| <?php |
| $title = "Test Case Reduction"; |
| include("../header.inc"); |
| ?> |
| <h2>Test Case Reduction</h2> |
| |
| <h3>A general guide to test case reduction</h3> |
| <p> |
| The basic idea behind bug reduction is to take a page that demonstrates a problem and |
| remove as much content as possible while still reproducing the original problem. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4>Why is this needed?</h4> |
| <p> |
| A reduced test case can help identify the central problem on the |
| page by eliminating irrelevant information, i.e., portions of the HTML |
| page's structure that have nothing to do with the problem. |
| With a reduced test case, the development team will spend |
| less time identifying the problem and more time determining the |
| solution. Also, since a site can change its content or design, the |
| problem may no longer occur on the real-world site. |
| By constructing a test case you can capture the initial problem. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4>The first steps</h4> |
| <p> |
| Really the first step in reducing a page is to identify that main |
| problem of the page. For example: |
| <ul> |
| <li>Does the page have text overlapping an image? </li> |
| <li>Is there a form button that fails to work?</li> |
| <li>Is there a portion of the page missing or misaligned?</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p> |
| After you have made this determination, you need to create a local copy |
| of the page created from the page source window. After saving this |
| source, it's a good idea to put a <code><BASE></code> element in the |
| <code>HEAD</code> so that any images/external style sheet or scripts that use a |
| relative path will get loaded. After the <code>BASE</code> element has been added, |
| load the local copy into the browser and verify that problem is still |
| occurring. In this case, let's assume the problem is still present. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4>Work from top to bottom</h4> |
| <p> |
| In general, it's best to start from the top of the <code><DOCTYPE></code> and |
| work down through the <code>HEAD</code> to the <code>BODY</code> element. Take a look at the HTML |
| file in a text editor and view what types of elements are present in the |
| <code><head></code>. Typically, the <code>HEAD</code> will include the <code><title></code> |
| element, which is required, and elements such as <code><link></code>, |
| <code><style></code> and <code><script></code>. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| The reduction process is to remove one element at a time, save, and reload the |
| test case. If you have removed the element and the page is still |
| displaying the problem, continue with the next element. If removing an |
| element in the <code>HEAD</code> causes the problem to not occur, you may have found |
| one piece of the problem. Re-add this element back into the <code>HEAD</code>, |
| reload the page and confirm the problem is still occurring and move |
| on to the next element in the <code>HEAD</code>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4>Finished the <code>HEAD</code>? Continue with the <code>BODY</code>!</h4> |
| <p> |
| Once the <code>HEAD</code> element has been reduced, you need to start reducing |
| the number of required elements in the <code>BODY</code>. This will tend to be the |
| most time consuming since hundreds (thousands) of elements will be |
| present. The general practice is start removing elements by both their |
| <code><start></code> and <code></end></code> elements. This is especially true for |
| tables, which are frequently nested. You can speed up this process by |
| selecting groups of elements and removing them but ideally you need to |
| save and reload the test case each time to verify the problem is |
| happening. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4>Another method</h4> |
| <p> |
| Another way to help you identify unnecessary elements is to temporary |
| uncheck 'Enable Javascript' in the Preferences. If you turn this option |
| off and loading your test case still reproduces the problem, then any |
| script elements that are present can be removed since they are not a |
| factor in this issue. Let's say that you have reduced the page down to |
| a nested table with an ordered list with an <code><link></code> element that need |
| to be present. It's good practice to identify that CSS rule that is |
| being in the external file and add it directly to the test case. Create |
| a <code><style></code> <code></style></code> in the head and copy/paste the contents |
| of the .css file into this style element. Remove the <code><link></code> and |
| save the changes. Load the test case and verify the problem is still |
| occurring. Now manually delete or comment out each CSS rule until you |
| have just the required set of rules to reproduce. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4>Adding to the bug</h4> |
| <p> |
| When you've finished your reduction, you should add it to the bug. It's quite likely |
| that in the process of reducing, you have found the root cause of the problem, so |
| you are able to set the right component. If you do not have the rights to change |
| the component, read about how to get them in this <a href="bugzilla.html">document |
| about Bugzilla</a>. |
| </p> |
| <?php include("../footer.inc"); ?> |