blob: 9dbfc22559ba890137ab82d2a3e9619c8105d1ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef Document_h
#define Document_h
#include "Attr.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "DeprecatedPtrList.h"
#include "DocumentMarker.h"
#include "HTMLCollection.h"
#include "HTMLFormElement.h"
#include "KURL.h"
#include "StringHash.h"
#include "Timer.h"
#include <wtf/HashCountedSet.h>
#include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
// FIXME: We should move Mac off of the old Frame-based user stylesheet loading
// code and onto the new code in Page. We can't do that until the code in Page
// supports non-file: URLs, however.
namespace WebCore {
class AXObjectCache;
class Attr;
class Attribute;
class CDATASection;
class CachedCSSStyleSheet;
class CanvasRenderingContext2D;
class CharacterData;
class CSSStyleDeclaration;
class CSSStyleSelector;
class CSSStyleSheet;
class Comment;
class Database;
class DOMImplementation;
class DOMSelection;
class DOMWindow;
class DatabaseThread;
class DocLoader;
class DocumentFragment;
class DocumentType;
class EditingText;
class Element;
class EntityReference;
class Event;
class EventListener;
class Frame;
class FrameView;
class HTMLCanvasElement;
class HTMLDocument;
class HTMLElement;
class HTMLFormControlElementWithState;
class HTMLFormElement;
class HTMLHeadElement;
class HTMLInputElement;
class HTMLMapElement;
class ImageLoader;
class IntPoint;
class JSNode;
class MessagePort;
class MouseEventWithHitTestResults;
class NodeFilter;
class NodeIterator;
class Page;
class PlatformMouseEvent;
class ProcessingInstruction;
class Range;
class RegisteredEventListener;
class RenderArena;
class SecurityOrigin;
class Settings;
class StyleSheet;
class StyleSheetList;
class Text;
class TextResourceDecoder;
class Tokenizer;
class TreeWalker;
class SVGDocumentExtensions;
class XBLBindingManager;
class XPathEvaluator;
class XPathExpression;
class XPathNSResolver;
class XPathResult;
struct DashboardRegionValue;
struct HitTestRequest;
typedef int ExceptionCode;
class FormElementKey {
FormElementKey(AtomicStringImpl* = 0, AtomicStringImpl* = 0);
FormElementKey(const FormElementKey&);
FormElementKey& operator=(const FormElementKey&);
AtomicStringImpl* name() const { return m_name; }
AtomicStringImpl* type() const { return m_type; }
// Hash table deleted values, which are only constructed and never copied or destroyed.
FormElementKey(WTF::HashTableDeletedValueType) : m_name(hashTableDeletedValue()) { }
bool isHashTableDeletedValue() const { return m_name == hashTableDeletedValue(); }
void ref() const;
void deref() const;
static AtomicStringImpl* hashTableDeletedValue() { return reinterpret_cast<AtomicStringImpl*>(-1); }
AtomicStringImpl* m_name;
AtomicStringImpl* m_type;
inline bool operator==(const FormElementKey& a, const FormElementKey& b)
return == && a.type() == b.type();
struct FormElementKeyHash {
static unsigned hash(const FormElementKey&);
static bool equal(const FormElementKey& a, const FormElementKey& b) { return a == b; }
static const bool safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted = true;
struct FormElementKeyHashTraits : WTF::GenericHashTraits<FormElementKey> {
static void constructDeletedValue(FormElementKey& slot) { new (&slot) FormElementKey(WTF::HashTableDeletedValue); }
static bool isDeletedValue(const FormElementKey& value) { return value.isHashTableDeletedValue(); }
class Document : public ContainerNode {
static PassRefPtr<Document> create(Frame* frame)
return new Document(frame, false);
static PassRefPtr<Document> createXHTML(Frame* frame)
return new Document(frame, true);
virtual ~Document();
virtual void removedLastRef();
// Nodes belonging to this document hold "self-only" references -
// these are enough to keep the document from being destroyed, but
// not enough to keep it from removing its children. This allows a
// node that outlives its document to still have a valid document
// pointer without introducing reference cycles
void selfOnlyRef()
void selfOnlyDeref()
if (!m_selfOnlyRefCount && !refCount()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
m_deletionHasBegun = true;
delete this;
// DOM methods & attributes for Document
DocumentType* doctype() const { return m_docType.get(); }
DOMImplementation* implementation() const;
virtual void childrenChanged(bool changedByParser = false, Node* beforeChange = 0, Node* afterChange = 0, int childCountDelta = 0);
Element* documentElement() const;
virtual PassRefPtr<Element> createElement(const AtomicString& tagName, ExceptionCode&);
PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createDocumentFragment ();
PassRefPtr<Text> createTextNode(const String& data);
PassRefPtr<Comment> createComment(const String& data);
PassRefPtr<CDATASection> createCDATASection(const String& data, ExceptionCode&);
PassRefPtr<ProcessingInstruction> createProcessingInstruction(const String& target, const String& data, ExceptionCode&);
PassRefPtr<Attr> createAttribute(const String& name, ExceptionCode& ec) { return createAttributeNS(String(), name, ec, true); }
PassRefPtr<Attr> createAttributeNS(const String& namespaceURI, const String& qualifiedName, ExceptionCode&, bool shouldIgnoreNamespaceChecks = false);
PassRefPtr<EntityReference> createEntityReference(const String& name, ExceptionCode&);
PassRefPtr<Node> importNode(Node* importedNode, bool deep, ExceptionCode&);
virtual PassRefPtr<Element> createElementNS(const String& namespaceURI, const String& qualifiedName, ExceptionCode&);
PassRefPtr<Element> createElement(const QualifiedName&, bool createdByParser, ExceptionCode& ec);
Element* getElementById(const AtomicString&) const;
bool hasElementWithId(AtomicStringImpl* id) const;
bool containsMultipleElementsWithId(const AtomicString& elementId) { return m_duplicateIds.contains(elementId.impl()); }
Element* elementFromPoint(int x, int y) const;
String readyState() const;
String inputEncoding() const;
String defaultCharset() const;
String charset() const { return inputEncoding(); }
String characterSet() const { return inputEncoding(); }
void setCharset(const String&);
String contentLanguage() const { return m_contentLanguage; }
void setContentLanguage(const String& lang) { m_contentLanguage = lang; }
String xmlEncoding() const { return m_xmlEncoding; }
String xmlVersion() const { return m_xmlVersion; }
bool xmlStandalone() const { return m_xmlStandalone; }
void setXMLEncoding(const String& encoding) { m_xmlEncoding = encoding; } // read-only property, only to be set from XMLTokenizer
void setXMLVersion(const String&, ExceptionCode&);
void setXMLStandalone(bool, ExceptionCode&);
String documentURI() const { return m_documentURI; }
void setDocumentURI(const String&);
virtual KURL baseURI() const;
PassRefPtr<Node> adoptNode(PassRefPtr<Node> source, ExceptionCode&);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> images();
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> embeds();
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> plugins(); // an alias for embeds() required for the JS DOM bindings.
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> applets();
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> links();
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> forms();
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> anchors();
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> all();
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> objects();
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> scripts();
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> windowNamedItems(const String& name);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> documentNamedItems(const String& name);
HTMLCollection::CollectionInfo* collectionInfo(HTMLCollection::Type type)
ASSERT(type >= HTMLCollection::FirstUnnamedDocumentCachedType);
unsigned index = type - HTMLCollection::FirstUnnamedDocumentCachedType;
ASSERT(index < HTMLCollection::NumUnnamedDocumentCachedTypes);
return &m_collectionInfo[index];
HTMLCollection::CollectionInfo* nameCollectionInfo(HTMLCollection::Type, const AtomicString& name);
// DOM methods overridden from parent classes
virtual String nodeName() const;
virtual NodeType nodeType() const;
// Other methods (not part of DOM)
virtual bool isDocumentNode() const { return true; }
virtual bool isHTMLDocument() const { return false; }
virtual bool isImageDocument() const { return false; }
virtual bool isSVGDocument() const { return false; }
virtual bool isPluginDocument() const { return false; }
virtual bool isMediaDocument() const { return false; }
CSSStyleSelector* styleSelector() const { return m_styleSelector; }
Element* getElementByAccessKey(const String& key) const;
* Updates the pending sheet count and then calls updateStyleSelector.
void removePendingSheet();
* This method returns true if all top-level stylesheets have loaded (including
* any @imports that they may be loading).
bool haveStylesheetsLoaded() const
return m_pendingStylesheets <= 0 || m_ignorePendingStylesheets
|| m_inLowBandwidthDisplay
* Increments the number of pending sheets. The <link> elements
* invoke this to add themselves to the loading list.
void addPendingSheet() { m_pendingStylesheets++; }
void addStyleSheetCandidateNode(Node*, bool createdByParser);
void removeStyleSheetCandidateNode(Node*);
bool gotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad() { return m_gotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad; }
void setGotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad(bool b) { m_gotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad = b; }
* Called when one or more stylesheets in the document may have been added, removed or changed.
* Creates a new style selector and assign it to this document. This is done by iterating through all nodes in
* document (or those before <BODY> in a HTML document), searching for stylesheets. Stylesheets can be contained in
* <LINK>, <STYLE> or <BODY> elements, as well as processing instructions (XML documents only). A list is
* constructed from these which is used to create the a new style selector which collates all of the stylesheets
* found and is used to calculate the derived styles for all rendering objects.
void updateStyleSelector();
void recalcStyleSelector();
bool usesDescendantRules() const { return m_usesDescendantRules; }
void setUsesDescendantRules(bool b) { m_usesDescendantRules = b; }
bool usesSiblingRules() const { return m_usesSiblingRules; }
void setUsesSiblingRules(bool b) { m_usesSiblingRules = b; }
bool usesFirstLineRules() const { return m_usesFirstLineRules; }
void setUsesFirstLineRules(bool b) { m_usesFirstLineRules = b; }
bool usesFirstLetterRules() const { return m_usesFirstLetterRules; }
void setUsesFirstLetterRules(bool b) { m_usesFirstLetterRules = b; }
// Machinery for saving and restoring state when you leave and then go back to a page.
void registerFormElementWithState(HTMLFormControlElementWithState* e) { m_formElementsWithState.add(e); }
void unregisterFormElementWithState(HTMLFormControlElementWithState* e) { m_formElementsWithState.remove(e); }
Vector<String> formElementsState() const;
void setStateForNewFormElements(const Vector<String>&);
bool hasStateForNewFormElements() const;
bool takeStateForFormElement(AtomicStringImpl* name, AtomicStringImpl* type, String& state);
FrameView* view() const; // can be NULL
Frame* frame() const { return m_frame; } // can be NULL
Page* page() const; // can be NULL
Settings* settings() const; // can be NULL
PassRefPtr<Range> createRange();
PassRefPtr<NodeIterator> createNodeIterator(Node* root, unsigned whatToShow,
PassRefPtr<NodeFilter>, bool expandEntityReferences, ExceptionCode&);
PassRefPtr<TreeWalker> createTreeWalker(Node* root, unsigned whatToShow,
PassRefPtr<NodeFilter>, bool expandEntityReferences, ExceptionCode&);
// Special support for editing
PassRefPtr<CSSStyleDeclaration> createCSSStyleDeclaration();
PassRefPtr<EditingText> createEditingTextNode(const String&);
virtual void recalcStyle( StyleChange = NoChange );
virtual void updateRendering();
void updateLayout();
void updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets();
static void updateDocumentsRendering();
DocLoader* docLoader() { return m_docLoader; }
virtual void attach();
virtual void detach();
void clearFramePointer();
RenderArena* renderArena() { return m_renderArena; }
void clearAXObjectCache();
AXObjectCache* axObjectCache() const;
// to get visually ordered hebrew and arabic pages right
void setVisuallyOrdered();
void open(Document* ownerDocument = 0);
void implicitOpen();
void close();
void implicitClose();
void cancelParsing();
void write(const String& text, Document* ownerDocument = 0);
void writeln(const String& text, Document* ownerDocument = 0);
void finishParsing();
void clear();
bool wellFormed() const { return m_wellFormed; }
const KURL& url() const { return m_url; }
void setURL(const KURL&);
const KURL& baseURL() const { return m_baseURL; }
// Setting the BaseElementURL will change the baseURL.
void setBaseElementURL(const KURL&);
const String& baseTarget() const { return m_baseTarget; }
// Setting the BaseElementTarget will change the baseTarget.
void setBaseElementTarget(const String& baseTarget) { m_baseTarget = baseTarget; }
KURL completeURL(const String&) const;
unsigned visitedLinkHash(const AtomicString& attributeURL) const;
// from cachedObjectClient
virtual void setCSSStyleSheet(const String& url, const String& charset, const CachedCSSStyleSheet*);
void setUserStyleSheet(const String& sheet);
String userStyleSheet() const;
CSSStyleSheet* elementSheet();
CSSStyleSheet* mappedElementSheet();
virtual Tokenizer* createTokenizer();
Tokenizer* tokenizer() { return m_tokenizer; }
bool printing() const { return m_printing; }
void setPrinting(bool p) { m_printing = p; }
enum ParseMode { Compat, AlmostStrict, Strict };
virtual void determineParseMode() {}
void setParseMode(ParseMode m) { m_parseMode = m; }
ParseMode parseMode() const { return m_parseMode; }
bool inCompatMode() const { return m_parseMode == Compat; }
bool inAlmostStrictMode() const { return m_parseMode == AlmostStrict; }
bool inStrictMode() const { return m_parseMode == Strict; }
void setParsing(bool);
bool parsing() const { return m_bParsing; }
int minimumLayoutDelay();
bool shouldScheduleLayout();
int elapsedTime() const;
void setTextColor(const Color& color) { m_textColor = color; }
Color textColor() const { return m_textColor; }
const Color& linkColor() const { return m_linkColor; }
const Color& visitedLinkColor() const { return m_visitedLinkColor; }
const Color& activeLinkColor() const { return m_activeLinkColor; }
void setLinkColor(const Color& c) { m_linkColor = c; }
void setVisitedLinkColor(const Color& c) { m_visitedLinkColor = c; }
void setActiveLinkColor(const Color& c) { m_activeLinkColor = c; }
void resetLinkColor();
void resetVisitedLinkColor();
void resetActiveLinkColor();
MouseEventWithHitTestResults prepareMouseEvent(const HitTestRequest&, const IntPoint&, const PlatformMouseEvent&);
virtual bool childTypeAllowed(NodeType);
virtual PassRefPtr<Node> cloneNode(bool deep);
virtual bool canReplaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild);
StyleSheetList* styleSheets();
/* Newly proposed CSS3 mechanism for selecting alternate
stylesheets using the DOM. May be subject to change as
spec matures. - dwh
String preferredStylesheetSet() const;
String selectedStylesheetSet() const;
void setSelectedStylesheetSet(const String&);
bool setFocusedNode(PassRefPtr<Node>);
Node* focusedNode() const { return m_focusedNode.get(); }
// The m_ignoreAutofocus flag specifies whether or not the document has been changed by the user enough
// for WebCore to ignore the autofocus attribute on any form controls
bool ignoreAutofocus() const { return m_ignoreAutofocus; };
void setIgnoreAutofocus(bool shouldIgnore = true) { m_ignoreAutofocus = shouldIgnore; };
void setHoverNode(PassRefPtr<Node>);
Node* hoverNode() const { return m_hoverNode.get(); }
void setActiveNode(PassRefPtr<Node>);
Node* activeNode() const { return m_activeNode.get(); }
void focusedNodeRemoved();
void removeFocusedNodeOfSubtree(Node*, bool amongChildrenOnly = false);
void hoveredNodeDetached(Node*);
void activeChainNodeDetached(Node*);
// Updates for :target (CSS3 selector).
void setCSSTarget(Node*);
Node* getCSSTarget() const;
void setDocumentChanged(bool);
void attachNodeIterator(NodeIterator*);
void detachNodeIterator(NodeIterator*);
void attachRange(Range*);
void detachRange(Range*);
void nodeChildrenChanged(ContainerNode*);
void nodeWillBeRemoved(Node*);
void textInserted(Node*, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
void textRemoved(Node*, unsigned offset, unsigned length);
void textNodesMerged(Text* oldNode, unsigned offset);
void textNodeSplit(Text* oldNode);
DOMWindow* defaultView() const { return domWindow(); }
DOMWindow* domWindow() const;
PassRefPtr<Event> createEvent(const String& eventType, ExceptionCode&);
// keep track of what types of event listeners are registered, so we don't
// dispatch events unnecessarily
enum ListenerType {
bool hasListenerType(ListenerType listenerType) const { return (m_listenerTypes & listenerType); }
void addListenerType(ListenerType listenerType) { m_listenerTypes = m_listenerTypes | listenerType; }
void addListenerTypeIfNeeded(const AtomicString& eventType);
CSSStyleDeclaration* getOverrideStyle(Element*, const String& pseudoElt);
void handleWindowEvent(Event*, bool useCapture);
void setWindowEventListenerForType(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr<EventListener>);
EventListener* windowEventListenerForType(const AtomicString& eventType);
void removeWindowEventListenerForType(const AtomicString& eventType);
void setWindowEventListenerForTypeAndAttribute(const AtomicString& eventType, Attribute*);
void addWindowEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr<EventListener>, bool useCapture);
void removeWindowEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, EventListener*, bool useCapture);
bool hasWindowEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType);
void addPendingFrameUnloadEventCount();
void removePendingFrameUnloadEventCount();
void addPendingFrameBeforeUnloadEventCount();
void removePendingFrameBeforeUnloadEventCount();
PassRefPtr<EventListener> createEventListener(const String& functionName, const String& code, Node*);
* Searches through the document, starting from fromNode, for the next selectable element that comes after fromNode.
* The order followed is as specified in section 17.11.1 of the HTML4 spec, which is elements with tab indexes
* first (from lowest to highest), and then elements without tab indexes (in document order).
* @param fromNode The node from which to start searching. The node after this will be focused. May be null.
* @return The focus node that comes after fromNode
* See
Node* nextFocusableNode(Node* start, KeyboardEvent*);
* Searches through the document, starting from fromNode, for the previous selectable element (that comes _before_)
* fromNode. The order followed is as specified in section 17.11.1 of the HTML4 spec, which is elements with tab
* indexes first (from lowest to highest), and then elements without tab indexes (in document order).
* @param fromNode The node from which to start searching. The node before this will be focused. May be null.
* @return The focus node that comes before fromNode
* See
Node* previousFocusableNode(Node* start, KeyboardEvent*);
int nodeAbsIndex(Node*);
Node* nodeWithAbsIndex(int absIndex);
* Handles a HTTP header equivalent set by a meta tag using <meta http-equiv="..." content="...">. This is called
* when a meta tag is encountered during document parsing, and also when a script dynamically changes or adds a meta
* tag. This enables scripts to use meta tags to perform refreshes and set expiry dates in addition to them being
* specified in a HTML file.
* @param equiv The http header name (value of the meta tag's "equiv" attribute)
* @param content The header value (value of the meta tag's "content" attribute)
void processHttpEquiv(const String& equiv, const String& content);
void dispatchImageLoadEventSoon(ImageLoader*);
void dispatchImageLoadEventsNow();
void removeImage(ImageLoader*);
// Returns the owning element in the parent document.
// Returns 0 if this is the top level document.
Element* ownerElement() const;
String title() const { return m_title; }
void setTitle(const String&, Element* titleElement = 0);
void removeTitle(Element* titleElement);
String cookie() const;
void setCookie(const String&);
String referrer() const;
String domain() const;
void setDomain(const String& newDomain);
String lastModified() const;
const KURL& cookieURL() const { return m_cookieURL; }
const KURL& policyBaseURL() const { return m_policyBaseURL; }
void setPolicyBaseURL(const KURL& url) { m_policyBaseURL = url; }
// The following implements the rule from HTML 4 for what valid names are.
// To get this right for all the XML cases, we probably have to improve this or move it
// and make it sensitive to the type of document.
static bool isValidName(const String&);
// The following breaks a qualified name into a prefix and a local name.
// It also does a validity check, and returns false if the qualified name
// is invalid. It also sets ExceptionCode when name is invalid.
static bool parseQualifiedName(const String& qualifiedName, String& prefix, String& localName, ExceptionCode&);
// Checks to make sure prefix and namespace do not conflict (per DOM Core 3)
static bool hasPrefixNamespaceMismatch(const QualifiedName&);
void addElementById(const AtomicString& elementId, Element *element);
void removeElementById(const AtomicString& elementId, Element *element);
void addImageMap(HTMLMapElement*);
void removeImageMap(HTMLMapElement*);
HTMLMapElement* getImageMap(const String& url) const;
HTMLElement* body();
void setBody(PassRefPtr<HTMLElement>, ExceptionCode&);
HTMLHeadElement* head();
bool execCommand(const String& command, bool userInterface = false, const String& value = String());
bool queryCommandEnabled(const String& command);
bool queryCommandIndeterm(const String& command);
bool queryCommandState(const String& command);
bool queryCommandSupported(const String& command);
String queryCommandValue(const String& command);
void addMarker(Range*, DocumentMarker::MarkerType, String description = String());
void addMarker(Node*, DocumentMarker);
void copyMarkers(Node *srcNode, unsigned startOffset, int length, Node *dstNode, int delta, DocumentMarker::MarkerType = DocumentMarker::AllMarkers);
void removeMarkers(Range*, DocumentMarker::MarkerType = DocumentMarker::AllMarkers);
void removeMarkers(Node*, unsigned startOffset, int length, DocumentMarker::MarkerType = DocumentMarker::AllMarkers);
void removeMarkers(DocumentMarker::MarkerType = DocumentMarker::AllMarkers);
void removeMarkers(Node*);
void repaintMarkers(DocumentMarker::MarkerType = DocumentMarker::AllMarkers);
void setRenderedRectForMarker(Node*, DocumentMarker, const IntRect&);
void invalidateRenderedRectsForMarkersInRect(const IntRect&);
void shiftMarkers(Node*, unsigned startOffset, int delta, DocumentMarker::MarkerType = DocumentMarker::AllMarkers);
DocumentMarker* markerContainingPoint(const IntPoint&, DocumentMarker::MarkerType = DocumentMarker::AllMarkers);
Vector<DocumentMarker> markersForNode(Node*);
Vector<IntRect> renderedRectsForMarkers(DocumentMarker::MarkerType = DocumentMarker::AllMarkers);
// designMode support
enum InheritedBool { off = false, on = true, inherit };
void setDesignMode(InheritedBool value);
InheritedBool getDesignMode() const;
bool inDesignMode() const;
Document* parentDocument() const;
Document* topDocument() const;
int docID() const { return m_docID; }
void applyXSLTransform(ProcessingInstruction* pi);
void setTransformSource(void* doc);
const void* transformSource() { return m_transformSource; }
PassRefPtr<Document> transformSourceDocument() { return m_transformSourceDocument; }
void setTransformSourceDocument(Document* doc) { m_transformSourceDocument = doc; }
// XBL methods
XBLBindingManager* bindingManager() const { return m_bindingManager; }
void incDOMTreeVersion() { ++m_domtree_version; }
unsigned domTreeVersion() const { return m_domtree_version; }
void setDocType(PassRefPtr<DocumentType>);
void finishedParsing();
// XPathEvaluator methods
PassRefPtr<XPathExpression> createExpression(const String& expression,
XPathNSResolver* resolver,
ExceptionCode& ec);
PassRefPtr<XPathNSResolver> createNSResolver(Node *nodeResolver);
PassRefPtr<XPathResult> evaluate(const String& expression,
Node* contextNode,
XPathNSResolver* resolver,
unsigned short type,
XPathResult* result,
ExceptionCode& ec);
#endif // ENABLE(XPATH)
enum PendingSheetLayout { NoLayoutWithPendingSheets, DidLayoutWithPendingSheets, IgnoreLayoutWithPendingSheets };
bool didLayoutWithPendingStylesheets() const { return m_pendingSheetLayout == DidLayoutWithPendingSheets; }
void setHasNodesWithPlaceholderStyle() { m_hasNodesWithPlaceholderStyle = true; }
const String& iconURL() const { return m_iconURL; }
void setIconURL(const String& iconURL, const String& type);
void setUseSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive(bool);
bool useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive() const;
void setDocLoader(DocLoader* loader) { m_docLoader = loader; }
bool inLowBandwidthDisplay() const { return m_inLowBandwidthDisplay; }
void setLowBandwidthDisplay(bool lowBandWidth) { m_inLowBandwidthDisplay = lowBandWidth; }
void addNodeListCache() { ++m_numNodeListCaches; }
void removeNodeListCache() { ASSERT(m_numNodeListCaches > 0); --m_numNodeListCaches; }
bool hasNodeListCaches() const { return m_numNodeListCaches; }
void updateFocusAppearanceSoon();
void cancelFocusAppearanceUpdate();
// FF method for accessing the selection added for compatability.
DOMSelection* getSelection() const;
// Extension for manipulating canvas drawing contexts for use in CSS
CanvasRenderingContext2D* getCSSCanvasContext(const String& type, const String& name, int width, int height);
HTMLCanvasElement* getCSSCanvasElement(const String& name);
void processMessagePortMessagesSoon();
void dispatchMessagePortEvents();
void createdMessagePort(MessagePort*);
void destroyedMessagePort(MessagePort*);
bool isDNSPrefetchEnabled() const { return m_isDNSPrefetchEnabled; }
void initDNSPrefetch();
void parseDNSPrefetchControlHeader(const String&);
Document(Frame*, bool isXHTML);
CSSStyleSelector* m_styleSelector;
bool m_didCalculateStyleSelector;
Frame* m_frame;
DocLoader* m_docLoader;
Tokenizer* m_tokenizer;
bool m_wellFormed;
// Document URLs.
KURL m_url; // Document.URL: The URL from which this document was retrieved.
KURL m_baseURL; // Node.baseURI: The URL to use when resolving relative URLs.
KURL m_baseElementURL; // The URL set by the <base> element.
KURL m_cookieURL; // The URL to use for cookie access.
KURL m_policyBaseURL; // The policy URL for third-party cookie blocking.
// Document.documentURI:
// Although URL-like, Document.documentURI can actually be set to any
// string by content. Document.documentURI affects m_baseURL unless the
// document contains a <base> element, in which case the <base> element
// takes precedence.
String m_documentURI;
String m_baseTarget;
RefPtr<DocumentType> m_docType;
mutable RefPtr<DOMImplementation> m_implementation;
RefPtr<StyleSheet> m_sheet;
String m_usersheet;
// Track the number of currently loading top-level stylesheets. Sheets
// loaded using the @import directive are not included in this count.
// We use this count of pending sheets to detect when we can begin attaching
// elements.
int m_pendingStylesheets;
// But sometimes you need to ignore pending stylesheet count to
// force an immediate layout when requested by JS.
bool m_ignorePendingStylesheets;
// If we do ignore the pending stylesheet count, then we need to add a boolean
// to track that this happened so that we can do a full repaint when the stylesheets
// do eventually load.
PendingSheetLayout m_pendingSheetLayout;
bool m_hasNodesWithPlaceholderStyle;
RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet> m_elemSheet;
RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet> m_mappedElementSheet;
bool m_printing;
bool m_ignoreAutofocus;
ParseMode m_parseMode;
Color m_textColor;
RefPtr<Node> m_focusedNode;
RefPtr<Node> m_hoverNode;
RefPtr<Node> m_activeNode;
mutable RefPtr<Element> m_documentElement;
unsigned m_domtree_version;
HashSet<NodeIterator*> m_nodeIterators;
HashSet<Range*> m_ranges;
unsigned short m_listenerTypes;
RefPtr<StyleSheetList> m_styleSheets; // All of the stylesheets that are currently in effect for our media type and stylesheet set.
ListHashSet<Node*> m_styleSheetCandidateNodes; // All of the nodes that could potentially provide stylesheets to the document (<link>, <style>, <?xml-stylesheet>)
RegisteredEventListenerList m_windowEventListeners;
typedef HashMap<FormElementKey, Vector<String>, FormElementKeyHash, FormElementKeyHashTraits> FormElementStateMap;
ListHashSet<HTMLFormControlElementWithState*> m_formElementsWithState;
FormElementStateMap m_stateForNewFormElements;
Color m_linkColor;
Color m_visitedLinkColor;
Color m_activeLinkColor;
String m_preferredStylesheetSet;
String m_selectedStylesheetSet;
bool m_loadingSheet;
bool visuallyOrdered;
bool m_bParsing;
bool m_docChanged;
bool m_inStyleRecalc;
bool m_closeAfterStyleRecalc;
bool m_usesDescendantRules;
bool m_usesSiblingRules;
bool m_usesFirstLineRules;
bool m_usesFirstLetterRules;
bool m_gotoAnchorNeededAfterStylesheetsLoad;
bool m_isDNSPrefetchEnabled;
bool m_haveExplicitlyDisabledDNSPrefetch;
String m_title;
bool m_titleSetExplicitly;
RefPtr<Element> m_titleElement;
RenderArena* m_renderArena;
typedef std::pair<Vector<DocumentMarker>, Vector<IntRect> > MarkerMapVectorPair;
typedef HashMap<RefPtr<Node>, MarkerMapVectorPair*> MarkerMap;
MarkerMap m_markers;
mutable AXObjectCache* m_axObjectCache;
DeprecatedPtrList<ImageLoader> m_imageLoadEventDispatchSoonList;
DeprecatedPtrList<ImageLoader> m_imageLoadEventDispatchingList;
Timer<Document> m_imageLoadEventTimer;
Timer<Document> m_updateFocusAppearanceTimer;
Node* m_cssTarget;
bool m_processingLoadEvent;
double m_startTime;
bool m_overMinimumLayoutThreshold;
void* m_transformSource;
RefPtr<Document> m_transformSourceDocument;
XBLBindingManager* m_bindingManager; // The access point through which documents and elements communicate with XBL.
typedef HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, HTMLMapElement*> ImageMapsByName;
ImageMapsByName m_imageMapsByName;
HashSet<Node*> m_disconnectedNodesWithEventListeners;
int m_docID; // A unique document identifier used for things like document-specific mapped attributes.
String m_xmlEncoding;
String m_xmlVersion;
bool m_xmlStandalone;
String m_contentLanguage;
bool m_firedMessagePortTimer;
HashSet<MessagePort*> m_messagePorts;
bool inPageCache();
void setInPageCache(bool flag);
// Elements can register themselves for the "willSaveToCache()" and
// "didRestoreFromCache()" callbacks
void registerForCacheCallbacks(Element*);
void unregisterForCacheCallbacks(Element*);
void willSaveToCache();
void didRestoreFromCache();
void setShouldCreateRenderers(bool);
bool shouldCreateRenderers();
void setDecoder(PassRefPtr<TextResourceDecoder>);
TextResourceDecoder* decoder() const { return m_decoder.get(); }
UChar backslashAsCurrencySymbol() const;
void setDashboardRegionsDirty(bool f) { m_dashboardRegionsDirty = f; }
bool dashboardRegionsDirty() const { return m_dashboardRegionsDirty; }
bool hasDashboardRegions () const { return m_hasDashboardRegions; }
void setHasDashboardRegions (bool f) { m_hasDashboardRegions = f; }
const Vector<DashboardRegionValue>& dashboardRegions() const;
void setDashboardRegions(const Vector<DashboardRegionValue>&);
void removeAllEventListenersFromAllNodes();
void registerDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(Node*);
void unregisterDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(Node*);
HTMLFormElement::CheckedRadioButtons& checkedRadioButtons() { return m_checkedRadioButtons; }
const SVGDocumentExtensions* svgExtensions();
SVGDocumentExtensions* accessSVGExtensions();
void initSecurityContext();
SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin() const { return m_securityOrigin.get(); }
// Explicitly override the security origin for this document.
// Note: It is dangerous to change the security origin of a document
// that already contains content.
void setSecurityOrigin(SecurityOrigin*);
bool processingLoadEvent() const { return m_processingLoadEvent; }
void addOpenDatabase(Database*);
void removeOpenDatabase(Database*);
DatabaseThread* databaseThread(); // Creates the thread as needed, but not if it has been already terminated.
void setHasOpenDatabases() { m_hasOpenDatabases = true; }
bool hasOpenDatabases() { return m_hasOpenDatabases; }
void stopDatabases();
void clearXMLVersion() { m_xmlVersion = String(); }
void updateTitle();
void removeAllDisconnectedNodeEventListeners();
void imageLoadEventTimerFired(Timer<Document>*);
void updateFocusAppearanceTimerFired(Timer<Document>*);
void updateBaseURL();
RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> m_securityOrigin;
RenderObject* m_savedRenderer;
int m_secureForms;
RefPtr<TextResourceDecoder> m_decoder;
// We maintain the invariant that m_duplicateIds is the count of all elements with a given ID
// excluding the one referenced in m_elementsById, if any. This means it one less than the total count
// when the first node with a given ID is cached, otherwise the same as the total count.
mutable HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, Element*> m_elementsById;
mutable HashCountedSet<AtomicStringImpl*> m_duplicateIds;
mutable HashMap<StringImpl*, Element*, CaseFoldingHash> m_elementsByAccessKey;
InheritedBool m_designMode;
int m_selfOnlyRefCount;
HTMLFormElement::CheckedRadioButtons m_checkedRadioButtons;
typedef HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, HTMLCollection::CollectionInfo*> NamedCollectionMap;
HTMLCollection::CollectionInfo m_collectionInfo[HTMLCollection::NumUnnamedDocumentCachedTypes];
NamedCollectionMap m_nameCollectionInfo[HTMLCollection::NumNamedDocumentCachedTypes];
RefPtr<XPathEvaluator> m_xpathEvaluator;
OwnPtr<SVGDocumentExtensions> m_svgExtensions;
Vector<DashboardRegionValue> m_dashboardRegions;
bool m_hasDashboardRegions;
bool m_dashboardRegionsDirty;
HashMap<String, RefPtr<HTMLCanvasElement> > m_cssCanvasElements;
mutable bool m_accessKeyMapValid;
bool m_createRenderers;
bool m_inPageCache;
String m_iconURL;
HashSet<Element*> m_pageCacheCallbackElements;
bool m_useSecureKeyboardEntryWhenActive;
bool m_isXHTML;
unsigned m_numNodeListCaches;
typedef HashMap<WebCore::Node*, JSNode*> JSWrapperCache;
JSWrapperCache& wrapperCache() { return m_wrapperCache; }
JSWrapperCache m_wrapperCache;
RefPtr<DatabaseThread> m_databaseThread;
bool m_hasOpenDatabases; // This never changes back to false, even as the database thread is closed.
typedef HashSet<Database*> DatabaseSet;
OwnPtr<DatabaseSet> m_openDatabaseSet;
bool m_inLowBandwidthDisplay;
inline bool Document::hasElementWithId(AtomicStringImpl* id) const
return m_elementsById.contains(id) || m_duplicateIds.contains(id);
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // Document_h