| LiveConnect 3.0 JavaScript to Java Data Type Conversion JavaScript Object to java.lang.String |
| |
| FAIL jsoc.setJSObject(array); jsoc.PUB_JSOBJECT should be 1,2,3. Was null. |
| FAIL jsoc.setJSObject(array); jsoc.getJSObject() should be 1,2,3 (of type object). Was undefined (of type undefined). |
| FAIL jsoc.getJSObject().constructor should be function Array() { |
| [native code] |
| }. Threw exception TypeError: Result of expression 'jsoc.getJSObject()' [undefined] is not an object. |
| FAIL jsoc.setJSObject( MyObject ); jsoc.PUB_JSOBJECT should be function MyObject(stringValue) { |
| this.stringValue = String(stringValue); |
| this.toString = new Function( "return this.stringValue" ); |
| } (of type function). Was function MyObject(stringValue) { |
| this.stringValue = String(stringValue); |
| this.toString = new Function( "return this.stringValue" ); |
| } (of type object). |
| PASS jsoc.setJSObject( MyObject ); jsoc.getJSObject() is MyObject |
| PASS jsoc.getJSObject().constructor is Function |
| FAIL jsoc.setJSObject( THIS ); jsoc.PUB_JSOBJECT should be [object DOMWindow]. Was [object DOMWindow]. |
| PASS jsoc.setJSObject( THIS ); jsoc.getJSObject() is this |
| PASS jsoc.getJSObject().constructor is Object |
| FAIL jsoc.setJSObject( Math ); jsoc.PUB_JSOBJECT should be [object Math]. Was [object Math]. |
| PASS jsoc.setJSObject( Math ); jsoc.getJSObject() is Math |
| PASS jsoc.getJSObject().constructor is Object |
| FAIL jsoc.setJSObject( Function ); jsoc.PUB_JSOBJECT should be function Function() { |
| [native code] |
| } (of type function). Was function Function() { |
| [native code] |
| } (of type object). |
| PASS jsoc.setJSObject( Function ); jsoc.getJSObject() is Function |
| PASS jsoc.getJSObject().constructor is Function |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |