blob: bd461915ba746b5386471439c7374afc3528df0f [file] [log] [blame]
This test checks that BOM is treated as whitespace as required by ES5, but other Cf characters are not, despite what ECMA-262v3 says, see <>.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS escape(testString) is '%uFEFF%u200F%u200E%AD%u2062%u200D%u200C%u200B'
PASS escape(testString2) is '%uFEFF%u200F%u200E%AD%u2062%u200D%u200C%u200B'
PASS 1 is 1
PASS eval('""').length is 1
PASS eval('""').charCodeAt(0) is 0xFEFF
PASS ++1 /* BOM between the +'s */ is 1
PASS var ZWJ_I‍nside; threw exception SyntaxError: Invalid character '\u8205'.
PASS successfullyParsed is true