blob: b7dd1903742c275fa929d5f7ed78c18fbb15d9c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#pragma once
#include "Breakpoint.h"
#include "CallData.h"
#include "DebuggerCallFrame.h"
#include "DebuggerParseData.h"
#include "DebuggerPrimitives.h"
#include "JSCJSValue.h"
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
namespace JSC {
class CallFrame;
class CodeBlock;
class Exception;
class JSGlobalObject;
class SourceProvider;
class VM;
class Debugger {
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE virtual ~Debugger();
VM& vm() { return m_vm; }
bool needsExceptionCallbacks() const { return m_breakpointsActivated && (m_pauseOnAllExceptionsBreakpoint || m_pauseOnUncaughtExceptionsBreakpoint); }
bool isInteractivelyDebugging() const { return m_breakpointsActivated; }
enum ReasonForDetach {
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void attach(JSGlobalObject*);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void detach(JSGlobalObject*, ReasonForDetach);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool isAttached(JSGlobalObject*);
bool resolveBreakpoint(Breakpoint&, SourceProvider*);
bool setBreakpoint(Breakpoint&);
bool removeBreakpoint(Breakpoint&);
void clearBreakpoints();
void activateBreakpoints() { setBreakpointsActivated(true); }
void deactivateBreakpoints() { setBreakpointsActivated(false); }
bool breakpointsActive() const { return m_breakpointsActivated; }
// Breakpoint "delegate" functionality.
bool evaluateBreakpointCondition(Breakpoint&, JSGlobalObject*);
void evaluateBreakpointActions(Breakpoint&, JSGlobalObject*);
void setPauseOnDebuggerStatementsBreakpoint(RefPtr<Breakpoint>&& breakpoint) { m_pauseOnDebuggerStatementsBreakpoint = WTFMove(breakpoint); }
class TemporarilyDisableExceptionBreakpoints {
void replace();
void restore();
Debugger& m_debugger;
RefPtr<Breakpoint> m_pauseOnAllExceptionsBreakpoint;
RefPtr<Breakpoint> m_pauseOnUncaughtExceptionsBreakpoint;
void setPauseOnAllExceptionsBreakpoint(RefPtr<Breakpoint>&& breakpoint) { m_pauseOnAllExceptionsBreakpoint = WTFMove(breakpoint); }
void setPauseOnUncaughtExceptionsBreakpoint(RefPtr<Breakpoint>&& breakpoint) { m_pauseOnUncaughtExceptionsBreakpoint = WTFMove(breakpoint); }
enum ReasonForPause {
ReasonForPause reasonForPause() const { return m_reasonForPause; }
BreakpointID pausingBreakpointID() const { return m_pausingBreakpointID; }
void schedulePauseAtNextOpportunity();
void cancelPauseAtNextOpportunity();
bool schedulePauseForSpecialBreakpoint(Breakpoint&);
bool cancelPauseForSpecialBreakpoint(Breakpoint&);
void breakProgram(RefPtr<Breakpoint>&& specialBreakpoint = nullptr);
void continueProgram();
void stepNextExpression();
void stepIntoStatement();
void stepOverStatement();
void stepOutOfFunction();
enum class BlackboxType { Deferred, Ignored };
void setBlackboxType(SourceID, std::optional<BlackboxType>);
void setBlackboxBreakpointEvaluations(bool);
void clearBlackbox();
bool isPaused() const { return m_isPaused; }
bool isStepping() const { return m_steppingMode == SteppingModeEnabled; }
bool suppressAllPauses() const { return m_suppressAllPauses; }
void setSuppressAllPauses(bool suppress) { m_suppressAllPauses = suppress; }
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE virtual void sourceParsed(JSGlobalObject*, SourceProvider*, int errorLineNumber, const WTF::String& errorMessage);
void exception(JSGlobalObject*, CallFrame*, JSValue exceptionValue, bool hasCatchHandler);
void atStatement(CallFrame*);
void atExpression(CallFrame*);
void callEvent(CallFrame*);
void returnEvent(CallFrame*);
void unwindEvent(CallFrame*);
void willExecuteProgram(CallFrame*);
void didExecuteProgram(CallFrame*);
void didReachDebuggerStatement(CallFrame*);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void willRunMicrotask();
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void didRunMicrotask();
void registerCodeBlock(CodeBlock*);
class Client {
virtual ~Client() = default;
virtual JSObject* debuggerScopeExtensionObject(Debugger&, JSGlobalObject*, DebuggerCallFrame&) { return nullptr; }
virtual void debuggerWillEvaluate(Debugger&, JSGlobalObject*, const Breakpoint::Action&) { }
virtual void debuggerDidEvaluate(Debugger&, JSGlobalObject*, const Breakpoint::Action&) { }
void setClient(Client*);
// FIXME: <> Web Inspector: Simplify Debugger::Script to use SourceProvider
struct Script {
String url;
String source;
String sourceURL;
String sourceMappingURL;
RefPtr<SourceProvider> sourceProvider;
int startLine { 0 };
int startColumn { 0 };
int endLine { 0 };
int endColumn { 0 };
bool isContentScript { false };
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() { }
virtual void didParseSource(SourceID, const Debugger::Script&) { }
virtual void failedToParseSource(const String& /* url */, const String& /* data */, int /* firstLine */, int /* errorLine */, const String& /* errorMessage */) { }
virtual void willRunMicrotask() { }
virtual void didRunMicrotask() { }
virtual void didPause(JSGlobalObject*, DebuggerCallFrame&, JSValue /* exceptionOrCaughtValue */) { }
virtual void didContinue() { }
virtual void breakpointActionLog(JSGlobalObject*, const String& /* data */) { }
virtual void breakpointActionSound(BreakpointActionID) { }
virtual void breakpointActionProbe(JSGlobalObject*, BreakpointActionID, unsigned /* batchId */, unsigned /* sampleId */, JSValue /* result */) { }
virtual void didDeferBreakpointPause(BreakpointID) { }
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void addObserver(Observer&);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void removeObserver(Observer&, bool isBeingDestroyed);
class ProfilingClient {
virtual ~ProfilingClient();
virtual bool isAlreadyProfiling() const = 0;
virtual Seconds willEvaluateScript() = 0;
virtual void didEvaluateScript(Seconds startTime, ProfilingReason) = 0;
void setProfilingClient(ProfilingClient*);
bool hasProfilingClient() const { return m_profilingClient != nullptr; }
bool isAlreadyProfiling() const { return m_profilingClient && m_profilingClient->isAlreadyProfiling(); }
Seconds willEvaluateScript();
void didEvaluateScript(Seconds startTime, ProfilingReason);
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSC::DebuggerCallFrame& currentDebuggerCallFrame();
bool hasHandlerForExceptionCallback() const
ASSERT(m_reasonForPause == PausedForException);
return m_hasHandlerForExceptionCallback;
JSValue currentException()
ASSERT(m_reasonForPause == PausedForException);
return m_currentException;
virtual void attachDebugger() { }
virtual void detachDebugger(bool /* isBeingDestroyed */) { }
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE virtual void recompileAllJSFunctions();
virtual void didPause(JSGlobalObject*) { }
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE virtual void handlePause(JSGlobalObject*, ReasonForPause);
virtual void didContinue(JSGlobalObject*) { }
virtual void runEventLoopWhilePaused() { }
virtual bool isContentScript(JSGlobalObject*) const { return false; }
// NOTE: Currently all exceptions are reported at the API boundary through reportAPIException.
// Until a time comes where an exception can be caused outside of the API (e.g. setTimeout
// or some other async operation in a pure JSContext) we can ignore exceptions reported here.
virtual void reportException(JSGlobalObject*, Exception*) const { }
bool doneProcessingDebuggerEvents() const { return m_doneProcessingDebuggerEvents; }
JSValue exceptionOrCaughtValue(JSGlobalObject*);
class ClearCodeBlockDebuggerRequestsFunctor;
class ClearDebuggerRequestsFunctor;
class SetSteppingModeFunctor;
class ToggleBreakpointFunctor;
class PauseReasonDeclaration {
PauseReasonDeclaration(Debugger& debugger, ReasonForPause reason)
: m_debugger(debugger)
m_debugger.m_reasonForPause = reason;
m_debugger.m_reasonForPause = NotPaused;
Debugger& m_debugger;
RefPtr<Breakpoint> didHitBreakpoint(SourceID, const TextPosition&);
DebuggerParseData& debuggerParseData(SourceID, SourceProvider*);
void updateNeedForOpDebugCallbacks();
// These update functions are only needed because our current breakpoints are
// key'ed off the source position instead of the bytecode PC. This ensures
// that we don't break on the same line more than once. Once we switch to a
// bytecode PC key'ed breakpoint, we will not need these anymore and should
// be able to remove them.
enum CallFrameUpdateAction { AttemptPause, NoPause };
void updateCallFrame(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::CallFrame*, CallFrameUpdateAction);
void updateCallFrameInternal(JSC::CallFrame*);
void pauseIfNeeded(JSC::JSGlobalObject*);
void clearNextPauseState();
enum SteppingMode {
void setSteppingMode(SteppingMode);
enum BreakpointState {
JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE void setBreakpointsActivated(bool);
void toggleBreakpoint(CodeBlock*, Breakpoint&, BreakpointState);
void applyBreakpoints(CodeBlock*);
void toggleBreakpoint(Breakpoint&, BreakpointState);
void clearDebuggerRequests(JSGlobalObject*);
void clearParsedData();
bool canDispatchFunctionToObservers() const;
void dispatchFunctionToObservers(Function<void(Observer&)>);
VM& m_vm;
HashSet<JSGlobalObject*> m_globalObjects;
HashMap<SourceID, DebuggerParseData, WTF::IntHash<SourceID>, WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<SourceID>> m_parseDataMap;
HashMap<SourceID, BlackboxType, WTF::IntHash<SourceID>, WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<SourceID>> m_blackboxedScripts;
bool m_blackboxBreakpointEvaluations : 1;
bool m_pauseAtNextOpportunity : 1;
bool m_pauseOnStepNext : 1;
bool m_pauseOnStepOut : 1;
bool m_pastFirstExpressionInStatement : 1;
bool m_isPaused : 1;
bool m_breakpointsActivated : 1;
bool m_hasHandlerForExceptionCallback : 1;
bool m_suppressAllPauses : 1;
unsigned m_steppingMode : 1; // SteppingMode
ReasonForPause m_reasonForPause;
JSValue m_currentException;
CallFrame* m_pauseOnCallFrame { nullptr };
CallFrame* m_currentCallFrame { nullptr };
unsigned m_lastExecutedLine;
SourceID m_lastExecutedSourceID;
bool m_afterBlackboxedScript { false };
using LineToBreakpointsMap = HashMap<unsigned, BreakpointsVector, WTF::IntHash<int>, WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<int>>;
HashMap<SourceID, LineToBreakpointsMap, WTF::IntHash<SourceID>, WTF::UnsignedWithZeroKeyHashTraits<SourceID>> m_breakpointsForSourceID;
HashSet<Ref<Breakpoint>> m_breakpoints;
RefPtr<Breakpoint> m_specialBreakpoint;
ListHashSet<Ref<Breakpoint>> m_deferredBreakpoints;
BreakpointID m_pausingBreakpointID;
RefPtr<Breakpoint> m_pauseOnAllExceptionsBreakpoint;
RefPtr<Breakpoint> m_pauseOnUncaughtExceptionsBreakpoint;
RefPtr<Breakpoint> m_pauseOnDebuggerStatementsBreakpoint;
unsigned m_nextProbeSampleId { 1 };
unsigned m_currentProbeBatchId { 0 };
RefPtr<JSC::DebuggerCallFrame> m_currentDebuggerCallFrame;
HashSet<Observer*> m_observers;
bool m_dispatchingFunctionToObservers { false };
Client* m_client { nullptr };
ProfilingClient* m_profilingClient { nullptr };
bool m_doneProcessingDebuggerEvents { true };
friend class DebuggerPausedScope;
friend class TemporaryPausedState;
friend class LLIntOffsetsExtractor;
} // namespace JSC