back#ground: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 50 (0, 51) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;backg#round:blue}} |
| Formatted: 78 (3, 13) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| backg#round: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 51 (0, 52) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;backgr#ound:blue}} |
| Formatted: 79 (3, 14) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| backgr#ound: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 52 (0, 53) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;backgro#und:blue}} |
| Formatted: 80 (3, 15) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| backgro#und: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 53 (0, 54) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;backgrou#nd:blue}} |
| Formatted: 81 (3, 16) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| backgrou#nd: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 54 (0, 55) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;backgroun#d:blue}} |
| Formatted: 82 (3, 17) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| backgroun#d: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 55 (0, 56) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background#:blue}} |
| Formatted: 83 (3, 18) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background#: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 56 (0, 57) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:#blue}} |
| Formatted: 84 (3, 20) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: #blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 57 (0, 58) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:b#lue}} |
| Formatted: 86 (3, 21) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: b#lue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 58 (0, 59) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:bl#ue}} |
| Formatted: 87 (3, 22) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: bl#ue |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 59 (0, 60) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blu#e}} |
| Formatted: 88 (3, 23) |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: blu#e |
| 4| } |
| 5| } |
| |
| Original: 60 (0, 61) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue#}} |
| Formatted: 89 (4, 4) |
| 2| color: red; |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| #} |
| 5| } |
| 6| |
| |
| Original: 61 (0, 62) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}#} |
| Formatted: 95 (5, 0) |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| #} |
| 6| |
| |
| Original: 62 (0, 63) |
| 0| @media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}}# |
| Formatted: 97 (5, 1) |
| 3| background: blue |
| 4| } |
| 5| }# |
| 6| |
| |
| |
| ---- Formatted to Original ---- |
| Formatted: 0 (0, 1) |
| 0| @#media (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 0 (0, 1) |
| 0| @#media(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 1 (0, 2) |
| 0| @m#edia (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 1 (0, 2) |
| 0| @m#edia(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 2 (0, 3) |
| 0| @me#dia (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 2 (0, 3) |
| 0| @me#dia(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 3 (0, 4) |
| 0| @med#ia (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 3 (0, 4) |
| 0| @med#ia(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 4 (0, 5) |
| 0| @medi#a (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 4 (0, 5) |
| 0| @medi#a(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 5 (0, 6) |
| 0| @media# (max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 5 (0, 6) |
| 0| @media#(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 6 (0, 7) |
| 0| @media #(max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 6 (0, 6) |
| 0| @media#(max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 7 (0, 8) |
| 0| @media (#max-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 6 (0, 7) |
| 0| @media(#max-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 8 (0, 9) |
| 0| @media (m#ax-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 7 (0, 8) |
| 0| @media(m#ax-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 9 (0, 10) |
| 0| @media (ma#x-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 8 (0, 9) |
| 0| @media(ma#x-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 10 (0, 11) |
| 0| @media (max#-device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 9 (0, 10) |
| 0| @media(max#-device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 11 (0, 12) |
| 0| @media (max-#device-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 10 (0, 11) |
| 0| @media(max-#device-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 12 (0, 13) |
| 0| @media (max-d#evice-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 11 (0, 12) |
| 0| @media(max-d#evice-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 13 (0, 14) |
| 0| @media (max-de#vice-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 12 (0, 13) |
| 0| @media(max-de#vice-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 14 (0, 15) |
| 0| @media (max-dev#ice-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 13 (0, 14) |
| 0| @media(max-dev#ice-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 15 (0, 16) |
| 0| @media (max-devi#ce-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 14 (0, 15) |
| 0| @media(max-devi#ce-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
| Formatted: 16 (0, 17) |
| 0| @media (max-devic#e-width: 480px) { |
| 1| body { |
| 2| color: red; |
| Original: 15 (0, 16) |
| 0| @media(max-devic#e-width:480px){body{color:red;background:blue}} |
| |
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