| test0 : Object.keys with symbols |
| 0 |
| test1: Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable |
| true |
| test2: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor |
| getown |
| [object Object] |
| proxy getown |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap for prop: a |
| has trap for prop :enumerable |
| has trap for prop :configurable |
| has trap for prop :value |
| has trap for prop :writable |
| has trap for prop :get |
| has trap for prop :set |
| plain key trap! |
| getOwn |
| 1 |
| proxy key trap! |
| getOwn |
| 1 |
| proxy key trap! |
| getOwn :a |
| 1 |
| get trap : length |
| get trap : 0 |
| get trap : 1 |
| get trap : 2 |
| ownKeys trap : |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap : a |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap : b |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap : Symbol() |
| ownKeys trap : |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap : a |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap : b |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap : Symbol() |
| get : bind |
| get : length |
| get : name |
| apply |
| bound test |
| bound test |
| test |
| test called |
| test called |
| test called |
| get trap: bind |
| getPrototypeOf trap |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap: length |
| get trap: length |
| get trap: name |
| true |
| true |
| get trap :__lookupGetter__ |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap :A |
| get trap :__lookupSetter__ |
| getOwnPropertyDescriptor trap :A |
| 123 |
| my proxy ownKeys |
| length |
| construct x1 |
| construct x |
| f1:f2 |
| get trap of |
| constructor trap |
| 1,2 |
| get trap from |
| constructor trap |
| 1,2 |
| get trap bind |
| get trap bind |
| get trap length |
| get trap length |
| get trap name |
| get trap name |
| constructor trap |
| constructor trap |
| get trap prototype |
| constructor trap |
| constructor trap |
| get trap prototype |
| constructor trap |
| true |
| get trap m |
| def |
| ade |
| b |
| value : 2 |
| configurable : true |
| writable : false |
| enumerable : false |
| false |
| false |
| expected :Proxy argument handler is not a valid object |
| expected :Proxy argument target is not a valid object |
| Proxy.prototype = false |
| done test22 |
| test23 done. |
| *** ownPropertyNames |
| a |
| *** ownPropertySymbols |
| Symbol(b) |
| Symbol(c) |
| *** ownKeys |
| a |
| Symbol(b) |
| Symbol(c) |
| prototype |
| 1 |
| prototype |
| 2 |
| true |
| hasTrap, property : p1 |
| hasTrap, property : p2 |
| deleteTrap, property : p3 |
| getTrap, property : bar123 |
| getTrap, property : foo123 |
| foo called |
| 43 |
| 42 |
| expected :method is called on a revoked Proxy object |
| expected :method get is called on a revoked Proxy object |
| expected :method toObject is called on a revoked Proxy object |
| expected :method construct is called on a revoked Proxy object |