blob: 361bc521b6f4a8b682df76bd89714799d545fc55 [file] [log] [blame]
/* accessibility help text for media controller time value >= 1 day */
"%1$d days %2$d hours %3$d minutes %4$d seconds" = "%1$d days %2$d hours %3$d minutes %4$d seconds";
/* accessibility help text for media controller time value >= 60 minutes */
"%1$d hours %2$d minutes %3$d seconds" = "%1$d hours %2$d minutes %3$d seconds";
/* accessibility help text for media controller time value >= 60 seconds */
"%1$d minutes %2$d seconds" = "%1$d minutes %2$d seconds";
/* accessibility help text for media controller time value < 60 seconds */
"%1$d seconds" = "%1$d seconds";
/* window title for a standalone image (uses multiplication symbol, not x) */
"%@ %@×%@ pixels" = "%@ %@×%@ pixels";
/* visible name of the plug-in host process. The first argument is the plug-in name and the second argument is the application name. */
"%@ (%@ Internet plug-in)" = "%@ (%@ Internet plug-in)";
/* Text track display name format that includes the language of the subtitle, in the form of 'Title (Language)' */
"%@ (%@)" = "%@ (%@)";
/* Text track display name format that includes the country and language of the subtitle, in the form of 'Title (Language-Country)' */
"%@ (%@-%@)" = "%@ (%@-%@)";
/* Text track contains Audio Descriptions */
"%@ AD" = "%@ AD";
/* Text track contains closed captions */
"%@ CC" = "%@ CC";
/* Text track contains simplified (3rd grade level) subtitles */
"%@ Easy Reader" = "%@ Easy Reader";
/* Text track contains forced subtitles */
"%@ Forced" = "%@ Forced";
/* visible name of the network process. The argument is the application name. */
"%@ Networking" = "%@ Networking";
/* Text track contains subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing */
"%@ SDH" = "%@ SDH";
/* Visible name of Service Worker process. The argument is the application name. */
"%@ Service Worker (%@)" = "%@ Service Worker (%@)";
/* visible name of the storage process. The argument is the application name. */
"%@ Storage" = "%@ Storage";
/* Visible name of the web process. The argument is the application name. */
"%@ Web Content" = "%@ Web Content";
/* Visible name of Web Inspector's web process. The argument is the application name. */
"%@ Web Inspector" = "%@ Web Inspector";
/* Name of application's single WebCrypto master key in Keychain */
"%@ WebCrypto Master Key" = "%@ WebCrypto Master Key";
/* Label to describe the number of files selected in a file upload control that allows multiple files */
"%d files" = "%d files";
/* Label for PDF page number indicator. */
"%d of %d" = "%d of %d";
/* label next to file upload control; parameters are the number of photos and the number of videos */
"%lu photo(s) and %lu video(s)" = "%lu photo(s) and %lu video(s)";
/* window title for a standalone image (uses multiplication symbol, not x) */
"%s %d×%d pixels" = "%s %d×%d pixels";
/* Name of application's single WebCrypto master key in Keychain */
"%s WebCrypto Master Key" = "%s WebCrypto Master Key";
/* Present the number of selected <option> items in a <select multiple> element (iOS only) */
"%zu Items" = "%zu Items";
/* Present the element <select multiple> when no <option> items are selected (iOS only) */
"0 Items" = "0 Items";
/* Present the element <select multiple> when a single <option> is selected (iOS only) */
"1 Item" = "1 Item";
/* Option in segmented control for choosing list type in text editing */
"1. 2. 3." = "1. 2. 3.";
/* Menu item title for KEYGEN pop-up menu */
"2048 (High Grade)" = "2048 (High Grade)";
/* window title for a standalone image (uses multiplication symbol, not x) */
"<filename> %d×%d pixels" = "<filename> %d×%d pixels";
/* WKErrorJavaScriptExceptionOccurred description */
"A JavaScript exception occurred" = "A JavaScript exception occurred";
/* Title for Add to Reading List action button */
"Add to Reading List" = "Add to Reading List";
/* Undo action name */
"Align Left (Undo action name)" = "Align Left";
/* Undo action name */
"Align Right (Undo action name)" = "Align Right";
/* WKErrorUnknown description */
"An unknown error occurred" = "An unknown error occurred";
/* Menu item label for automatic track selection behavior */
"Auto (Recommended)" = "Auto (Recommended)";
/* Back context menu item */
"Back" = "Back";
/* Label text to be used if plugin is blocked by a page's Content Security Policy */
"Blocked Plug-In (Blocked by page's Content Security Policy)" = "Blocked Plug-in";
/* Label text to be used when an insecure plug-in version was blocked from loading */
"Blocked Plug-In (Insecure plug-in)" = "Blocked Plug-in";
/* Bold context menu item */
"Bold" = "Bold";
/* Undo action name */
"Bold (Undo action name)" = "Bold";
/* Option in segmented control for inserting a bulleted list in text editing */
"Bulleted list" = "Bulleted list";
/* Title of the Cancel button for zoomed form controls. */
"Cancel" = "Cancel";
/* Title for Cancel button label in button bar */
"Cancel button label in button bar" = "Cancel";
/* Capitalize context menu item */
"Capitalize" = "Capitalize";
/* Undo action name */
"Center (Undo action name)" = "Center";
/* Undo action name */
"Change Attributes (Undo action name)" = "Change Attributes";
/* Check spelling context menu item */
"Check Document Now" = "Check Document Now";
/* Check grammar with spelling context menu item */
"Check Grammar With Spelling" = "Check Grammar With Spelling";
/* Check spelling while typing context menu item */
"Check Spelling While Typing" = "Check Spelling While Typing";
/* title for a single file chooser button used in HTML forms */
"Choose File" = "Choose File";
/* title for a multiple file chooser button used in HTML forms. This title should be as short as possible. */
"Choose Files" = "Choose Files";
/* Title for file button used in HTML5 forms for multiple media files */
"Choose Media (Multiple)" = "Choose Media (Multiple)";
/* Title for file button used in HTML forms for media files */
"Choose Media (Single)" = "Choose Media (Single)";
/* Clear button in date input popover */
"Clear Button Date Popover" = "Clear";
/* menu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contents */
"Clear Recent Searches" = "Clear Recent Searches";
/* Message to display in browser window when in webkit full screen mode. */
"Click to Exit Full Screen" = "Click to Exit Full Screen";
/* Subtitle of the label to show on a snapshotted plug-in */
"Click to restart" = "Click to restart";
/* WKErrorContentRuleListStoreCompileFailed description */
"Compiling a WKContentRuleList failed" = "Compiling a WKContentRuleList failed";
/* WebKitErrorCannotShowMIMEType description */
"Content with specified MIME type can’t be shown" = "Content with specified MIME type can’t be shown";
/* Media Controls context menu item */
"Controls" = "Controls";
/* Copy context menu item */
"Copy" = "Copy";
/* Title for Copy Link or Image action button */
"Copy (ActionSheet)" = "Copy";
/* Copy Audio Address Location context menu item */
"Copy Audio Address" = "Copy Audio Address";
/* Copy Image context menu item */
"Copy Image" = "Copy Image";
/* Copy Link context menu item */
"Copy Link" = "Copy Link";
/* Copy Video Address Location context menu item */
"Copy Video Address" = "Copy Video Address";
/* Correct Spelling Automatically context menu item */
"Correct Spelling Automatically" = "Correct Spelling Automatically";
/* Undo action name */
"Create Link (Undo action name)" = "Create Link";
/* Cut context menu item */
"Cut" = "Cut";
/* Undo action name */
"Cut (Undo action name)" = "Cut";
/* Day label in date picker */
"Day (Date picker for extra zoom mode)" = "Day";
/* Fullscreen Deceptive Website Warning Sheet Title */
"Deceptive Website Warning" = "Deceptive Website Warning";
/* Default writing direction context menu item */
"Default" = "Default";
/* Undo action name */
"Delete (Undo action name)" = "Delete";
/* text to display in <details> tag when it has no <summary> child */
"Details" = "Details";
/* Undo action name */
"Dictation (Undo action name)" = "Dictation";
/* Title of the Done button for zoomed form controls. */
"Done" = "Done";
/* Download Audio To Disk context menu item */
"Download Audio" = "Download Audio";
/* Download Image context menu item */
"Download Image" = "Download Image";
/* Download Linked File context menu item */
"Download Linked File" = "Download Linked File";
/* Download Video To Disk context menu item */
"Download Video" = "Download Video";
/* Undo action name */
"Drag (Undo action name)" = "Drag";
/* Video Enter Fullscreen context menu item */
"Enter Full Screen" = "Enter Full Screen";
/* menu item */
"Enter Picture in Picture" = "Enter Picture in Picture";
/* Validation message for input form controls of type 'url' that have an invalid value */
"Enter a URL" = "Enter a URL";
/* Validation message for number fields where the user entered a non-number string */
"Enter a number" = "Enter a number";
/* Validation message for input form controls with value not respecting the step attribute */
"Enter a valid value" = "Enter a valid value";
/* Validation message for input form controls of type 'email' that have an invalid value */
"Enter an email address" = "Enter an email address";
/* Button for exiting full screen when in full screen media playback */
"Exit Full Screen" = "Exit Full Screen";
/* Video Exit Fullscreen context menu item */
"Exit Full Screen (context menu)" = "Exit Full Screen";
/* Fullscreen Deceptive Website Exit Action */
"Exit Fullscreen" = "Exit Fullscreen";
/* menu item */
"Exit Picture in Picture" = "Exit Picture in Picture";
/* The requested file doesn't exist */
"File does not exist" = "File does not exist";
/* Validation message for required form control elements that have no value */
"Fill out this field" = "Fill out this field";
/* Default application name for Open With context menu */
"Finder" = "Finder";
/* Font context sub-menu item */
"Font" = "Font";
/* Undo action name */
"Format Block (Undo action name)" = "Formatting";
/* Forward context menu item */
"Forward" = "Forward";
/* WebKitErrorFrameLoadInterruptedByPolicyChange description */
"Frame load interrupted" = "Frame load interrupted";
/* Title of the Go button for zoomed form controls. */
"Go" = "Go";
/* accessibility role description for web area */
"HTML content" = "HTML content";
/* Title of the Hide button for zoomed form controls. */
"Hide" = "Hide";
/* Hide Media Controls context menu item */
"Hide Controls" = "Hide Controls";
/* menu item title */
"Hide Spelling and Grammar" = "Hide Spelling and Grammar";
/* menu item title */
"Hide Substitutions" = "Hide Substitutions";
/* The default, default character encoding on Windows */
"ISO-8859-1" = "ISO-8859-1";
/* Ignore Grammar context menu item */
"Ignore Grammar" = "Ignore Grammar";
/* Ignore Spelling context menu item */
"Ignore Spelling" = "Ignore Spelling";
/* Undo action name */
"Indent (Undo action name)" = "Indent";
/* Undo action name */
"Insert List (Undo action name)" = "Insert List";
/* Inspect Element context menu item */
"Inspect Element" = "Inspect Element";
/* Validation message for input form controls with a value not matching type */
"Invalid value" = "Invalid value";
/* Italic context menu item */
"Italic" = "Italic";
/* Undo action name */
"Italics (Undo action name)" = "Italics";
/* WebKitErrorJavaUnavailable description */
"Java is unavailable" = "Java is unavailable";
/* Title for action sheet for JavaScript link */
"JavaScript Action Sheet Title" = "JavaScript";
/* WKErrorJavaScriptResultTypeIsUnsupported description */
"JavaScript execution returned a result of an unsupported type" = "JavaScript execution returned a result of an unsupported type";
/* Undo action name */
"Justify (Undo action name)" = "Justify";
/* Name of keychain key generated by the KEYGEN tag */
"Key from %@" = "Key from %@";
/* Learn Spelling context menu item */
"Learn Spelling" = "Learn Spelling";
/* Left to Right context menu item */
"Left to Right" = "Left to Right";
/* Media controller status message when watching a live broadcast */
"Live Broadcast" = "Live Broadcast";
/* Load request cancelled */
"Load request cancelled" = "Load request cancelled";
/* Media controller status message when the media is loading */
"Loading…" = "Loading…";
/* 'Website' name displayed when local documents have stored local data */
"Local documents on your computer" = "Local documents on your computer";
/* Look Up in Dictionary context menu item */
"Look Up in Dictionary" = "Look Up in Dictionary";
/* Look Up context menu item with selected word */
"Look Up “%@”" = "Look Up “%@”";
/* Look Up context menu item with selected word */
"Look Up “%s”" = "Look Up “%s”";
/* Look Up context menu item with selected word */
"Look Up “<selection>”" = "Look Up “<selection>”";
/* WKErrorContentRuleListStoreLookupFailed description */
"Looking up a WKContentRuleList failed" = "Looking up a WKContentRuleList failed";
/* WKErrorContentRuleListStoreVersionMismatch description */
"Looking up a WKContentRuleList found a binary that is incompatible" = "Looking up a WKContentRuleList found a binary that is incompatible";
/* Media Loop context menu item */
"Loop" = "Loop";
/* Undo action name */
"Loosen Kerning (Undo action name)" = "Loosen Kerning";
/* Undo action name */
"Lower Baseline (Undo action name)" = "Lower Baseline";
/* Make Lower Case context menu item */
"Make Lower Case" = "Make Lower Case";
/* Make Upper Case context menu item */
"Make Upper Case" = "Make Upper Case";
/* Validation message for input form controls requiring a constrained value according to pattern */
"Match the requested format" = "Match the requested format";
/* Label text to be used when a plugin is missing */
"Missing Plug-in" = "Missing Plug-in";
/* Month label in date picker */
"Month (Date picker for extra zoom mode)" = "Month";
/* Media Mute context menu item */
"Mute" = "Mute";
/* No Guesses Found context menu item */
"No Guesses Found" = "No Guesses Found";
/* Empty select list */
"No Options Select Popover" = "No Options";
/* Label for only item in menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, when no searches have been performed */
"No recent searches" = "No recent searches";
/* Option in segmented control for choosing list type in text editing */
"None" = "None";
/* WebKitErrorCannotUseRestrictedPort description */
"Not allowed to use restricted network port" = "Not allowed to use restricted network port";
/* Option in segmented control for inserting a numbered list in text editing */
"Numbered list" = "Numbered list";
/* OK button label in document password failure alert */
"OK (document password failure alert)" = "OK";
/* Menu item label for the track that represents disabling closed captions */
"Off" = "Off";
/* Title for Open Link action button */
"Open" = "Open";
/* Open Audio in New Window context menu item */
"Open Audio in New Window" = "Open Audio in New Window";
/* Open Frame in New Window context menu item */
"Open Frame in New Window" = "Open Frame in New Window";
/* Open Image in New Window context menu item */
"Open Image in New Window" = "Open Image in New Window";
/* Open Link context menu item */
"Open Link" = "Open Link";
/* Open in New Window context menu item */
"Open Link in New Window" = "Open Link in New Window";
/* Open Video in New Window context menu item */
"Open Video in New Window" = "Open Video in New Window";
/* Title for Open in Safari Link action button */
"Open in Safari" = "Open in Safari";
/* Title for Open in External Application Link action button */
"Open in “%@”" = "Open in “%@”";
/* context menu item for PDF */
"Open with %@" = "Open with %@";
/* Undo action name */
"Outdent (Undo action name)" = "Outdent";
/* Outline context menu item */
"Outline" = "Outline";
/* Undo action name */
"Outline (Undo action name)" = "Outline";
/* Paragraph direction context sub-menu item */
"Paragraph Direction" = "Paragraph Direction";
/* Paste context menu item */
"Paste" = "Paste";
/* Undo action name */
"Paste (Undo action name)" = "Paste";
/* Undo action name */
"Paste Font (Undo action name)" = "Paste Font";
/* Undo action name */
"Paste Ruler (Undo action name)" = "Paste Ruler";
/* Media Pause context menu item */
"Pause" = "Pause";
/* File Upload alert sheet button string for choosing an existing media item from the Photo Library */
"Photo Library (file upload action sheet)" = "Photo Library";
/* Media Play context menu item */
"Play" = "Play";
/* accessibility help text for enter fullscreen button */
"Play movie in fullscreen mode" = "Play movie in fullscreen mode";
/* Label text to be used if plugin host process has crashed */
"Plug-in Failure" = "Plug-in Failure";
/* WebKitErrorPlugInCancelledConnection description */
"Plug-in cancelled" = "Plug-in cancelled";
/* WebKitErrorPlugInWillHandleLoad description */
"Plug-in handled load" = "Plug-in handled load";
/* Description of the primary type supported by the PDF pseudo plug-in. Visible in the Installed Plug-ins page in Safari. */
"Portable Document Format" = "Portable Document Format";
/* Description of the PostScript type supported by the PDF pseudo plug-in. Visible in the Installed Plug-ins page in Safari. */
"PostScript" = "PostScript";
/* Undo action name */
"Raise Baseline (Undo action name)" = "Raise Baseline";
/* label for first item in the menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, used as embedded menu title */
"Recent Searches" = "Recent Searches";
/* Reload context menu item */
"Reload" = "Reload";
/* WKErrorContentRuleListStoreRemoveFailed description */
"Removing a WKContentRuleList failed" = "Removing a WKContentRuleList failed";
/* default label for Reset buttons in forms on web pages */
"Reset" = "Reset";
/* Right to Left context menu item */
"Right to Left" = "Right to Left";
/* Title for Save Image action button */
"Save Image" = "Save Image";
/* Title of the Search button for zoomed form controls. */
"Search" = "Search";
/* Search in Spotlight context menu item */
"Search in Spotlight" = "Search in Spotlight";
/* Search with search provider context menu item with provider name inserted */
"Search with %@" = "Search with %@";
/* Search with Google context menu item */
"Search with Google" = "Search with Google";
/* Validation message for required file inputs that have no value */
"Select a file" = "Select a file";
/* Validation message for required menu list controls that have no selection */
"Select an item in the list" = "Select an item in the list";
/* Validation message for required radio boxes that have no selection */
"Select one of these options" = "Select one of these options";
/* Validation message for required checkboxes that have not be selected */
"Select this checkbox" = "Select this checkbox";
/* Selection direction context sub-menu item */
"Selection Direction" = "Selection Direction";
/* Undo action name */
"Set Background Color (Undo action name)" = "Set Background Color";
/* Undo action name */
"Set Color (Undo action name)" = "Set Color";
/* Undo action name */
"Set Font (Undo action name)" = "Set Font";
/* Undo action name */
"Set Traditional Character Shape (Undo action name)" = "Set Traditional Character Shape";
/* Undo action name */
"Set Writing Direction (Undo action name)" = "Set Writing Direction";
/* Title for Share action button */
"Share…" = "Share…";
/* Show colors context menu item */
"Show Colors" = "Show Colors";
/* Show Media Controls context menu item */
"Show Controls" = "Show Controls";
/* Show fonts context menu item */
"Show Fonts" = "Show Fonts";
/* menu item title */
"Show Spelling and Grammar" = "Show Spelling and Grammar";
/* menu item title */
"Show Substitutions" = "Show Substitutions";
/* Title of the context menu item to show when PDFPlugin was used instead of a blocked plugin */
"Show in blocked plug-in" = "Show in blocked plug-in";
/* Smart Copy/Paste context menu item */
"Smart Copy/Paste" = "Smart Copy/Paste";
/* Smart Dashes context menu item */
"Smart Dashes" = "Smart Dashes";
/* Smart Links context menu item */
"Smart Links" = "Smart Links";
/* Smart Quotes context menu item */
"Smart Quotes" = "Smart Quotes";
/* Title of the label to show on a snapshotted plug-in */
"Snapshotted Plug-In" = "Snapshotted Plug-In";
/* Speech context sub-menu item */
"Speech" = "Speech";
/* Spelling and Grammar context sub-menu item */
"Spelling and Grammar" = "Spelling and Grammar";
/* title for Start Debugging JavaScript menu item */
"Start Debugging JavaScript" = "Start Debugging JavaScript";
/* title for Start Profiling JavaScript menu item */
"Start Profiling JavaScript" = "Start Profiling JavaScript";
/* Start speaking context menu item */
"Start Speaking" = "Start Speaking";
/* Fullscreen Deceptive Website Stay Action */
"Stay in Fullscreen" = "Stay in Fullscreen";
/* Stop context menu item */
"Stop" = "Stop";
/* title for Stop Debugging JavaScript menu item */
"Stop Debugging JavaScript" = "Stop Debugging JavaScript";
/* title for Stop Profiling JavaScript menu item */
"Stop Profiling JavaScript" = "Stop Profiling JavaScript";
/* Stop speaking context menu item */
"Stop Speaking" = "Stop Speaking";
/* Label for strong password. */
"Strong Password" = "Strong Password";
/* Styles context menu item */
"Styles…" = "Styles…";
/* default label for Submit buttons in forms on web pages */
"Submit" = "Submit";
/* alt text for <input> elements with no alt, title, or value */
"Submit (input element)" = "Submit";
/* Undo action name */
"Subscript (Undo action name)" = "Subscript";
/* Substitutions context sub-menu item */
"Substitutions" = "Substitutions";
/* Menu section heading for subtitles */
"Subtitles" = "Subtitles";
/* Undo action name */
"Superscript (Undo action name)" = "Superscript";
/* File Upload alert sheet camera button string for taking only photos */
"Take Photo (file upload action sheet)" = "Take Photo";
/* File Upload alert sheet camera button string for taking photos or videos */
"Take Photo or Video (file upload action sheet)" = "Take Photo or Video";
/* File Upload alert sheet camera button string for taking only videos */
"Take Video (file upload action sheet)" = "Take Video";
/* Text Replacement context menu item */
"Text Replacement" = "Text Replacement";
/* WebKitErrorCannotShowURL description */
"The URL can’t be shown" = "The URL can’t be shown";
/* WebKitErrorBlockedByContentBlocker description */
"The URL was blocked by a content blocker" = "The URL was blocked by a content blocker";
/* WebKitErrorFrameLoadBlockedByContentFilter description */
"The URL was blocked by a content filter" = "The URL was blocked by a content filter";
/* WKErrorWebViewInvalidated description */
"The WKWebView was invalidated" = "The WKWebView was invalidated";
/* WKErrorWebContentProcessTerminated description */
"The Web Content process was terminated" = "The Web Content process was terminated";
/* WebKitErrorGeolocationLocationUnknown description */
"The current location cannot be found." = "The current location cannot be found.";
/* document password failure alert message */
"The document could not be opened with that password." = "The document could not be opened with that password.";
/* WebKitErrorCannotFindPlugin description */
"The plug-in can’t be found" = "The plug-in can’t be found";
/* WebKitErrorCannotLoadPlugin description */
"The plug-in can’t be loaded" = "The plug-in can’t be loaded";
/* prompt string in authentication panel */
"The user name or password you entered for area “%@” on %@ was incorrect. Make sure you’re entering them correctly, and then try again." = "The user name or password you entered for area “%@” on %@ was incorrect. Make sure you’re entering them correctly, and then try again.";
/* prompt string in authentication panel */
"The user name or password you entered for the %@ proxy server %@ was incorrect. Make sure you’re entering them correctly, and then try again." = "The user name or password you entered for the %@ proxy server %@ was incorrect. Make sure you’re entering them correctly, and then try again.";
/* prompt string in authentication panel */
"The user name or password you entered for this area on %@ was incorrect. Make sure you’re entering them correctly, and then try again." = "The user name or password you entered for this area on %@ was incorrect. Make sure you’re entering them correctly, and then try again.";
/* Fullscreen Deceptive Website Warning Sheet Content Text */
"The website \"%@\" may be a deceptive website. Would you like to exit fullscreen?" = "The website \"%@\" may be a deceptive website. Would you like to exit fullscreen?";
/* text that appears at the start of nearly-obsolete web pages in the form of a 'searchable index' */
"This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: " = "This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: ";
/* Undo action name */
"Tighten Kerning (Undo action name)" = "Tighten Kerning";
/* prompt string in authentication panel */
"To view this page, you must log in to area “%@” on %@." = "To view this page, you must log in to area “%@” on %@.";
/* prompt string in authentication panel */
"To view this page, you must log in to the %@ proxy server %@." = "To view this page, you must log in to the %@ proxy server %@.";
/* prompt string in authentication panel */
"To view this page, you must log in to this area on %@:" = "To view this page, you must log in to this area on %@:";
/* Transformations context sub-menu item */
"Transformations" = "Transformations";
/* Undo action name */
"Turn Off Kerning (Undo action name)" = "Turn Off Kerning";
/* Undo action name */
"Turn Off Ligatures (Undo action name)" = "Turn Off Ligatures";
/* Undo action name */
"Typing (Undo action name)" = "Typing";
/* accessibility role description for a URL field. */
"URL field" = "URL field";
/* Underline context menu item */
"Underline" = "Underline";
/* Undo action name */
"Underline (Undo action name)" = "Underline";
/* Menu item label for an audio track that has no other name */
"Unknown (audio track)" = "Unknown";
/* Unknown filesize FTP directory listing item */
"Unknown (filesize)" = "Unknown";
/* Menu item label for a text track that has no other name */
"Unknown (text track)" = "Unknown";
/* Undo action name */
"Unlink (Undo action name)" = "Unlink";
/* Undo action name */
"Unscript (Undo action name)" = "Unscript";
/* Label text to be used when an unsupported plug-in was blocked from loading */
"Unsupported Plug-In" = "Unsupported Plug-in";
/* Undo action name */
"Use All Ligatures (Undo action name)" = "Use All Ligatures";
/* Undo action name */
"Use Standard Kerning (Undo action name)" = "Use Standard Kerning";
/* Undo action name */
"Use Standard Ligatures (Undo action name)" = "Use Standard Ligatures";
/* Validation message for form control elements with a value shorter than minimum allowed length */
"Use at least %d characters" = "Use at least %d characters";
/* Validation message for form control elements with a value shorter than maximum allowed length */
"Use no more than %d character(s)" = "Use no more than %d character(s)";
/* Validation message for form control elements with a value shorter than maximum allowed length */
"Use no more than %d characters" = "Use no more than %d characters";
/* Description of WebCrypto master keys in Keychain */
"Used to encrypt WebCrypto keys in persistent storage, such as IndexedDB" = "Used to encrypt WebCrypto keys in persistent storage, such as IndexedDB";
/* The download was cancelled by the user */
"User cancelled the download" = "User cancelled the download";
/* Validation message for input form controls with value lower than allowed minimum */
"Value must be greater than or equal to %@" = "Value must be greater than or equal to %@";
/* Validation message for input form controls with value lower than allowed minimum */
"Value must be greater than or equal to %s" = "Value must be greater than or equal to %s";
/* Validation message for input form controls with value higher than allowed maximum */
"Value must be less than or equal to %@" = "Value must be less than or equal to %@";
/* Validation message for input form controls with value higher than allowed maximum */
"Value must be less than or equal to %s" = "Value must be less than or equal to %s";
/* Web Inspector window title when inspecting Web Inspector */
"Web Inspector [%d] — %@" = "Web Inspector [%d] — %@";
/* Web Inspector window title */
"Web Inspector — %@" = "Web Inspector — %@";
/* Pseudo plug-in name, visible in the Installed Plug-ins page in Safari. */
"WebKit built-in PDF" = "WebKit built-in PDF";
/* WebKitErrorInternal description */
"WebKit encountered an internal error" = "WebKit encountered an internal error";
/* Year label in date picker */
"Year (Date picker for extra zoom mode)" = "Year";
/* message in authentication panel */
"Your login information will be sent securely." = "Your login information will be sent securely.";
/* message in authentication panel */
"Your password will be sent unencrypted." = "Your password will be sent unencrypted.";
/* HTTP result code string */
"accepted" = "accepted";
/* Verb stating the action that will occur when a text field is selected, as used by accessibility */
"activate" = "activate";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as an alert. */
"alert" = "alert";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as a status update. */
"application status" = "application status";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as an article. */
"article" = "article";
/* accessibility role description for an attachment element */
"attachment" = "attachment";
/* accessibility help text for audio element controller */
"audio element playback controls and status display" = "audio element playback controls and status display";
/* accessibility label for audio element controller */
"audio playback" = "audio playback";
/* accessibility label for seek back 30 seconds button */
"back 30 seconds" = "back 30 seconds";
/* HTTP result code string */
"bad gateway" = "bad gateway";
/* HTTP result code string */
"bad request" = "bad request";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as a banner. */
"banner" = "banner";
/* accessibility help text for play button */
"begin playback" = "begin playback";
/* accessibility description for a search field cancel button */
"cancel" = "cancel";
/* Verb stating the action that will occur when an unchecked checkbox is clicked, as used by accessibility */
"check" = "check";
/* HTTP result code string */
"client error" = "client error";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as a region of complementary information. */
"complementary" = "complementary";
/* HTTP result code string */
"conflict" = "conflict";
/* Label for the auto fill contacts button inside a text field. */
"contact info auto fill" = "contact info auto fill";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that contains content. */
"content information" = "content information";
/* HTTP result code string */
"continue" = "continue";
/* HTTP result code string */
"created" = "created";
/* The less good value description for a meter element. */
"critical value" = "critical value";
/* accessibility help text for movie status display */
"current movie status" = "current movie status";
/* accessibility help text for elapsed time display */
"current movie time in seconds" = "current movie time in seconds";
/* accessibility role description for a date and time field. */
"date and time field" = "date and time field";
/* accessibility role description for a date field. */
"date field" = "date field";
/* role description of ARIA definition role */
"definition" = "definition";
/* description detail */
"description" = "description";
/* accessibility role description of a description list */
"description list" = "description list";
/* accessibility role description for a details element */
"details" = "details";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as a document. */
"document" = "document";
/* accessibility label for elapsed time display */
"elapsed time" = "elapsed time";
/* accessibility role description for an email field. */
"email field" = "email field";
/* accessibility label for enter full screen button */
"enter full screen" = "enter full screen";
/* accessibility label for exit full screen button */
"exit full screen" = "exit full screen";
/* HTTP result code string */
"expectation failed" = "expectation failed";
/* accessibility label for fast forward button */
"fast forward" = "fast forward";
/* accessibility label for fast reverse button */
"fast reverse" = "fast reverse";
/* accessibility role description for a group containing a scrollable list of articles. */
"feed" = "feed";
/* accessibility role description for a figure element. */
"figure" = "figure";
/* accessibility role description for a file upload button */
"file upload button" = "file upload button";
/* accessibility role description for a footer */
"footer" = "footer";
/* HTTP result code string */
"forbidden" = "forbidden";
/* HTTP result code string */
"found" = "found";
/* HTTP result code string */
"gateway timed out" = "gateway timed out";
/* accessibility role description for headings */
"heading" = "heading";
/* accessibility label for hide closed captions button */
"hide closed captions" = "hide closed captions";
/* accessibility role description for a mark element */
"highlighted" = "highlighted";
/* accessibility role description for image map */
"image map" = "image map";
/* accessibility help text for an indefinite media controller time value */
"indefinite time" = "indefinite time";
/* HTTP result code string */
"informational" = "informational";
/* HTTP result code string */
"internal server error" = "internal server error";
/* Verb stating the action that will occur when a link is clicked, as used by accessibility */
"jump" = "jump";
/* HTTP result code string */
"length required" = "length required";
/* accessibility role description for link */
"link" = "link";
/* accessibility role description for list marker */
"list marker" = "list marker";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as a console log. */
"log" = "log";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that is the main portion of the website. */
"main" = "main";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as a marquee. */
"marquee" = "marquee";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that contains mathematical symbols. */
"math" = "math";
/* HTTP result code string */
"method not allowed" = "method not allowed";
/* accessibility role description for a month field. */
"month and year field" = "month and year field";
/* HTTP result code string */
"moved permanently" = "moved permanently";
/* accessibility label for timeline slider */
"movie time" = "movie time";
/* accessibility help text for timeline slider */
"movie time scrubber" = "movie time scrubber";
/* accessibility help text for timeline slider thumb */
"movie time scrubber thumb" = "movie time scrubber thumb";
/* HTTP result code string */
"multiple choices" = "multiple choices";
/* accessibility label for mute button */
"mute" = "mute";
/* accessibility help text for mute button */
"mute audio tracks" = "mute audio tracks";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that contains the main navigation elements of a website. */
"navigation" = "navigation";
/* HTTP result code string */
"needs proxy" = "needs proxy";
/* HTTP result code string */
"no content" = "no content";
/* HTTP result code string */
"no error" = "no error";
/* text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selected */
"no file selected" = "no file selected";
/* text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no files are selected and the button allows multiple files to be selected */
"no files selected" = "no files selected";
/* HTTP result code string */
"no longer exists" = "no longer exists";
/* Text to display in file button used in HTML forms for media files when no media files are selected and the button allows multiple files to be selected */
"no media selected (multiple)" = "no media selected (multiple)";
/* Text to display in file button used in HTML forms for media files when no media file is selected */
"no media selected (single)" = "no media selected (single)";
/* HTTP result code string */
"non-authoritative information" = "non-authoritative information";
/* HTTP result code string */
"not found" = "not found";
/* HTTP result code string */
"not modified" = "not modified";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as a note in a document. */
"note" = "note";
/* accessibility role description for a number field. */
"number field" = "number field";
/* accessibility help text for remaining time display */
"number of seconds of movie remaining" = "number of seconds of movie remaining";
/* The optimum value description for a meter element. */
"optimal value" = "optimal value";
/* accessibility role description for an output element */
"output" = "output";
/* HTTP result code string */
"partial content" = "partial content";
/* Label for the auto fill credentials button inside a text field. */
"password auto fill" = "password auto fill";
/* accessibility label for pause button */
"pause" = "pause";
/* accessibility help text for pause button */
"pause playback" = "pause playback";
/* HTTP result code string */
"payment required" = "payment required";
/* accessibility label for play button */
"play" = "play";
/* HTTP result code string */
"precondition failed" = "precondition failed";
/* Verb stating the action that will occur when a button is pressed, as used by accessibility */
"press" = "press";
/* HTTP result code string */
"proxy authentication required" = "proxy authentication required";
/* Validation message for input form controls with value higher than allowed maximum */
"range overflow" = "range overflow";
/* Validation message for input form controls with value lower than allowed minimum */
"range underflow" = "range underflow";
/* HTTP result code string */
"redirected" = "redirected";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as a distinct region in a document. */
"region" = "region";
/* accessibility label for time remaining display */
"remaining time" = "remaining time";
/* HTTP result code string */
"request timed out" = "request timed out";
/* HTTP result code string */
"request too large" = "request too large";
/* HTTP result code string */
"requested URL too long" = "requested URL too long";
/* HTTP result code string */
"requested range not satisfiable" = "requested range not satisfiable";
/* HTTP result code string */
"reset content" = "reset content";
/* accessibility help text for return streaming movie to real time button */
"return streaming movie to real time" = "return streaming movie to real time";
/* accessibility label for return to real time button */
"return to realtime" = "return to realtime";
/* accessibility role description for a horizontal rule [<hr>] */
"rule" = "rule";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that contains a search feature of a website. */
"search" = "search";
/* HTTP result code string */
"see other" = "see other";
/* accessibility help text for jump back 30 seconds button */
"seek movie back 30 seconds" = "seek movie back 30 seconds";
/* accessibility help text for fast rewind button */
"seek quickly back" = "seek quickly back";
/* accessibility help text for fast forward button */
"seek quickly forward" = "seek quickly forward";
/* Verb stating the action that will occur when a radio button is clicked, as used by accessibility */
"select" = "select";
/* HTTP result code string */
"server error" = "server error";
/* HTTP result code string */
"service unavailable" = "service unavailable";
/* accessibility label for show closed captions button */
"show closed captions" = "show closed captions";
/* accessibility help text for show closed captions button */
"start displaying closed captions" = "start displaying closed captions";
/* accessibility label for movie status */
"status" = "status";
/* accessibility help text for hide closed captions button */
"stop displaying closed captions" = "stop displaying closed captions";
/* Label for the strong confirmation password auto fill button inside a text field. */
"strong confirmation password auto fill" = "strong confirmation password auto fill";
/* Label for the strong password auto fill button inside a text field. */
"strong password auto fill" = "strong password auto fill";
/* The suboptimal value description for a meter element. */
"suboptimal value" = "suboptimal value";
/* HTTP result code string */
"success" = "success";
/* accessibility role description for a summary element */
"summary" = "summary";
/* HTTP result code string */
"switching protocols" = "switching protocols";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that contains the content of a tab. */
"tab panel" = "tab panel";
/* accessibility role description for a telephone number field. */
"telephone number field" = "telephone number field";
/* HTTP result code string */
"temporarily redirected" = "temporarily redirected";
/* term word of a description list */
"term" = "term";
/* accessibility role description for a time field. */
"time field" = "time field";
/* accessibility label for timeline thumb */
"timeline slider thumb" = "timeline slider thumb";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as an updating timer. */
"timer" = "timer";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as a tooltip. */
"tooltip" = "tooltip";
/* HTTP result code string */
"unacceptable" = "unacceptable";
/* HTTP result code string */
"unauthorized" = "unauthorized";
/* Verb stating the action that will occur when a checked checkbox is clicked, as used by accessibility */
"uncheck" = "uncheck";
/* HTTP result code string */
"unimplemented" = "unimplemented";
/* Unknown filename */
"unknown" = "unknown";
/* accessibility label for turn mute off button */
"unmute" = "unmute";
/* accessibility help text for un mute button */
"unmute audio tracks" = "unmute audio tracks";
/* HTTP result code string */
"unsupported media type" = "unsupported media type";
/* HTTP result code string */
"unsupported version" = "unsupported version";
/* accessibility help text for video element controller */
"video element playback controls and status display" = "video element playback controls and status display";
/* accessibility label for video element controller */
"video playback" = "video playback";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as an alert dialog. */
"web alert dialog" = "web alert dialog";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as an application. */
"web application" = "web application";
/* An ARIA accessibility group that acts as an dialog. */
"web dialog" = "web dialog";
/* accessibility role description for a time field. */
"week and year field" = "week and year field";
/* Option in segmented control for choosing list type in text editing */
"•" = "•";