blob: c77e080573000e25178d7cdb53e70bbe6602b013 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src="../../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testcommon.js"></script>
@keyframes anim1 {
to { left: 100px }
@keyframes anim2 {
to { top: 100px }
@keyframes multiPropAnim {
to { background: green, opacity: 0.5, left: 100px, top: 100px }
::before {
content: ''
::after {
content: ''
@keyframes empty { }
<div id="log"></div>
'use strict';
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 0,
'getAnimations returns an empty sequence for an element'
+ ' with no animations');
}, 'getAnimations for non-animated content');
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
// FIXME: This test does too many things. It should be split up.
// Add an animation = 'anim1 100s';
var animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
'getAnimations returns an Animation running CSS Animations');
return animations[0].ready.then(function() {
var startTime = animations[0].startTime;
assert_true(startTime > 0 && startTime <= document.timeline.currentTime,
'CSS animation has a sensible start time');
// Wait a moment then add a second animation.
// We wait for the next frame so that we can test that the start times of
// the animations differ.
return waitForFrame();
}).then(function() { = 'anim1 100s, anim2 100s';
animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 2,
'getAnimations returns one Animation for each value of'
+ ' animation-name');
// Wait until both Animations are ready
// (We don't make any assumptions about the order of the Animations since
// that is the purpose of the following test.)
return waitForAllAnimations(animations);
}).then(function() {
assert_true(animations[0].startTime < animations[1].startTime,
'Additional Animations for CSS animations start after the original'
+ ' animation and appear later in the list');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t, { style: 'animation: anim1 100s' });
assert_class_string(div.getAnimations()[0], 'CSSAnimation',
'Interface of returned animation is CSSAnimation');
}, 'getAnimations returns CSSAnimation objects for CSS Animations');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
// Add an animation that targets multiple properties = 'multiPropAnim 100s';
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 1,
'getAnimations returns only one Animation for a CSS Animation'
+ ' that targets multiple properties');
}, 'getAnimations for multi-property animations');
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
// Add an animation = 'red'; = 'anim1 100s';
// Wait until a frame after the animation starts, then add a transition
var animations = div.getAnimations();
return animations[0].ready.then(waitForFrame).then(function() { = 'all 100s'; = 'green';
animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 2,
'getAnimations returns Animations for both animations and'
+ ' transitions that run simultaneously');
assert_class_string(animations[0], 'CSSTransition',
'First-returned animation is the CSS Transition');
assert_class_string(animations[1], 'CSSAnimation',
'Second-returned animation is the CSS Animation');
}, 'getAnimations for both CSS Animations and CSS Transitions at once');
async_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
// Set up event listener
div.addEventListener('animationend', t.step_func(function() {
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 0,
'getAnimations does not return Animations for finished '
+ ' (and non-forwards-filling) CSS Animations');
// Add a very short animation = 'anim1 0.01s';
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations that have finished');
async_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t);
// Set up event listener
div.addEventListener('animationend', t.step_func(function() {
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 1,
'getAnimations returns Animations for CSS Animations that have'
+ ' finished but are filling forwards');
// Add a very short animation = 'anim1 0.01s forwards';
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations that have finished but are'
+ ' forwards filling');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'none 100s';
var animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 0,
'getAnimations returns an empty sequence for an element'
+ ' with animation-name: none'); = 'none 100s, anim1 100s';
animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
'getAnimations returns Animations only for those CSS Animations whose'
+ ' animation-name is not none');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations with animation-name: none');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'missing 100s';
var animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 0,
'getAnimations returns an empty sequence for an element'
+ ' with animation-name: missing'); = 'anim1 100s, missing 100s';
animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
'getAnimations returns Animations only for those CSS Animations whose'
+ ' animation-name is found');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations with animation-name: missing');
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'anim1 100s, notyet 100s';
var animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
'getAnimations initally only returns Animations for CSS Animations whose'
+ ' animation-name is found');
return animations[0].ready.then(waitForFrame).then(function() {
var keyframes = '@keyframes notyet { to { left: 100px; } }';
document.styleSheets[0].insertRule(keyframes, 0);
animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 2,
'getAnimations includes Animation when @keyframes rule is added'
+ ' later');
return waitForAllAnimations(animations);
}).then(function() {
assert_true(animations[0].startTime < animations[1].startTime,
'Newly added animation has a later start time');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations where the @keyframes rule is added'
+ ' later');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'anim1 100s, anim1 100s';
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 2,
'getAnimations returns one Animation for each CSS animation-name'
+ ' even if the names are duplicated');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations with duplicated animation-name');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'empty 100s';
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 1,
'getAnimations returns Animations for CSS animations with an'
+ ' empty keyframes rule');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations with empty keyframes rule');
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'anim1 100s 100s';
var animations = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
'getAnimations returns animations for CSS animations whose'
+ ' delay makes them start later');
return animations[0].ready.then(waitForFrame).then(function() {
assert_true(animations[0].startTime <= document.timeline.currentTime,
'For CSS Animations in delay phase, the start time of the Animation is'
+ ' not in the future');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS animations in delay phase');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'anim1 0s 100s';
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 1,
'getAnimations returns animations for CSS animations whose'
+ ' duration is zero');
}, 'getAnimations for zero-duration CSS Animations');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'anim1 100s';
var originalAnimation = div.getAnimations()[0];
// Update pause state (an Animation change) = 'paused';
var pendingAnimation = div.getAnimations()[0];
assert_equals(pendingAnimation.playState, 'paused',
'animation\'s play state is updated');
assert_equals(originalAnimation, pendingAnimation,
'getAnimations returns the same objects even when their'
+ ' play state changes');
// Update duration (an Animation change) = '200s';
var extendedAnimation = div.getAnimations()[0];
// FIXME: Check extendedAnimation.effect.timing.duration has changed once the
// API is available
assert_equals(originalAnimation, extendedAnimation,
'getAnimations returns the same objects even when their'
+ ' duration changes');
}, 'getAnimations returns objects with the same identity');
test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'anim1 100s';
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 1,
'getAnimations returns an animation before cancelling');
var animation = div.getAnimations()[0];
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 0,
'getAnimations does not return cancelled animations');;
assert_equals(div.getAnimations().length, 1,
'getAnimations returns cancelled animations that have been re-started');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations that are cancelled');
promise_test(function(t) {
var div = addDiv(t); = 'anim2 100s';
return div.getAnimations()[0].ready.then(function() {
// Prepend to the list and test that even though anim1 was triggered
// *after* anim2, it should come first because it appears first
// in the animation-name property. = 'anim1 100s, anim2 100s';
var anims = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(anims[0].animationName, 'anim1',
'animation order after prepending to list');
assert_equals(anims[1].animationName, 'anim2',
'animation order after prepending to list');
// Normally calling cancel and play would this push anim1 to the top of
// the stack but it shouldn't for CSS animations that map an the
// animation-name property.
var anim1 = anims[0];
anims = div.getAnimations();
assert_equals(anims[0].animationName, 'anim1',
'animation order after cancelling and restarting');
assert_equals(anims[1].animationName, 'anim2',
'animation order after cancelling and restarting');
}, 'getAnimations for CSS Animations follows animation-name order');
test(function(t) {
addStyle(t, { '#target::after': 'animation: anim1 10s;',
'#target::before': 'animation: anim1 10s;' });
var target = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'target' }); = 'anim1 100s';
var animations = target.getAnimations({ subtree: false });
assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
'Should find only the element');
assert_equals(animations[0], target,
'Effect target should be the element');
}, 'Test AnimationFilter{ subtree: false } with single element');
test(function(t) {
addStyle(t, { '#target::after': 'animation: anim1 10s;',
'#target::before': 'animation: anim1 10s;' });
var target = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'target' }); = 'anim1 100s';
var animations = target.getAnimations({ subtree: true });
assert_equals(animations.length, 3,
'getAnimations({ subtree: true }) ' +
'should return animations on pseudo-elements');
assert_equals(animations[0], target,
'The animation targeting the parent element ' +
'should be returned first');
assert_equals(animations[1], '::before',
'The animation targeting the ::before pseudo-element ' +
'should be returned second');
assert_equals(animations[2], '::after',
'The animation targeting the ::after pesudo-element ' +
'should be returned last');
}, 'Test AnimationFilter{ subtree: true } with single element');
test(function(t) {
addStyle(t, { '#parent::after': 'animation: anim1 10s;',
'#parent::before': 'animation: anim1 10s;',
'#child::after': 'animation: anim1 10s;',
'#child::before': 'animation: anim1 10s;' });
var parent = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'parent' }); = 'anim1 100s';
var child = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'child' }); = 'anim1 100s';
var animations = parent.getAnimations({ subtree: false });
assert_equals(animations.length, 1,
'Should find only the element even if it has a child');
assert_equals(animations[0], parent,
'Effect target shuld be the element');
}, 'Test AnimationFilter{ subtree: false } with element that has a child');
test(function(t) {
addStyle(t, { '#parent::after': 'animation: anim1 10s;',
'#parent::before': 'animation: anim1 10s;',
'#child::after': 'animation: anim1 10s;',
'#child::before': 'animation: anim1 10s;' });
var parent = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'parent' });
var child = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'child' }); = 'anim1 100s'; = 'anim1 100s';
var animations = parent.getAnimations({ subtree: true });
assert_equals(animations.length, 6,
'Should find all elements, pesudo-elements that parent has');
assert_equals(animations[0], parent,
'The animation targeting the parent element ' +
'should be returned first');
assert_equals(animations[1], '::before',
'The animation targeting the ::before pseudo-element ' +
'should be returned second');
assert_equals(animations[1], parent,
'This ::before element should be child of parent element');
assert_equals(animations[2], '::after',
'The animation targeting the ::after pesudo-element ' +
'should be returned third');
assert_equals(animations[2], parent,
'This ::after element should be child of parent element');
assert_equals(animations[3], child,
'The animation targeting the child element ' +
'should be returned fourth');
assert_equals(animations[4], '::before',
'The animation targeting the ::before pseudo-element ' +
'should be returned fifth');
assert_equals(animations[4], child,
'This ::before element should be child of child element');
assert_equals(animations[5], '::after',
'The animation targeting the ::after pesudo-element ' +
'should be returned last');
assert_equals(animations[5], child,
'This ::after element should be child of child element');
}, 'Test AnimationFilter{ subtree: true } with element that has a child');
test(function(t) {
var parent = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'parent' });
var child1 = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'child1' });
var grandchild1 = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'grandchild1' });
var grandchild2 = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'grandchild2' });
var child2 = addDiv(t, { 'id': 'child2' }); = 'anim1 100s'; = 'anim1 100s'; = 'anim1 100s'; = 'anim1 100s'; = 'anim1 100s';
var animations = parent.getAnimations({ subtree: true });
parent.getAnimations({ subtree: true }).length, 5,
'Should find all descendants of the element');
assert_equals(animations[0], parent,
'The animation targeting the parent element ' +
'should be returned first');
assert_equals(animations[1], child1,
'The animation targeting the child1 element ' +
'should be returned second');
assert_equals(animations[2], grandchild1,
'The animation targeting the grandchild1 element ' +
'should be returned third');
assert_equals(animations[3], grandchild2,
'The animation targeting the grandchild2 element ' +
'should be returned fourth');
assert_equals(animations[4], child2,
'The animation targeting the child2 element ' +
'should be returned last');
}, 'Test AnimationFilter{ subtree: true } with element that has many descendant');