blob: 03379eebb6dd13186c36be614aa2c457f92394cd [file] [log] [blame]
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoid revalidation for stale responses with Etag and stale response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoid revalidation for stale responses with Last-Modified and stale response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoid revalidation for fresh responses with Etag and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and avoid revalidation for fresh responses with Last-Modified and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response is not found with Etag and stale response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response is not found with Last-Modified and stale response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response is not found with Etag and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response is not found with Last-Modified and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response would vary with Etag and stale response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response would vary with Last-Modified and stale response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response would vary with Etag and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" mode checks the cache for previously cached content and goes to the network if a cached response would vary with Last-Modified and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" stores the response in the cache if it goes to the network with Etag and stale response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" stores the response in the cache if it goes to the network with Last-Modified and stale response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" stores the response in the cache if it goes to the network with Etag and fresh response
PASS RequestCache "force-cache" stores the response in the cache if it goes to the network with Last-Modified and fresh response