| |
| PASS Element.attachShadow must create an instance of ShadowRoot for autonomous custom elements |
| PASS Element.attachShadow must create an instance of ShadowRoot for undefined autonomous custom elements |
| FAIL Element.attachShadow for an autonomous custom element with disabledFeatures=["shadow"] should throw a NotSupportedError assert_throws: Definition, not a host function "() => { |
| document.createElement('shadow-disabled-element').attachShadow({mode: 'closed'}); |
| }" did not throw |
| FAIL Element.attachShadow for a customized built-in element with disabledFeatures=["shadow"] should throw a NotSupportedError assert_throws: Definition, not a host function "() => { |
| h2.attachShadow({mode: 'closed'}); |
| }" did not throw |
| PASS Element.attachShadow for a custom element with disabledFeatures=["SHADOW"] should not throw a NotSupportedError |
| PASS Element.attachShadow must throw a NotSupportedError for customized built-in elements |
| |