| This tests getPointAtLength of SVG path. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS pointAtLengthOfPath('M0,20 L400,20 L640,20') is '(640, 20)' |
| PASS pointAtLengthOfPath('M0,20 L400,20 L640,20 z') is '(580, 20)' |
| PASS pointAtLengthOfPath('M0,20 L400,20 z M 320,20 L640,20') is '(100, 20)' |
| PASS pointAtLengthOfPath('M0,20 L20,40') is '(20, 40)' |
| PASS pathElement.getPointAtLength(Math.NaN) threw exception TypeError: The provided value is non-finite. |
| PASS pathElement.getPointAtLength() threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments. |
| PASS pathElement.getPointAtLength(Math.Infinity) threw exception TypeError: The provided value is non-finite. |
| PASS pathElement.getPointAtLength('abc') threw exception TypeError: The provided value is non-finite. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |