blob: 8b4b1efc2ff8a49cc1f8dda2c133314b499d29b0 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Check method init value of GET and associated getter
PASS Check method init value of HEAD and associated getter
PASS Check method init value of POST and associated getter
PASS Check method init value of PUT and associated getter
PASS Check method init value of DELETE and associated getter
PASS Check method init value of OPTIONS and associated getter
PASS Check method init value of head and associated getter
PASS Check referrer init value of /relative/ressource and associated getter
PASS Check referrer init value of http://localhost:8800/relative/ressource?query=true#fragment and associated getter
PASS Check referrer init value of http://localhost:8800/ and associated getter
PASS Check referrer init value of http://test.url and associated getter
PASS Check referrer init value of about:client and associated getter
PASS Check referrer init value of and associated getter
PASS Check referrerPolicy init value of and associated getter
PASS Check referrerPolicy init value of no-referrer and associated getter
PASS Check referrerPolicy init value of no-referrer-when-downgrade and associated getter
PASS Check referrerPolicy init value of origin and associated getter
PASS Check referrerPolicy init value of origin-when-cross-origin and associated getter
PASS Check referrerPolicy init value of unsafe-url and associated getter
PASS Check referrerPolicy init value of same-origin and associated getter
PASS Check referrerPolicy init value of strict-origin and associated getter
PASS Check referrerPolicy init value of strict-origin-when-cross-origin and associated getter
PASS Check mode init value of same-origin and associated getter
PASS Check mode init value of no-cors and associated getter
PASS Check mode init value of cors and associated getter
PASS Check credentials init value of omit and associated getter
PASS Check credentials init value of same-origin and associated getter
PASS Check credentials init value of include and associated getter
PASS Check redirect init value of follow and associated getter
PASS Check redirect init value of error and associated getter
PASS Check redirect init value of manual and associated getter
PASS Check integrity init value of and associated getter
PASS Check integrity init value of AZERTYUIOP1234567890 and associated getter
PASS Check window init value of null and associated getter