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<!doctype html>
<script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js"></script>
function test()
let suite = InspectorTest.createSyncSuite("View.Basics");
name: "View.rootView",
test() {
let rootView = WI.View.rootView();
InspectorTest.expectThat(rootView.isAttached, "Root view should be attached by definition.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(rootView.element, document.body, "Root view element should be document.body.");
InspectorTest.expectFalse(rootView.layoutPending, "Root view should not have a pending layout.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(rootView.subviews.length, 0, "Root view should not have subviews.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(WI.View.rootView(), WI.View.rootView(), "View.rootView() should always return the same view.");
return true;
name: "View.constructor",
test() {
let view = new WI.View;
InspectorTest.expectFalse(view.isAttached, "View should not be attached.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(view.element.tagName, "DIV", "View element should be a <div>.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(view.element.childNodes.length, 0, "View element should not have child nodes.");
InspectorTest.expectFalse(view.layoutPending, "View should not have a pending layout.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(view.subviews.length, 0, "View should not have subviews.");
InspectorTest.expectNull(view.parentView, "View should not have a parent.");
let existingElement = document.createElement("ol");
let customView = new WI.View(existingElement);
InspectorTest.expectEqual(customView.element, existingElement, "View should be created with passed in element.");
return true;
name: "View.addSubview",
test() {
let parent = new WI.View;
let child = new WI.View;
InspectorTest.expectEqual(child.parentView, parent, "Child should have the correct parent.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(child.isDescendantOf(parent), "Child should be a descendant of the parent.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(parent.subviews.includes(child), "Child should be included in the parent's subviews.");
let previousSubviews = parent.subviews.slice();
InspectorTest.expectShallowEqual(previousSubviews, parent.subviews, "Adding a view multiple times should have no effect.");
let grandchild = new WI.View;
InspectorTest.expectThat(grandchild.isDescendantOf(child.parentView), "Grandchild should be a descendant of it's grandparent.");
return true;
name: "View.removeSubview",
test() {
let parent = new WI.View;
let child = new WI.View;
InspectorTest.expectNull(child.parentView, "Removed view should not have a parent.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(!child.isDescendantOf(parent), "Removed view should not be a descendant of the parent.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(!parent.subviews.includes(child), "Removed view should not be included in the parent's subviews.");
let previousSubviews = parent.subviews.slice();
parent.removeSubview(new WI.View);
InspectorTest.expectShallowEqual(previousSubviews, parent.subviews, "Removing a nonexistent view should have no effect.")
return true;
name: "View.insertSubviewBefore",
test() {
let parent = new WI.View;
let child1 = new WI.View;
let child2 = new WI.View;
InspectorTest.expectEqual(parent.subviews[0], child1, "Inserting a view before `null` should append the view.");
parent.insertSubviewBefore(child2, child1);
InspectorTest.expectEqual(parent.subviews[0], child2, "child2 should be inserted before dhild1.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(parent.subviews[1], child1, "child1 should be after child2.");
let previousSubviews = parent.subviews.slice();
parent.insertSubviewBefore(child2, new WI.View);
InspectorTest.expectShallowEqual(parent.subviews, previousSubviews, "Inserting a view before a nonexistent view should have no effect.");
return true;
name: "View.replaceSubview",
test() {
let parent = new WI.View;
let child1 = new WI.View;
let child2 = new WI.View;
parent.replaceSubview(child1, child2);
InspectorTest.expectNull(child1.parentView, "Replaced view should not have a parent.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(child2.parentView, parent, "New view should have the correct parent.");
let previousSubviews = parent.subviews.slice();
parent.replaceSubview(child2, child2);
InspectorTest.expectShallowEqual(parent.subviews, previousSubviews, "Replacing a view with itself should have no effect.");
previousSubviews = parent.subviews;
parent.replaceSubview(new WI.View, child1);
InspectorTest.expectShallowEqual(parent.subviews, previousSubviews, "Replacing a nonexistent view should have no effect.");
return true;
name: "View.isAttached",
test() {
let view = new WI.View;
InspectorTest.expectThat(view.isAttached, "View added to the root should be attached.");
InspectorTest.expectFalse(view.isAttached, "View removed from the root should not be attached.");
let parent = new WI.View;
let child = new WI.View;
InspectorTest.expectFalse(child.isAttached, "View added to a detached parent should not be attached.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(child.isAttached, "Attaching a view to the root causes descendent views to be attached.");
InspectorTest.expectFalse(child.isAttached, "Detaching a view from the root causes descendent views to be detached.");
return true;
name: "View.fromElement",
test() {
let view = new WI.View;
InspectorTest.expectEqual(WI.View.fromElement(view.element), view, "Should be able to lookup an existing view from its element.");
InspectorTest.expectNull(WI.View.fromElement(document.createElement("div")), "Should return null for an element not associated with any view.");
InspectorTest.expectNull(WI.View.fromElement({}), "Should return null for non-element.");
InspectorTest.expectNull(WI.View.fromElement(null), "Should return null for null element.");
return true;
<body onload="runTest()">
<p>Testing basic View operations: root view access, view creation, and subview management.</p>