blob: 7566896bf26d07409a650b4cfcdc017de471a3fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// angle_test_instantiate.h: Adds support for filtering parameterized
// tests by platform, so we skip unsupported configs.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace angle
struct SystemInfo;
struct PlatformParameters;
// Operating systems
bool IsAndroid();
bool IsLinux();
bool IsOSX();
bool IsOzone();
bool IsWindows();
bool IsFuchsia();
// Android devices
bool IsNexus5X();
bool IsNexus6P();
bool IsNexus9();
bool IsPixelXL();
bool IsPixel2();
bool IsNVIDIAShield();
// Desktop devices.
bool IsIntel();
bool IsAMD();
bool IsNVIDIA();
bool IsPlatformAvailable(const PlatformParameters &param);
// This functions is used to filter which tests should be registered,
// T must be or inherit from angle::PlatformParameters.
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> FilterTestParams(const T *params, size_t numParams)
std::vector<T> filtered;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numParams; i++)
if (IsPlatformAvailable(params[i]))
return filtered;
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> FilterTestParams(const std::vector<T> &params)
return FilterTestParams(, params.size());
// Used to generate valid test names out of testing::PrintToStringParamName used in combined tests.
struct CombinedPrintToStringParamName
template <class ParamType>
std::string operator()(const testing::TestParamInfo<ParamType> &info) const
std::string name = testing::PrintToStringParamName()(info);
std::string sanitized;
for (const char c : name)
if (c == ',')
sanitized += '_';
else if (isalnum(c) || c == '_')
sanitized += c;
return sanitized;
testing::ValuesIn(::angle::FilterTestParams(testName##params, ArraySize(testName##params)))
// Instantiate the test once for each extra argument. The types of all the
// arguments must match, and getRenderer must be implemented for that type.
#define ANGLE_INSTANTIATE_TEST(testName, first, ...) \
const decltype(first) testName##params[] = {first, ##__VA_ARGS__}; \
// Instantiate the test for a combination of N parameters and the enumeration of platforms in the
// extra args, similar to ANGLE_INSTANTIATE_TEST. The macros are defined only for the Ns currently
// in use, and can be expanded as necessary.
#define ANGLE_INSTANTIATE_TEST_COMBINE_1(testName, print, combine1, first, ...) \
const decltype(first) testName##params[] = {first, ##__VA_ARGS__}; \
, testName, testing::Combine(ANGLE_INSTANTIATE_TEST_PLATFORMS(testName), combine1), print)
#define ANGLE_INSTANTIATE_TEST_COMBINE_4(testName, print, combine1, combine2, combine3, combine4, \
first, ...) \
const decltype(first) testName##params[] = {first, ##__VA_ARGS__}; \
testing::Combine(ANGLE_INSTANTIATE_TEST_PLATFORMS(testName), \
combine1, combine2, combine3, combine4), \
#define ANGLE_INSTANTIATE_TEST_COMBINE_5(testName, print, combine1, combine2, combine3, combine4, \
combine5, first, ...) \
const decltype(first) testName##params[] = {first, ##__VA_ARGS__}; \
testing::Combine(ANGLE_INSTANTIATE_TEST_PLATFORMS(testName), \
combine1, combine2, combine3, combine4, combine5), \
// Checks if a config is expected to be supported by checking a system-based white list.
bool IsConfigWhitelisted(const SystemInfo &systemInfo, const PlatformParameters &param);
// Determines if a config is supported by trying to initialize it. Does not require SystemInfo.
bool IsConfigSupported(const PlatformParameters &param);
// Returns shared test system information. Can be used globally in the tests.
SystemInfo *GetTestSystemInfo();
// Returns a list of all enabled test platform names. For use in configuration enumeration.
std::vector<std::string> GetAvailableTestPlatformNames();
// Active config (e.g. ES2_Vulkan).
extern std::string gSelectedConfig;
// Use a separate isolated process per test config. This works around driver flakiness when using
// multiple APIs/windows/etc in the same process.
extern bool gSeparateProcessPerConfig;
} // namespace angle
do \
{ \
if (COND) \
{ \
std::cout << "Test skipped: " #COND "." << std::endl; \
return; \
} \
} while (0)