| /** |
| * |
| * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Computer, Inc. |
| * |
| * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Library General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
| * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
| * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
| * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| #include "RenderSlider.h" |
| |
| #include "CSSPropertyNames.h" |
| #include "Document.h" |
| #include "Event.h" |
| #include "EventHandler.h" |
| #include "EventNames.h" |
| #include "Frame.h" |
| #include "HTMLInputElement.h" |
| #include "HTMLDivElement.h" |
| #include "HTMLNames.h" |
| #include "MouseEvent.h" |
| #include "RenderTheme.h" |
| #include <wtf/MathExtras.h> |
| |
| using std::min; |
| |
| namespace WebCore { |
| |
| using namespace EventNames; |
| using namespace HTMLNames; |
| |
| const int defaultTrackLength = 129; |
| |
| class HTMLSliderThumbElement : public HTMLDivElement { |
| public: |
| HTMLSliderThumbElement(Document*, Node* shadowParent = 0); |
| |
| virtual void defaultEventHandler(Event*); |
| virtual bool isShadowNode() const { return true; } |
| virtual Node* shadowParentNode() { return m_shadowParent; } |
| |
| bool inDragMode() const { return m_inDragMode; } |
| private: |
| Node* m_shadowParent; |
| IntPoint m_initialClickPoint; |
| int m_initialPosition; |
| bool m_inDragMode; |
| }; |
| |
| HTMLSliderThumbElement::HTMLSliderThumbElement(Document* doc, Node* shadowParent) |
| : HTMLDivElement(doc) |
| , m_shadowParent(shadowParent) |
| , m_initialClickPoint(IntPoint()) |
| , m_initialPosition(0) |
| , m_inDragMode(false) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| void HTMLSliderThumbElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event) |
| { |
| const AtomicString& eventType = event->type(); |
| if (eventType == mousedownEvent && event->isMouseEvent() && static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->button() == LeftButton) { |
| MouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event); |
| if (document()->frame() && renderer() && renderer()->parent() |
| && static_cast<RenderSlider*>(renderer()->parent())->mouseEventIsInThumb(mouseEvent)) { |
| // Cache the initial point where the mouse down occurred. |
| m_initialClickPoint = IntPoint(mouseEvent->pageX(), mouseEvent->pageY()); |
| // Cache the initial position of the thumb. |
| m_initialPosition = static_cast<RenderSlider*>(renderer()->parent())->currentPosition(); |
| m_inDragMode = true; |
| |
| document()->frame()->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(m_shadowParent); |
| |
| event->setDefaultHandled(); |
| return; |
| } |
| } else if (eventType == mouseupEvent && event->isMouseEvent() && static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)->button() == LeftButton) { |
| if (m_inDragMode) { |
| if (Frame* frame = document()->frame()) |
| frame->eventHandler()->setCapturingMouseEventsNode(0); |
| m_inDragMode = false; |
| event->setDefaultHandled(); |
| return; |
| } |
| } else if (eventType == mousemoveEvent && event->isMouseEvent()) { |
| if (m_inDragMode && renderer() && renderer()->parent()) { |
| // Move the slider |
| MouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event); |
| RenderSlider* slider = static_cast<RenderSlider*>(renderer()->parent()); |
| int newPosition = slider->positionForOffset( |
| IntPoint(m_initialPosition + mouseEvent->pageX() - m_initialClickPoint.x() |
| + (renderer()->width() / 2), |
| m_initialPosition + mouseEvent->pageY() - m_initialClickPoint.y() |
| + (renderer()->height() / 2))); |
| if (slider->currentPosition() != newPosition) { |
| slider->setCurrentPosition(newPosition); |
| slider->valueChanged(); |
| } |
| event->setDefaultHandled(); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| HTMLDivElement::defaultEventHandler(event); |
| } |
| |
| RenderSlider::RenderSlider(HTMLInputElement* element) |
| : RenderBlock(element) |
| , m_thumb(0) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| RenderSlider::~RenderSlider() |
| { |
| if (m_thumb) |
| m_thumb->detach(); |
| } |
| |
| int RenderSlider::baselinePosition(bool b, bool isRootLineBox) const |
| { |
| return height() + marginTop(); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderSlider::calcPrefWidths() |
| { |
| m_minPrefWidth = 0; |
| m_maxPrefWidth = 0; |
| |
| if (style()->width().isFixed() && style()->width().value() > 0) |
| m_minPrefWidth = m_maxPrefWidth = calcContentBoxWidth(style()->width().value()); |
| else |
| m_maxPrefWidth = defaultTrackLength * style()->effectiveZoom(); |
| |
| if (style()->minWidth().isFixed() && style()->minWidth().value() > 0) { |
| m_maxPrefWidth = max(m_maxPrefWidth, calcContentBoxWidth(style()->minWidth().value())); |
| m_minPrefWidth = max(m_minPrefWidth, calcContentBoxWidth(style()->minWidth().value())); |
| } else if (style()->width().isPercent() || (style()->width().isAuto() && style()->height().isPercent())) |
| m_minPrefWidth = 0; |
| else |
| m_minPrefWidth = m_maxPrefWidth; |
| |
| if (style()->maxWidth().isFixed() && style()->maxWidth().value() != undefinedLength) { |
| m_maxPrefWidth = min(m_maxPrefWidth, calcContentBoxWidth(style()->maxWidth().value())); |
| m_minPrefWidth = min(m_minPrefWidth, calcContentBoxWidth(style()->maxWidth().value())); |
| } |
| |
| int toAdd = paddingLeft() + paddingRight() + borderLeft() + borderRight(); |
| m_minPrefWidth += toAdd; |
| m_maxPrefWidth += toAdd; |
| |
| setPrefWidthsDirty(false); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderSlider::setStyle(RenderStyle* newStyle) |
| { |
| RenderBlock::setStyle(newStyle); |
| |
| if (m_thumb) { |
| RenderStyle* thumbStyle = createThumbStyle(newStyle, m_thumb->renderer()->style()); |
| m_thumb->renderer()->setStyle(thumbStyle); |
| } |
| |
| setReplaced(isInline()); |
| } |
| |
| RenderStyle* RenderSlider::createThumbStyle(RenderStyle* parentStyle, RenderStyle* oldStyle) |
| { |
| RenderStyle* style; |
| |
| RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = getPseudoStyle(RenderStyle::SLIDER_THUMB); |
| if (pseudoStyle) |
| // We may be sharing style with another slider, but we must not share the thumb style. |
| style = new (renderArena()) RenderStyle(*pseudoStyle); |
| else |
| style = new (renderArena()) RenderStyle(); |
| |
| if (parentStyle) |
| style->inheritFrom(parentStyle); |
| |
| style->setDisplay(BLOCK); |
| style->setPosition(RelativePosition); |
| if (oldStyle) { |
| style->setLeft(oldStyle->left()); |
| style->setTop(oldStyle->top()); |
| } |
| |
| if (parentStyle->appearance() == SliderVerticalAppearance) |
| style->setAppearance(SliderThumbVerticalAppearance); |
| else if (parentStyle->appearance() == SliderHorizontalAppearance) |
| style->setAppearance(SliderThumbHorizontalAppearance); |
| else if (parentStyle->appearance() == MediaSliderAppearance) |
| style->setAppearance(MediaSliderThumbAppearance); |
| |
| return style; |
| } |
| |
| void RenderSlider::layout() |
| { |
| bool relayoutChildren = false; |
| |
| if (m_thumb && m_thumb->renderer()) { |
| |
| int oldWidth = m_width; |
| calcWidth(); |
| int oldHeight = m_height; |
| calcHeight(); |
| |
| if (oldWidth != m_width || oldHeight != m_height) |
| relayoutChildren = true; |
| |
| // Allow the theme to set the size of the thumb |
| if (m_thumb->renderer()->style()->hasAppearance()) |
| theme()->adjustSliderThumbSize(m_thumb->renderer()); |
| |
| if (style()->appearance() == SliderVerticalAppearance) { |
| // FIXME: Handle percentage widths correctly. See http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12104 |
| m_thumb->renderer()->style()->setLeft(Length(contentWidth() / 2 - m_thumb->renderer()->style()->width().value() / 2, Fixed)); |
| } else { |
| // FIXME: Handle percentage heights correctly. See http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12104 |
| m_thumb->renderer()->style()->setTop(Length(contentHeight() / 2 - m_thumb->renderer()->style()->height().value() / 2, Fixed)); |
| } |
| |
| if (relayoutChildren) |
| setPositionFromValue(true); |
| } |
| |
| RenderBlock::layoutBlock(relayoutChildren); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderSlider::updateFromElement() |
| { |
| if (!m_thumb) { |
| m_thumb = new HTMLSliderThumbElement(document(), node()); |
| RenderStyle* thumbStyle = createThumbStyle(style()); |
| m_thumb->setRenderer(m_thumb->createRenderer(renderArena(), thumbStyle)); |
| m_thumb->renderer()->setStyle(thumbStyle); |
| m_thumb->setAttached(); |
| m_thumb->setInDocument(true); |
| addChild(m_thumb->renderer()); |
| } |
| setPositionFromValue(); |
| setNeedsLayout(true); |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderSlider::mouseEventIsInThumb(MouseEvent* evt) |
| { |
| if (!m_thumb || !m_thumb->renderer()) |
| return false; |
| |
| IntRect thumbBounds = m_thumb->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect(); |
| return thumbBounds.contains(evt->pageX(), evt->pageY()); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderSlider::setValueForPosition(int position) |
| { |
| if (!m_thumb || !m_thumb->renderer()) |
| return; |
| |
| const AtomicString& minStr = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->getAttribute(minAttr); |
| const AtomicString& maxStr = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->getAttribute(maxAttr); |
| const AtomicString& precision = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->getAttribute(precisionAttr); |
| |
| double minVal = minStr.isNull() ? 0.0 : minStr.toDouble(); |
| double maxVal = maxStr.isNull() ? 100.0 : maxStr.toDouble(); |
| minVal = min(minVal, maxVal); // Make sure the range is sane. |
| |
| // Calculate the new value based on the position |
| double factor = (double)position / (double)trackSize(); |
| if (style()->appearance() == SliderVerticalAppearance) |
| factor = 1.0 - factor; |
| double val = minVal + factor * (maxVal - minVal); |
| |
| val = max(minVal, min(val, maxVal)); // Make sure val is within min/max. |
| |
| // Force integer value if not float. |
| if (!equalIgnoringCase(precision, "float")) |
| val = lround(val); |
| |
| static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->setValueFromRenderer(String::number(val)); |
| |
| if (position != currentPosition()) { |
| setCurrentPosition(position); |
| static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->onChange(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| double RenderSlider::setPositionFromValue(bool inLayout) |
| { |
| if (!m_thumb || !m_thumb->renderer()) |
| return 0; |
| |
| if (!inLayout) |
| document()->updateLayout(); |
| |
| String value = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->value(); |
| const AtomicString& minStr = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->getAttribute(minAttr); |
| const AtomicString& maxStr = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->getAttribute(maxAttr); |
| const AtomicString& precision = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->getAttribute(precisionAttr); |
| |
| double minVal = minStr.isNull() ? 0.0 : minStr.toDouble(); |
| double maxVal = maxStr.isNull() ? 100.0 : maxStr.toDouble(); |
| minVal = min(minVal, maxVal); // Make sure the range is sane. |
| |
| double oldVal = value.isNull() ? (maxVal + minVal)/2.0 : value.toDouble(); |
| double val = max(minVal, min(oldVal, maxVal)); // Make sure val is within min/max. |
| |
| // Force integer value if not float. |
| if (!equalIgnoringCase(precision, "float")) |
| val = lround(val); |
| |
| // Calculate the new position based on the value |
| double factor = (val - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal); |
| if (style()->appearance() == SliderVerticalAppearance) |
| factor = 1.0 - factor; |
| |
| setCurrentPosition((int)(factor * trackSize())); |
| |
| if (val != oldVal) |
| static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->setValueFromRenderer(String::number(val)); |
| |
| return val; |
| } |
| |
| int RenderSlider::positionForOffset(const IntPoint& p) |
| { |
| if (!m_thumb || !m_thumb->renderer()) |
| return 0; |
| |
| int position; |
| if (style()->appearance() == SliderVerticalAppearance) |
| position = p.y() - m_thumb->renderer()->height() / 2; |
| else |
| position = p.x() - m_thumb->renderer()->width() / 2; |
| |
| return max(0, min(position, trackSize())); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderSlider::valueChanged() |
| { |
| setValueForPosition(currentPosition()); |
| static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node())->onChange(); |
| } |
| |
| int RenderSlider::currentPosition() |
| { |
| if (!m_thumb || !m_thumb->renderer()) |
| return 0; |
| |
| if (style()->appearance() == SliderVerticalAppearance) |
| return m_thumb->renderer()->style()->top().value(); |
| return m_thumb->renderer()->style()->left().value(); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderSlider::setCurrentPosition(int pos) |
| { |
| if (!m_thumb || !m_thumb->renderer()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (style()->appearance() == SliderVerticalAppearance) |
| m_thumb->renderer()->style()->setTop(Length(pos, Fixed)); |
| else |
| m_thumb->renderer()->style()->setLeft(Length(pos, Fixed)); |
| |
| m_thumb->renderer()->layer()->updateLayerPosition(); |
| repaint(); |
| m_thumb->renderer()->repaint(); |
| } |
| |
| int RenderSlider::trackSize() |
| { |
| if (!m_thumb || !m_thumb->renderer()) |
| return 0; |
| |
| if (style()->appearance() == SliderVerticalAppearance) |
| return contentHeight() - m_thumb->renderer()->height(); |
| return contentWidth() - m_thumb->renderer()->width(); |
| } |
| |
| void RenderSlider::forwardEvent(Event* evt) |
| { |
| m_thumb->defaultEventHandler(evt); |
| } |
| |
| bool RenderSlider::inDragMode() const |
| { |
| return m_thumb->inDragMode(); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace WebCore |