| Showing the tracks panel should suspend the auto-hide behavior until it's hidden. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| mediaControls.showTracksPanel() |
| PASS mediaControls.tracksPanel.element.parentNode became mediaControls.element |
| |
| We've waited long enough so that the controls bar should be faded should the tracks panel not be visible |
| PASS mediaControls.faded is false |
| |
| Now enter and exit the media controls, the controls bar should remain visible |
| PASS mediaControls.faded is false |
| |
| mediaControls.hideTracksPanel() |
| PASS mediaControls.faded is true |
| |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |