blob: 0fbd15f4e58ed0abbd597dc3a8e5ed488469c89b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Samuel Weinig <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
module core {
interface [
] Document : EventTargetNode {
// DOM Level 1 Core
readonly attribute DocumentType doctype;
readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation;
readonly attribute Element documentElement;
[ReturnsNew] Element createElement(in [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString tagName)
raises (DOMException);
DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment();
[ReturnsNew] Text createTextNode(in DOMString data);
[ReturnsNew] Comment createComment(in DOMString data);
[ReturnsNew] CDATASection createCDATASection(in DOMString data)
[OldStyleObjC, ReturnsNew] ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction(in DOMString target,
in DOMString data)
raises (DOMException);
[ReturnsNew] Attr createAttribute(in DOMString name)
raises (DOMException);
[ReturnsNew] EntityReference createEntityReference(in DOMString name)
NodeList getElementsByTagName(in DOMString tagname);
// Introduced in DOM Level 2:
[OldStyleObjC, ReturnsNew] Node importNode(in Node importedNode,
in boolean deep)
raises (DOMException);
[OldStyleObjC, ReturnsNew] Element createElementNS(in [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString namespaceURI,
in [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString qualifiedName)
raises (DOMException);
[OldStyleObjC, ReturnsNew] Attr createAttributeNS(in [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString namespaceURI,
in [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString qualifiedName)
raises (DOMException);
[OldStyleObjC] NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS(in [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString namespaceURI,
in DOMString localName);
Element getElementById(in DOMString elementId);
// DOM Level 3 Core
readonly attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Null] DOMString inputEncoding;
readonly attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Null] DOMString xmlEncoding;
attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Null, ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString xmlVersion
setter raises (DOMException);
attribute boolean xmlStandalone
setter raises (DOMException);
Node adoptNode(in Node source)
raises (DOMException);
attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Null, ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString documentURI;
#if !defined(LANGUAGE_COM)
// DOM Level 2 Events (DocumentEvents interface)
Event createEvent(in DOMString eventType)
// DOM Level 2 Tranversal and Range (DocumentRange interface)
Range createRange();
// DOM Level 2 Tranversal and Range (DocumentTraversal interface)
NodeIterator createNodeIterator(in Node root,
in unsigned long whatToShow,
in NodeFilter filter,
in boolean entityReferenceExpansion)
TreeWalker createTreeWalker(in Node root,
in unsigned long whatToShow,
in NodeFilter filter,
in boolean entityReferenceExpansion)
#endif // !defined(LANGUAGE_OBJECTIVE_C)
// DOM Level 2 Abstract Views (DocumentView interface)
readonly attribute DOMWindow defaultView;
// DOM Level 2 Style (DocumentStyle interface)
readonly attribute StyleSheetList styleSheets;
// DOM Level 2 Style (DocumentCSS interface)
[OldStyleObjC] CSSStyleDeclaration getOverrideStyle(in Element element,
in DOMString pseudoElement);
// DOM Level 3 XPath (XPathEvaluator interface)
[OldStyleObjC] XPathExpression createExpression(in DOMString expression,
in XPathNSResolver resolver)
XPathNSResolver createNSResolver(in Node nodeResolver);
[OldStyleObjC] XPathResult evaluate(in DOMString expression,
in Node contextNode,
in XPathNSResolver resolver,
in unsigned short type,
in XPathResult inResult)
#endif // ENABLE_XPATH
#endif // !defined(LANGUAGE_COM)
// Common extensions
boolean execCommand(in DOMString command,
in boolean userInterface,
in [ConvertUndefinedOrNullToNullString] DOMString value);
// FIXME: remove the these two versions once [Optional] is implemented for Objective-C.
boolean execCommand(in DOMString command,
in boolean userInterface);
boolean execCommand(in DOMString command);
boolean queryCommandEnabled(in DOMString command);
boolean queryCommandIndeterm(in DOMString command);
boolean queryCommandState(in DOMString command);
boolean queryCommandSupported(in DOMString command);
[ConvertNullStringTo=False] DOMString queryCommandValue(in DOMString command);
// Moved down from HTMLDocument
attribute [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString title;
readonly attribute DOMString referrer;
attribute [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString domain;
readonly attribute DOMString domain;
readonly attribute DOMString URL;
// FIXME: the DOM spec states that this attribute can
// raise an exception on setting.
attribute [ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString cookie
/*setter raises (DOMException)*/;
// FIXME: the DOM spec does NOT have this attribute
// raising an exception.
attribute HTMLElement body
setter raises (DOMException);
readonly attribute HTMLCollection images;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection applets;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection links;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection forms;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection anchors;
readonly attribute DOMString lastModified;
NodeList getElementsByName(in DOMString elementName);
attribute [Custom] Location location;
// IE extensions
attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Undefined, ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString charset;
readonly attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Undefined] DOMString defaultCharset;
readonly attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Undefined] DOMString readyState;
Element elementFromPoint(in long x, in long y);
// Mozilla extensions
DOMSelection getSelection();
readonly attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Null] DOMString characterSet;
// WebKit extensions
readonly attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Null] DOMString preferredStylesheetSet;
attribute [ConvertNullStringTo=Null, ConvertNullToNullString] DOMString selectedStylesheetSet;
#if !defined(LANGUAGE_COM)
CSSStyleDeclaration createCSSStyleDeclaration();
// DOM Level 2 Style Interface
[OldStyleObjC, UsesView] CSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(in Element element,
in DOMString pseudoElement);
// WebKit extension
// FIXME: remove the first version once [Optional] is implemented for Objective-C.
[UsesView] CSSRuleList getMatchedCSSRules(in Element element,
in DOMString pseudoElement);
[UsesView] CSSRuleList getMatchedCSSRules(in Element element,
in DOMString pseudoElement,
in [Optional] boolean authorOnly);
#if !defined(LANGUAGE_COM)
DOMObject getCSSCanvasContext(in DOMString contextId, in DOMString name, in long width, in long height);
// HTML 5
NodeList getElementsByClassName(in DOMString tagname);
// DocumentSelector - Selector API
Element querySelector(in [ConvertUndefinedOrNullToNullString] DOMString selectors)
NodeList querySelectorAll(in [ConvertUndefinedOrNullToNullString] DOMString selectors)