blob: e678a1a7e9f2f6e852873f4b14781b21934be9f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
function asmModule(stdlib, imports) {
"use asm";
var i4 = stdlib.SIMD.Int32x4;
var i4check = i4.check;
var i4splat = i4.splat;
var i4fromFloat32x4 = i4.fromFloat32x4;
var i4fromFloat32x4Bits = i4.fromFloat32x4Bits;
//var i4abs = i4.abs;
var i4neg = i4.neg;
var i4add = i4.add;
var i4sub = i4.sub;
var i4mul = i4.mul;
//var i4swizzle = i4.swizzle;
//var i4shuffle = i4.shuffle;
var i4lessThan = i4.lessThan;
var i4equal = i4.equal;
var i4greaterThan = i4.greaterThan;
var i4select =;
var i4and = i4.and;
var i4or = i4.or;
var i4xor = i4.xor;
var i4not = i4.not;
var i4extractLane = i4.extractLane;
//var i4shiftLeftByScalar = i4.shiftLeftByScalar;
//var i4shiftRightByScalar = i4.shiftRightByScalar;
//var i4shiftRightArithmeticByScalar = i4.shiftRightArithmeticByScalar;
var f4 = stdlib.SIMD.Float32x4;
var f4check = f4.check;
var f4splat = f4.splat;
var f4fromInt32x4 = f4.fromInt32x4;
var f4fromInt32x4Bits = f4.fromInt32x4Bits;
var f4abs = f4.abs;
var f4neg = f4.neg;
var f4add = f4.add;
var f4sub = f4.sub;
var f4mul = f4.mul;
var f4div = f4.div;
var f4min = f4.min;
var f4max = f4.max;
var f4sqrt = f4.sqrt;
//var f4swizzle = f4.swizzle;
//var f4shuffle = f4.shuffle;
var f4lessThan = f4.lessThan;
var f4lessThanOrEqual = f4.lessThanOrEqual;
var f4equal = f4.equal;
var f4notEqual = f4.notEqual;
var f4greaterThan = f4.greaterThan;
var f4greaterThanOrEqual = f4.greaterThanOrEqual;
var f4extractLane = f4.extractLane;
var f4select =;
var fround = stdlib.Math.fround;
var globImportF4 = f4check(imports.g1); // global var import
var globImportI4 = i4check(imports.g2); // global var import
var f4g1 = f4(-5033.2, -3401.0, 665.34, 32234.1); // global var initialized
var f4g2 = f4(1194580.33, -11201.5, 63236.93, 334.8); // global var initialized
var i4g1 = i4(1065353216, -1073741824, -1077936128, 1082130432); // global var initialized
var i4g2 = i4(353216, -492529, -1128, 1085); // global var initialized
var gval = 1234;
var gval2 = 1234.0;
var loopCOUNT = 3;
function func1() {
var b = f4(5033.2, -3401.0, 665.34, -32234.1);
var c = f4(-34183.8985, 212344.12, -569437.0, 65534.99);
var d = f4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
var e = fround(1.23);
var f = 1.2345;
var loopIndex = 0;
while ((loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0)) {
b = f4(f4extractLane(b, 0) + f4extractLane(b, 1), e, 1.0, e * e);
c = f4(44.3, fround((e + fround(34.3))) * e, e - fround(f), fround(f));
d = f4add(b, c);
loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0;
return f4check(d);
function func2() {
var b = f4(5033.2, -3401.0, 665.34, -32234.1);
var c = f4(-34183.8985, 212344.12, -569437.0, 65534.99);
var d = f4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
var loopIndex = 0;
for (loopIndex = 0; (loopIndex | 0) < (loopCOUNT | 0) ; loopIndex = (loopIndex + 1) | 0) {
globImportF4 = f4(15534.3, f4extractLane(b, 3) * f4extractLane(b, 2), fround(5034.12) + fround(344.0), 0.0);
d = f4add(d, globImportF4);
return f4check(d);
function func3() {
var b = f4(5033.2, -3401.0, 665.34, -32234.1);
var c = f4(-34183.8985, 212344.12, -569437.0, 65534.99);
var d = f4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
var loopIndex = 0;
loopIndex = loopCOUNT | 0;
do {
f4g1 = f4(0.0, fround(f4extractLane(b, 1)), fround(+(i4extractLane(i4g1, 0) | 0)) + fround(+(i4extractLane(i4g1, 1) | 0)), fround(gval2));
f4g1 = f4add(f4g1, b);
loopIndex = (loopIndex - 1) | 0;
while ((loopIndex | 0) > 0);
return f4check(f4g1);
return { func1: func1, func2: func2, func3: func3 };
var m = asmModule(this, { g1: SIMD.Float32x4(90934.2, 123.9, 419.39, 449.0), g2: SIMD.Int32x4(-1065353216, -1073741824, -1077936128, -1082130432) });
var c;
c = m.func1();
equalSimd([1678.960205,44.931900,0.995500,2.747400], c, SIMD.Float32x4, "func1");
c = m.func2();
equalSimd([46602.898438,-64339908.000000,16134.360352,0.000000], c, SIMD.Float32x4, "func2");
c = m.func3();
equalSimd([5033.200195,-6802.000000,-8387942.500000,-31000.099609], c, SIMD.Float32x4, "func3");