blob: 9f934ce5913ac0e9d41351e3970e64ca1018a511 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: |
The production Atom :: . evaluates as follows:
i) Let A be the set of all characters except the four line terminator characters <LF>, <CR>, <LS>, or <PS>
ii) Call CharacterSetMatcher(A, false) and return its Matcher result
description: Execute /.*a.* /.exec("this is a test") and check results
var __string = "this is a test";
var __executed = /.*a.*/.exec(__string);
var __expected = ["this is a test"];
__expected.index = 0;
__expected.input = __string;
if (__executed.length !== __expected.length) {
$ERROR('#1: __string = "this is a test"; __executed = /.*a.*/.exec(__string); __executed.length === ' + __expected.length + '. Actual: ' + __executed.length);
if (__executed.index !== __expected.index) {
$ERROR('#2: __string = "this is a test"; __executed = /.*a.*/.exec(__string); __executed.index === ' + __expected.index + '. Actual: ' + __executed.index);
if (__executed.input !== __expected.input) {
$ERROR('#3: __string = "this is a test"; __executed = /.*a.*/.exec(__string); __executed.input === ' + __expected.input + '. Actual: ' + __executed.input);
for(var index=0; index<__expected.length; index++) {
if (__executed[index] !== __expected[index]) {
$ERROR('#4: __string = "this is a test"; __executed = /.*a.*/.exec(__string); __executed[' + index + '] === ' + __expected[index] + '. Actual: ' + __executed[index]);